Tom Daschle? Same ol' same ol'


Well-Known Member
OMG !! Another one. I think I'm feeling a little bit embarrassed for B.O.

Well, one nice thing about it...

"In order to stimulate the economy, I'm proposing a massive infusion of cash."

O just didn't realize it would be coming from his own cabinet nominees!

And you've GOT to love his plan to put a $500,000 cap on the earnings of top execs who will be getting govt bailouts. Imagine these guys having to manage on half a mill a year! Getting Uncle Sam involved in pay restrictions sounds a bit scary, but these guys have it coming. I also think those Wall Street bonuses from the bail out funds should be paid back. :disgusted:


TOS, you're not naive. Just tell us you know the ONLY reason he paid this is because his hand got caught in the cookie jar. You do know this, right?

If a Republican had been elected, Daschle would not have been nominated for anything, and he would have gotten away with this. I'm glad this experience has cost him a little (to him) money, and a lot of respect. But it has cost Mr Obama a lot of respect too.

Even if Daschle is pure as the driven snow, the perception of impropriety IS impropriety. Obama promised us an ethical administration, let's hold him to it.

Lets see Obama promises change and hires a bunch of hard core washington insiders.

Tom D somehow overlooks 120 K on his taxes as if it was a mislaid 20 dollar interest statement.

Obama creates an 800 billion dollar economic stimulus package that is about 10 percent stimulus

Pelosi then loads it up with pork and pork fat and fat pork fat.

People are now wondering if they elected Obama or Pelosi president as the liberal :censored2: from San Fran starts to flex on the politically inexperienced messiah.

Gonna be a long four years.



Well-Known Member
Auto bailout..............50 billion dollars
Bank bailout..............700 billion dollars
Democratic stimulus....1 trillion dollars

Knowing what our appointed offficials are guilty of before they get confirmed......Priceless.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I get the impression they don't like to pay taxes because they know the money is wasted. Its fine to waste everybody else's money, just not theirs. Tax cheat as Secretary of the Treasury, thats "change" all right.