trplnk.......i went from running 1.5 to 2.5 hrs of bonus a day(before edd and the new time studies) to scratch and under "D"......I HAVE BEEN ON THE SAME ROUTE FOR 22 route has'nt changed much. the more routes under "D"....THE MORE ROUTES BUSTED OUT......the better thier #s and still #s unatainable for us,the drivers,to reach!!!!!! i once had 232 stops,310 pcs dlvrd,and 25 p/u's (250 pcs) and it was a 7.40 hr dispatch......that use to be a 12.50 to 13.50 day!!!!!!!!! i really feel sorry for the guys with 10 years of and under with the guys will be even more trashed by the time you have 20 yrs safely....thats the only way you will last.