Trump would Tax.....


Well-Known Member
It isn't hate for corporations. It's disgust at how they buy off the politicians and exploit the laws that their lobbyists write. That's exactly what Carter said it is.

As wk says, "the system isn't broken; they built it this way."
But they get the breaks because they are the drivers of the economy. Express couriers are now DOT or Non-DOT for example. They got that through lobbying, and it saves them money. Of course companies like FedEx use lobbying for more nefarious reasons too, such as squelching the vote that would've given us a chance at a union. Just remember that it's primarily a two party system and even the party that claims to represent the working man gets bought too. It will be interesting to see if Donald Trump makes it to the White House, and will he actually do the things he claims he will, or if he'll be the biggest BSer ever.


Well-Known Member
Right now I can related best to Kasich or Sanders. As said, what anyone promises is unlikely to happen, unless we were smart enough to vote in all-like minded House/Senate politicians as well. It will be more bickering and gridlock most likely. Bush, I was thinking he was the smarter son, totally unsure about that now, seems like a real boob. Trump, lol. Cruz/Walker are down right scary. Biden... ah probably a no on that one. If Warden were to join in I would add her to Kasich/Sanders.


Well-Known Member
Well then let me ask, which one of the candidates do you think will help this country the best and tell me why?
I think the Republican Party is pushing Jeb on the American people. I think he would be a Big mistake. Carson would be a great Surgeon General. Carly, Cruz, Rubio I need to here more about their plans. I agree that Trump has not given us any kind of plan, but he has sparked a lot of problems that the left and the right have failed to address. Hilary is joke. I would love to see a women president but now is not the time. Middle East see women as dogs and are treated worse. There would be zero negotiations with the Middle East if a women is elected. Unless she looked like a super model or like the Queen Rania of Jordan. Bernie is too old. When the Black Lives Matter group took over his microphone, he was done, in my opinion.
The one thing that only one of them is advocating, Mike Huckabee, that would be IMO a huge benefit is the Fair Tax. No way a former Baptist preacher gets elected, inspite of his excellent record as governor, but I hope someone takes it up. Carly is brilliant, and the Middle East did deal with Hillary because while they may not like dealing with women they respect the power. And I think she'd convince them pretty quick to respect her. I like Ted Cruz, but he's very polarizing. Jeb Bush does come across as too establishment. Rubio needs to get a little older, otherwise he's got his head on straight. But right now looks like Trump will run away with it unless people finally realize he's not saying much beyond bragging about himself. John Kasich may be the one that can get things done and that the independents can accept.


Engorged Member
You point out "envy" as if it isn't so, then proceed to talk about how well the rich are doing. Just so we're clear, I could care less about how much Smith, Gates, Buffet, Trump, or whoever has as long as they pay me fairly. And in the area I live I would consider fair pay for someone who's put in as many years as I have and who consistently went above and beyond to be about $55k annually. You may need more in your area, but I'd be content with that and a decent pension. In your time you got a decent deal, and looks like those coming aboard now will get a better deal, but there's a large group in the middle that they :censored2: upon and looks to me like they think it's ok to continue to :censored2: upon us. Maybe they don't respect us for holding on while getting hosed. At any rate, no matter what they do you'll never be content because you believe in a fantasy world where workers make more than a company can pay but it'll all sort itself out in the end. They're greedy at the top, you're greedy at the bottom, and the greed and envy will never stop. For every one of you MFE there's a Dano who resents your top out pay because he sees it as that much less bonus he'll be getting, or that his $100k salary won't grow because the company has to pay malcontents more than they're worth in his opinion. I want my company to pay me fairly, but not so much that it'll break them, and then where would we be? It's that kind of mentality that drove many companies offshore, and is destroying countries like Greece.

I don't envy in the sense that Republicans think Liberals envy the rich. If you work your ass off, win the lottery, or whatever and get rich, I don't really care. What I do care about is the inequity of a system that makes the playing field extremely tilted towards the "haves". Capitalism has it's flaws, but it's the best system we have to choose from. Unfortunately, it has been manipulated by the Smiths of the world to be heavily in their favor.

FedEx has underpaid it's employees for about 20 years now, and they are going to go broke if they pay you a fair wage, van. The execs, the pilots, and many others do very well at FedEx, and we subsidize them. At this point, Ground is subsidizing most of it, since the Ground scam is so lucrative.

Sorry you choose to sympathize with those who oppress you.


Well-Known Member
But they get the breaks because they are the drivers of the economy.

Sure some of that.

But they also get breaks because they can afford to hire armies to lobby for them and better yet to just get their guy in as the actual politician. Think something like the Matt Damon/Jack Nicholson connection in The Departed but for politicians vs policing. Sort of have that feeling in my small town, some republican who never lived here comes from out of town with their agenda to run for mayor. You have to know behind the scenes the party(s) are looking over a much larger canvas and scheming on who should go here or there, pretty much a complete 180 on how the forefathers wanted politics to work.

These companies are organized and with the monies they save on labor, some of that goes into other employees salaried directly paid to push these tax boundaries, etc. Just think how much better you could do if you were paying highly skilled and connected individuals to works politics for you. Now add in all the large companies doing that will billions being funneled into politics, its amazing they have just flat out took total control yet.

The final insult is how they complain publicly. They will never talk about their Net Tax bill but only their Gross Tax. Your CEO will talk about his gross at 40% on TV, but the bottom line is the Net and that is never mentioned by them, ever. They will pay %'wise less than you. But they keep the tax fires tendered on places like Fox eternally only talking Gross.

Taxes and Corporate Welfare do have a relation but they are different. They are getting both currently and not ashamed one iota on getting more yet, if not just getting it all. Why? Because they pay people only to do this and well whatever you pay people to do, that is what they do and that is what they are measured on.


Well-Known Member
I don't envy in the sense that Republicans think Liberals envy the rich. If you work your ass off, win the lottery, or whatever and get rich, I don't really care. What I do care about is the inequity of a system that makes the playing field extremely tilted towards the "haves". Capitalism has it's flaws, but it's the best system we have to choose from. Unfortunately, it has been manipulated by the Smiths of the world to be heavily in their favor.

FedEx has underpaid it's employees for about 20 years now, and they are going to go broke if they pay you a fair wage, van. The execs, the pilots, and many others do very well at FedEx, and we subsidize them. At this point, Ground is subsidizing most of it, since the Ground scam is so lucrative.

Sorry you choose to sympathize with those who oppress you.
I see a Freudian slip in there, lol!


Well-Known Member
The one thing that only one of them is advocating, Mike Huckabee, that would be IMO a huge benefit is the Fair Tax.

First he's out because of his extreme abortion beliefs. But that Fair Tax will never happen because of my last post. The Net that top people pay is under 5%. A Fair Tax would be around 25% with no loop-holes. That is a major major loss to the rich. I believe it is talk/trap that common people can get behind to get the vote, but it would never happen. Business has way too much leverage in politics to allow an increase like that.

OMG if that happened Fox News would explode.


Well-Known Member
First he's out because of his extreme abortion beliefs. But that Fair Tax will never happen because of my last post. The Net that top people pay is under 5%. A Fair Tax would be around 25% with no loop-holes. That is a major major loss to the rich. I believe it is talk/trap that common people can get behind to get the vote, but it would never happen. Business has way too much leverage in politics to allow an increase like that.

OMG if that happened Fox News would explode.
It's a consumption tax and it encourages investment, as investments wouldn't be taxed, it will help the economy and make more money for the rich. And literally all the people who run on a cash economy, i.e. drug dealers, etc would now contribute. As is there are too few workers paying income and SS taxes. 23% is the number and everyone would be given a "prebate" so that the poor could handle the tax on basic necessities. ALL the special exemptions and loopholes would go away, the IRS eliminated. The only ones that would be hurt are accountants and tax attorneys as that industry would disappear.


Well-Known Member
First he's out because of his extreme abortion beliefs. But that Fair Tax will never happen because of my last post. The Net that top people pay is under 5%. A Fair Tax would be around 25% with no loop-holes. That is a major major loss to the rich. I believe it is talk/trap that common people can get behind to get the vote, but it would never happen. Business has way too much leverage in politics to allow an increase like that.

OMG if that happened Fox News would explode.
P.S. Why are his abortion beliefs extreme? To me extreme is slicing and dicing a fetus that's developed enough to harvest organs from him. That's barbaric.


Well-Known Member

Does it really matter who gets "elected" in 2016? The troublesome numbers that stand out are debt per citizen vs debt per tax payer.

I don't think Trump stands a realistic chance but I like him for two reasons. First he is not a career politician and second he has admitted to bribing both sides of the isle to get what he needed done.


Inordinately Right
P.S. Why are his abortion beliefs extreme? To me extreme is slicing and dicing a fetus that's developed enough to harvest organs from him. That's barbaric.
Forcing a raped child to bring a pregnancy to term is extreme, and it's out of line with the views of the vast majority of the people in this country.


Well-Known Member
Ah. You use the Right Wing buzzword "envy". The problem with unfettered capitalism is that there is a huge underclass required to support those at the top of the pyramid who are doing extremely well. Our own Mr. Smith, whom you apparently idolize, was born rich, got richer through being a dirt bag, and now makes even more because he has the political system working for him, instead of for the people.

van, you've got a bad case of Reaganism. Maybe you should go to your proctologist and have it removed.
Correct. Capitalism unregulated is nothing more than a glorified Pyramid scheme. The bottom never gains.


Well-Known Member
Forcing a raped child to bring a pregnancy to term is extreme, and it's out of line with the views of the vast majority of the people in this country.
And there are "morning after" drugs that prevent the egg from being fertilized by the sperm. Using the most extreme example to justify ripping apart 10's of millions of babies(not to mention illegally selling their body parts) is out of line with common decency.


Inordinately Right
And there are "morning after" drugs that prevent the egg from being fertilized by the sperm. Using the most extreme example to justify ripping apart 10's of millions of babies(not to mention illegally selling their body parts) is out of line with common decency.
I'm not having an abortion debate there's about 10 threads in the current events forum if you want to have that discussion.
What I'm talking about is whether the people who would be voting for him would find his views extreme.

I agree it is an extreme example, and so are the policies Huckabee supports. If he had his way, the morning after drugs you talk about wouldn't be legal. That is the case in Paraguay, which is the specific example I am speaking about:
Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion to 10 Year Old Raped by Her Stepfather

It's simply not an electable position to take.


Well-Known Member
P.S. Why are his abortion beliefs extreme? To me extreme is slicing and dicing a fetus that's developed enough to harvest organs from him. That's barbaric.

He believes no abortions for any situation. Like if one was raped, the mother would have to give birth to said child. I'm sure he's never been through anything like that and I'm fairly confident if he were to go through that he'd have a strong chance for a change of heart. Sort of like gay lawmen who are anti-gay publically, but are gay behind closed doors, so hypocritical.


Well-Known Member
And there are "morning after" drugs that prevent the egg from being fertilized by the sperm. Using the most extreme example to justify ripping apart 10's of millions of babies(not to mention illegally selling their body parts) is out of line with common decency.

Fair point, but he goes out of his way to answer these questions and I stand by what I first said, he's out simply over that issue, imo.

Pretty much dittoing DriveIn