Top pay for driving ground in a shuttle


the cover driver is a regular ft driver, they are bid to cover a specific loop but they generally cover for anything in that group. they are on the ft seniority list. they do work before seasonal

so now that we are on the same page (hopefully) i have 2 problems
im still pt bidair: do the seasonals get hours before me? how can ups hire someone off the street and give them hours before pt air when we have years of senoirty and want the work? i will not go reg-temp becuase its a 4$ paycut from my air rate, and they do not have hour or work gaurantees.

second problem after every christmass they take reg-temps and put them into a ft cover driver position (which is a bid position) without putting up for bid becuase they claim that the reg-temp position was open to me, and then it became permanment.