trump 2016


Well-Known Member
Opposed to 30 years of clinton in politics. The fact Nato needs to be revamped. He is 100 percent correct on it. The u.s don't need to be the world police. Trust me he knows how things work and how to use those things. You ever notice first term presidents really have no policies until they get in. Obama didn't, reagen didn't, u have to access the situation first.

I dont underatand how they can keep claiming he doea t know how trade works. He makes international bussinesses deals!!

Yall need to wake up.

There is no such thing as left vs. Right. Republicans vs. Democrats.

thats all a lie or distractions

Its Globalists vs. Nationalists now. Trump is a nationalist.

Heard of trans pacific trade agreement???. Top party leaders (closet globalists) are pushing it while the rank and file says no. Lots of pro trade agreement propoganda out in the last 48 hours
Why is that???


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
This is the first Presidential election in my lifetime where neither candidate is qualified to be the President.
Really sad that these two are the choices the American citizen has to choose from.
I hear that every 4 years.

It wasn't true then either.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
First, the poster above you is another whacko who thinks 2022 is an election year. Hardly someone you should count on for advice.

Second, that ISNT what you "basically" said.

You said you hoped DRUMPF would blow up the establishment as to imply that he would be different than obama , but in reality, he would be EXACTLY like BUSH, REAGAN, HOOVER.

The debt is a complicated thing, and Neither YOU, Monkeywrench or BROWNStuff can highlight 10 trillion dollars in spending by president OBAMA. Thats just another one of those right wing things that gets repeated so often it becomes true in your mind because you dont know how to look it up to verify it. YOU trust the right wing sources that feed you this crap and you accept it like these other people do.

You have NO IDEA how much it adds to the debt when you cut taxes for the rich. BUSH didnt either, until it was too late. And to believe that by cutting food stamps, or the department of education will somehow pay for these cuts is also laughable at bestbut i am sure you would suggest it.

Each year, President Obama has reduced spending, he didnt start two wars, but he has to maintain them, and as he does, that cost money we dont have. You and the others cry about homeland security, but then cry about the deficit rising.

Well, which is it?

Are you afraid of the debt or homeland security, because you cant have BOTH.

I wish u could make a point in less sentences then a whole page. Did u check out that 1.2 percent gdp number today.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
I dont underatand how they can keep claiming he doea t know how trade works. He makes international bussinesses deals!!

Yall need to wake up.

There is no such thing as left vs. Right. Republicans vs. Democrats.

thats all a lie or distractions

Its Globalists vs. Nationalists now. Trump is a nationalist.

Heard of trans pacific trade agreement???. Top party leaders (closet globalists) are pushing it while the rank and file says no. Lots of pro trade agreement propoganda out in the last 48 hours
Why is that???
Most of the trade agreements out for the big corporations. They want low labor but make the same profit. Basically make it somewhere else and then ship it back here. The car companies are building new plants overseas. Over here they are doing very little. If ups wasn't a package company they would be out of here to.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I wish u could make a point in less sentences then a whole page. Did u check out that 1.2 percent gdp number today.

Yes, that is the new normal.. Today on FOX news, even BEN STEIN backed up what I told you yesterday.. The DAYS OF 4% or higher growth are OVER. He went on to say the same thing I told YOU.

"NOBODY will be able to bring 4 or 5% growth back to the United States, regardless of political party" ~ BEN STEIN.

For you to believe otherwise is just a waste of time in your mind.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Most of the trade agreements out for the big corporations. They want low labor but make the same profit. Basically make it somewhere else and then ship it back here. The car companies are building new plants overseas. Over here they are doing very little. If ups wasn't a package company they would be out of here to.

Again, you dont understand why auto companies build in other countries...

Lets see if I can clarify it for you.. (not that I hope you will understand)

Look at Catapillar Inc. They build some of the best heavy equiptment in the world, but, they cant ship their products to south america or to many overseas countries because of HIGH TARIFFS on them. Therefore, they need these new trade deals in order to move some operations to places like south america in order to build these heavy equiptment vehicles and ship them to other countries WITHOUT TARIFFS.

If CAT can build in south america for example, they could then sell the product in south america without ANY taxes or tariffs. The other side of that concept is that CAT would in turn, stop building here in the USA totally, and then ship back to the states with no tariffs or taxes as well and built with third world labor.

Same with ford, GM and Chrysler.

Volkswagen and many other car companies build cars in mexico and import into the USA taking advantage of the NAFTA agreement. Its cheaper than importing them from germany which has tariffs and taxes.

Same with south america, american car companies build in south american and import into mexico.

NAFTA and other trade deals around the world make it easier for companies to take advantage of third world labor and maximize profits.

UPS did try to take it business model to mexico, but that FAILED horribly and the project was cancelled and they left Mexico.

DRUMPF will do nothing to change any of these circumstances. He himself, along with his children, have all the products they sell made in other countries. While DRUPMF rallies against China for stealing the intellectual properties of US companies, his daughters own business, run out of china is being SUED for stealing the intellectual properties of italian shoes and selling them here in the states. She is being sued for millions.

Yet, you think DRUMPF is the "Good guy"

Give us a break.



Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Yes, that is the new normal.. Today on FOX news, even BEN STEIN backed up what I told you yesterday.. The DAYS OF 4% or higher growth are OVER. He went on to say the same thing I told YOU

"NOBODY will be able to bring 4 or 5% growth back to the United States, regardless of political party" ~ BEN STEIN.

For you to believe otherwise is just a waste of time in your mind.

And that is where ur problem is and why u should vote for clinton. 1 percent isn't normal and it isn't good for america


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Again, you dont understand why auto companies build in other countries...

Lets see if I can clarify it for you.. (not that I hope you will understand)

Look at Catapillar Inc. They build some of the best heavy equiptment in the world, but, they cant ship their products to south america or to many overseas countries because of HIGH TARIFFS on them. Therefore, they need these new trade deals in order to move some operations to places like south america in order to build these heavy equiptment vehicles and ship them to other countries WITHOUT TARIFFS.

If CAT can build in south america for example, they could then sell the product in south america without ANY taxes or tariffs. The other side of that concept is that CAT would in turn, stop building here in the USA totally, and then ship back to the states with no tariffs or taxes as well and built with third world labor.

Same with ford, GM and Chrysler.

Volkswagen and many other car companies build cars in mexico and import into the USA taking advantage of the NAFTA agreement. Its cheaper than importing them from germany which has tariffs and taxes.

Same with south america, american car companies build in south american and import into mexico.

NAFTA and other trade deals around the world make it easier for companies to take advantage of third world labor and maximize profits.

UPS did try to take it business model to mexico, but that FAILED horribly and the project was cancelled and they left Mexico.

DRUMPF will do nothing to change any of these circumstances. He himself, along with his children, have all the products they sell made in other countries. While DRUPMF rallies against China for stealing the intellectual properties of US companies, his daughters own business, run out of china is being SUED for stealing the intellectual properties of italian shoes and selling them here in the states. She is being sued for millions.

Yet, you think DRUMPF is the "Good guy"

Give us a break.

LOL take advantage of labor at the expense of American jobs. Meanwhile these countries are putting huge taxes on our goods


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Again, you dont understand why auto companies build in other countries...

Lets see if I can clarify it for you.. (not that I hope you will understand)

Look at Catapillar Inc. They build some of the best heavy equiptment in the world, but, they cant ship their products to south america or to many overseas countries because of HIGH TARIFFS on them. Therefore, they need these new trade deals in order to move some operations to places like south america in order to build these heavy equiptment vehicles and ship them to other countries WITHOUT TARIFFS.

If CAT can build in south america for example, they could then sell the product in south america without ANY taxes or tariffs. The other side of that concept is that CAT would in turn, stop building here in the USA totally, and then ship back to the states with no tariffs or taxes as well and built with third world labor.

Same with ford, GM and Chrysler.

Volkswagen and many other car companies build cars in mexico and import into the USA taking advantage of the NAFTA agreement. Its cheaper than importing them from germany which has tariffs and taxes.

Same with south america, american car companies build in south american and import into mexico.

NAFTA and other trade deals around the world make it easier for companies to take advantage of third world labor and maximize profits.

UPS did try to take it business model to mexico, but that FAILED horribly and the project was cancelled and they left Mexico.

DRUMPF will do nothing to change any of these circumstances. He himself, along with his children, have all the products they sell made in other countries. While DRUPMF rallies against China for stealing the intellectual properties of US companies, his daughters own business, run out of china is being SUED for stealing the intellectual properties of italian shoes and selling them here in the states. She is being sued for millions.

Yet, you think DRUMPF is the "Good guy"

Give us a break.

Also he should take advantage of every loophole possible written by corrupt washington thst clinton was part of

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
And that is where ur problem is and why u should vote for clinton. 1 percent isn't normal and it isn't good for america

It isnt NORMAL in 1929 through 1960 but it is normal in 2016. You cant have that kind of growth in a country that makes NOTHING. And if you think, in january 2017, by electing DRUMPF, corporations will shut down in other countries and immediate move operations back to the USA, then you need your head examined.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
LOL take advantage of labor at the expense of American jobs. Meanwhile these countries are putting huge taxes on our goods


You can blame REAGAN for the loss of american jobs to outsourcing. It was "HIS" administrations idea to lose those jobs and attempt to kill labor unions and drive down wages and benefits.

Mission Accomplished.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Yes, that is the new normal.. Today on FOX news, even BEN STEIN backed up what I told you yesterday.. The DAYS OF 4% or higher growth are OVER. He went on to say the same thing I told YOU.

"NOBODY will be able to bring 4 or 5% growth back to the United States, regardless of political party" ~ BEN STEIN.

For you to believe otherwise is just a waste of time in your mind.

You are...............the biggest loser.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Yes, that is the new normal.. Today on FOX news, even BEN STEIN backed up what I told you yesterday.. The DAYS OF 4% or higher growth are OVER. He went on to say the same thing I told YOU.

"NOBODY will be able to bring 4 or 5% growth back to the United States, regardless of political party" ~ BEN STEIN.

For you to believe otherwise is just a waste of time in your mind.

We'll, if Ben Stein says it, it must be true.

Look at my previous post for the next line.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge

You can blame REAGAN for the loss of american jobs to outsourcing. It was "HIS" administrations idea to lose those jobs and attempt to kill labor unions and drive down wages and benefits.

Mission Accomplished.


Guess what clinton and her friends got hacked a 3rd time. Talking about a loser.


Well-Known Member
Again, you dont understand why auto companies build in other countries...


so you support the exporting of good paying jobs?
Trumps solution is actually viable and makes sense. a caterpillar can build in mexico but sell it in mexico. don't move there take advanatage of the cheap labor and then try to move the finished product back north.


Did you notice how when people made things like this of obama (or even a slight nazi reference) the media decryed it as disgusting and racist yet they show this kind of stuff and photoshops of trump as hitler and they just laugh or say its kind of justifyied?

But yeah vote clinton because she hasnt been investigated numerous times by the fbi over her entire political career.
No, I have not noticed that.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
so you support the exporting of good paying jobs?
Trumps solution is actually viable and makes sense. a caterpillar can build in mexico but sell it in mexico. don't move there take advanatage of the cheap labor and then try to move the finished product back north.

NO, I dont support the outsourcing of american jobs, thats the point. What I was doing was explaining why it happens..

During the BUSHWACKED administration, he pushed for the NAFTA expansion PERU TRADE DEAL. The main benefactor of that trade deal?? Not the american worker or the peruvian workers.

The republicans since Ronald Reagan, have done everything they could to promote outsourcing and the elimination of good paying american jobs. The intention was clear from the start, KILL UNION WORKERS.

For the most part, they did. IN 1980, the Teamsters had over 20 million working americans, and today, less than 1.5 million remain as all those good Union Jobs went overseas.

This is direct result of republican polices and administrations.

As for DRUMPFS plan to "tear up " nafta, GOOD LUCK. He cant. He needs congress to do that, and the republicans will NEVER undue nafta.

Why you think DRUMPF and the republicans will reverse course, and UNDUE all the damage they have done to the american workforce is just mindboggling.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Something about Clinton and emails. is there any doubt in anyones mind that Clintons emails on an unprotected server were hacked.

The FBI confirmed that her server was NOT HACKED. However, end users who sent emails to clinton were compromised. The FBI says there is no evidence that Clintons server was compromised.
