The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Strength through joy
If I recall right Ukraine had a treaty with The USA to come to their defense if they were attacked.
So Russia attacked and Obama did not honor the treaty.

Why isn't some one investigating that collusion ?


GLENN GREENWALD: This is the saddest media spectacle I’ve ever seen, since I began practicing journalism in 2005. And what makes it even sadder is to watch all of the people who vested their journalistic credibility into what proved to be a complete and total fraud and scam continue to try and cling to some vestige of credibility by continuing to spin conspiracy theories that are even more reckless and more unhinged than the ones to which we’ve been subjected for three years. The great journalist and writer Matt Taibbi wrote in an article over the weekend, and I agree with him completely, that as humiliating as the media debacle was leading up to the Iraq War, what they did over the last three years in the Trump-Russia story makes all of that look like a pimple. Even though obviously the Iraq War was much more destructive because it led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, the errors and lies and falsehoods and recklessness and speculation that we’ve been subjected to, over and over and over, that Robert Mueller just definitively debunked, is far more humiliating journalistically, far more unjustifiable journalistically. And who knows where it will lead to? It’s ratcheted up tensions between the two most dangerous nuclear-armed powers in the world, Russia and the United States, that the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists says has brought us to two minutes before midnight on their Doomsday Clock. So it’s also been extremely dangerous in ways that we don’t yet know.

As Mueller Finds No Collusion, Did Press Overhype Russiagate? Glenn Greenwald vs. David Cay Johnston | Democracy Now!


Rachel Maddow will continue to make $10 million a year for NBC because she’s their most valuable brand, and there will be no reckoning and consequences for this story that the media got radically, fundamentally and deliberately wrong for almost three years now in a very dangerous way. - greenwald

As Mueller Finds No Collusion, Did Press Overhype Russiagate? Glenn Greenwald vs. David Cay Johnston | Democracy Now!

...GLENN GREENWALD: Well, let me just say a couple of things. First of all, prior to Bob Mueller’s appointment, I was calling for a full-scale investigation in which all of the facts at the conclusion of the investigation would be publicly revealed, so that we would stop having to rely on media leaks that the CIA and the NSA and the FBI were engineering and manipulating and lying to us, as we now know, so that we could see the full picture.


Well-Known Member
Rachel Maddow will continue to make $10 million a year for NBC because she’s their most valuable brand, and there will be no reckoning and consequences for this story that the media got radically, fundamentally and deliberately wrong for almost three years now in a very dangerous way. - greenwald

As Mueller Finds No Collusion, Did Press Overhype Russiagate? Glenn Greenwald vs. David Cay Johnston | Democracy Now!

...GLENN GREENWALD: Well, let me just say a couple of things. First of all, prior to Bob Mueller’s appointment, I was calling for a full-scale investigation in which all of the facts at the conclusion of the investigation would be publicly revealed, so that we would stop having to rely on media leaks that the CIA and the NSA and the FBI were engineering and manipulating and lying to us, as we now know, so that we could see the full picture.

Greenwald is a hack.

Why do you love Russia so much?


Well-Known Member
give me a break.

guy has balls; did snowden story on NSA spying. hangs out with the right crowd.

ppl need to grow up and get over this new red scare hysteria.

based on what?


Based on their continued cyber-attacks in everyone's elections.

Brexit was influenced by Russian cyber, so was Trumps' election.

You're a noob.

Greenwald is a hack.

Don't confuse balls with intelligence or integrity, see example 1A: D. Trump.



Based on their continued cyber-attacks in everyone's elections.

Brexit was influenced by Russian cyber, so was Trumps' election.

You're a noob.

Greenwald is a hack.

Don't confuse balls with intelligence or integrity, see example 1A: D. Trump.
yea i heard you the first time, why is he a hack??? and who is not a "hack" according to you?

u need to lay off the russkie crack; alot of countries meddle with others elections. probably america govt most of all.

thats not why brexit happened, and its not why trump got elected. its a deflection from whos really to blame.

greenwald has all of the above. trump may have a certain kind of intelligence, but be lacking in other political areas.
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Greenwald is a Democrat. But an honest one.
i doubt he supports democrats. probably independent. and he has plently of conservative views like no NSA dragnet, no forgien entanglements, and against a bunch of that other authoritarian stuff that obama and bush started.


Well-Known Member
Greenwald is a Democrat. But an honest one.

LMAO, y'all were about to put Mueller on a spit-roast and feed his bits to Ann Coulter, now you think he's correct?

You're a mess.

Do you even remember who Greenwald is?

(Hint, you were about to throw him in the fire years ago...)


Well-Known Member
yea i heard you the first time, why is he a hack??? and who is not a "hack" according to you?

u need to lay off the russkie crack; alot of countries meddle with others elections. probably america govt most of all.

thats not why brexit happened, and its not why trump got elected. its a deflection from whos really to blame.

greenwald has all of the above. trump may have a certain kind of intelligence, but be lacking in other political areas.

Lay off the RT, it’s the equivalent of FOX or MSNBC.


Lay off the RT, it’s the equivalent of FOX or MSNBC.
not even close. chris hedges has his own show on there. they interview all the lefties pushed to the margins by mainstream media like chomsky.

fox and msnbc are in bed with the us govt and big corporation advertisers. RT only in bed with russian govt.


Well-Known Member
not even close. chris hedges has his own show on there. they interview all the lefties pushed to the margins by mainstream media like chomsky.

fox and msnbc are in bed with the us govt and big corporation advertisers. RT only in bed with russian govt.

“RT only in bed with Russian govt.”



Well-Known Member
LMAO, y'all were about to put Mueller on a spit-roast and feed his bits to Ann Coulter, now you think he's correct?

You're a mess.

Do you even remember who Greenwald is?

(Hint, you were about to throw him in the fire years ago...)
Just saw him on FOX last week. An honest liberal.


I don’t know anymore.

But, Greenwald is a hack.

Notice how everyone who was so upset about Wikileaks now thinks Greenwald is a voice of reason.

i greatly admire wikileaks and greenwald, but i get the sense greenwald has more integrity than wikileaks

i appreciate your honesty

who is he a hack for? russians?