trump 2016


Well-Known Member
why is everyone glossing over the fact that Hillary is the cause of all this? If she'd not been doing all this illegal stuff that was exposed costing her the election...this would be a blip on the radar...everyone would be praising her for winning...seems kinda bass-ackwards to me....kinda like that criminal that sued the homeowner for cutting himself on their window while he was breaking in...

I know, right?

Here's what I found: LINK


Active Member
Ahh. Trying to deflect away from Don and Vlad, eh? This is almost as bad as Trump's own sorry excuses or those of his surrogates.

Keep trying. BTW, Hillary is no longer relevant. We're talking about the President-Elect now. The :censored2: won.

Nah...just pointing out the GLARING hypocrisy of the snowflakes. Another thing occurred to me...IF russia DID hack the emails how would "personal emails between Bill and her" affect the election? So are they saying there ACTUALLY WAS illegally possessed and discussed via the unsecure server in all those personal unclassified emails between Hildebeast and her family/close friends? Once again, why are we not concerned about the CONTENT of those "election changing emails" rather than about a group of hackers that released them to the American Public and doing the MSM's job of INFORMING the public of wrongdoing? Eh the end it doesn't really matter...hag is over and done with...Trump's in.....Stock Market doing VERY well... We'll see how it all pans out and if he's going to be as good of a President as the "deplorables" hope.


Donald would just nuke them. That's what you want, right? Trump proved his ignorance on China by taking the Taiwanese call, prompted by Taiwanese lobbyist Bob Dole, who pushed for the call.

Trump is a maroon.

If trump is a maroon then God knows what Hillary is because she got beat by a maroon.


Engorged Member
Nah...just pointing out the GLARING hypocrisy of the snowflakes. Another thing occurred to me...IF russia DID hack the emails how would "personal emails between Bill and her" affect the election? So are they saying there ACTUALLY WAS illegally possessed and discussed via the unsecure server in all those personal unclassified emails between Hildebeast and her family/close friends? Once again, why are we not concerned about the CONTENT of those "election changing emails" rather than about a group of hackers that released them to the American Public and doing the MSM's job of INFORMING the public of wrongdoing? Eh the end it doesn't really matter...hag is over and done with...Trump's in.....Stock Market doing VERY well... We'll see how it all pans out and if he's going to be as good of a President as the "deplorables" hope.

Hillary is out of the picture. We're talking Trump now, and what HIS involvement with Russia is. The stock market is doing well because Wall Street and Big Business have just been given the green light to do whatever they want to us. Let's see how that works out long-term, OK?

Actively working with Russia to mess with our election system is treasonous, as could very well be proven in the short-term. Why wasn't the RNC hacked? I would love to have seen some of the emails amongst the GOP when they were actively suggesting that Trump drop-out of the campaign during the Access Hollywood affair. That would be some excellent reading, I'm sure.

Who coined the term "snowflake"? It seems to be the favorite in the Right Wing Echo Chamber lately. Maybe you can come up with something on your own.


Engorged Member
If trump is a maroon then God knows what Hillary is because she got beat by a maroon.

Trump had some major help. Right Wing talk radio (think Hannity), FOX, stupid Red State voters who are easily influenced and exist in an echo chamber, and assistance from Russia.

Hillary wasn't great, but she would have been far better than Trump. Now he's even making fun of critic Evan McMullin, a stand-up guy if there ever was one. Many of my GOP friends wrote-in for him. Too bad he wasn't a candidate sooner.

McMullin clearly thinks Trump is trouble for our country. He's right.


Trump had some major help. Right Wing talk radio (think Hannity), FOX, stupid Red State voters who are easily influenced and exist in an echo chamber, and assistance from Russia.

Hillary wasn't great, but she would have been far better than Trump. Now he's even making fun of critic Evan McMullin, a stand-up guy if there ever was one. Many of my GOP friends wrote-in for him. Too bad he wasn't a candidate sooner.

McMullin clearly thinks Trump is trouble for our country. He's right.

Oh well, what are you going to do about it, SNOWFLAKE?


Engorged Member
Oh well, what are you going to do about it, SNOWFLAKE?

Ooohh. Big, tough guy with caps and all. Like I said, none of you are bright enough to think it up on your own, so who gets the credit? Hannity" O'Reilly? Rush?

Think of me as the avalanche of snowflakes that will bury Putin's boy Trump.

"We're still here"...Bill Mahre


Inordinately Right
You should really have a talk with a psychiatrist, SNOWFLAKE!
I have to say I really am curious where this snowflake term originated within the right wing circles. Seems to have sprung up in popularity almost instantly.

Reminds me of a quote from Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club, which is strange considering who's using it now.