The Numbers Are In.


It means management was wrong about every initiative they've been coming up with. They need to stop trying to reinvent the wheel and get back to basics.


Well-Known Member
what a shock, no more covid to push up the stock. a lot of the big companies are doing their own deliveries or will in the future. gonna be bad reports for awhile.


Well-Known Member
what a shock, no more covid to push up the stock. a lot of the big companies are doing their own deliveries or will in the future. gonna be bad reports for awhile.
Could you explain this statement please? What big companies are you talking about? What is a lot? Big companies are going to start their own in-house delivery systems? Really?


Well-Known Member
Could you explain this statement please? What big companies are you talking about? What is a lot? Big companies are going to start their own in-house delivery systems? Really?
I don't know but I wouldn't ship anything express unless I really had to


Engorged Member
It means management was wrong about every initiative they've been coming up with. They need to stop trying to reinvent the wheel and get back to basics.
“Help you please, may I?”. This is Raj. So sorry we have lost your packages. Our money back guarantee for service? Click”.


Well-Known Member
What a coincidence that Mike Lenz “retires” as CFO just after the Q4 results come out.

I sure hope that UPS drivers go on strike. Can you imagine the chaos that would happen to FedEx? And to all Ground drivers: Your workload is tripled, effective immediately.


Well-Known Member
“Help you please, may I?”. This is Raj. So sorry we have lost your packages. Our money back guarantee for service? Click”.
If I was Raj I'd keep service/prices but remove the guarantee

Most customers don't even know if it's late it's potentially free.


Well-Known Member
What a coincidence that Mike Lenz “retires” as CFO just after the Q4 results come out.

I sure hope that UPS drivers go on strike. Can you imagine the chaos that would happen to FedEx? And to all Ground drivers: Your workload is tripled, effective immediately.
Imagining this scenario is awful. I know of old timers that said it happened once a long time ago. Drivers were all over 70 hrs. God forbid it happened today. Long sorts, service suspension, more pickups. Awful.


Well-Known Member
After the Q4 yesterday we find the stock still stuck in it's 50 day moving average. You would think given how ahead of a possible UPS strike shippers would be closing their eyes, holding their breath and sending more boxes over to Fat Freddy and in doing so give Q1 earnings a good head start.

It would appear that hedge funds and institutional traders are not buying into that logic.

No matter what Prime Weasel and Raj The Jackal are currently doing or telling you what they're going to do it's still a damn poor setup to begin and and true restructuring involves the elimination of complexities and uncertainty.

All they're doing is adding more of what they already have too much of.


Well-Known Member
After the Q4 yesterday we find the stock still stuck in it's 50 day moving average. You would think given how ahead of a possible UPS strike shippers would be closing their eyes, holding their breath and sending more boxes over to Fat Freddy and in doing so give Q1 earnings a good head start.

It would appear that hedge funds and institutional traders are not buying into that logic.

No matter what Prime Weasel and Raj The Jackal are currently doing or telling you what they're going to do it's still a damn poor setup to begin and and true restructuring involves the elimination of complexities and uncertainty.

All they're doing is adding more of what they already have too much of.
Better go with the Canadian version


Engorged Member
Imagining this scenario is awful. I know of old timers that said it happened once a long time ago. Drivers were all over 70 hrs. God forbid it happened today. Long sorts, service suspension, more pickups. Awful.
If they strike, you walk out the door. The best (and only) leverage you have right now.