This girl at work likes me, I think


Fugitive From Reality
And pick up @AsweetGirl on the way
Then throw her out of the car


So there's this girl at work(UPS) I made friends with, and talked to each other. I noticed she waves at me and moves her lips every time she sees me. It could be she's just being friendly with me, or maybe she does like me in secret. Anyways would you say I should ask her out? or just continue to be her friend.

Is she like licking her lips

Or doing that thing like she’s sucking on a sausage

It makes a difference

hehe xd

Well-Known Member
So there's this girl at work(UPS) I made friends with, and talked to each other. I noticed she waves at me and moves her lips every time she sees me. It could be she's just being friendly with me, or maybe she does like me in secret. Anyways would you say I should ask her out? or just continue to be her friend.
my goal at UPS is to mate with a woman (preferably a married MILF) right after unloadinb