Uniform rules



They told us a couple of years ago that we are not allowed to wear anything but UPS authorized uniforms.

We had people making the feeder clothing too, but that all stopped when they threatened to fire a person for doing it. How can they threaten that? Well, the guys making the clothes started to put the UPS symbol on it and that is a big no no.

We still have guys wearing the feeder stuff, they tell the guys not to from time to time, but then mangement moves onto some other flavor of the month and people resume wearing it again.

If I was running UPS, I would offer extra uniform items that could be cusomized with your name and department on it. You would have to pay for these items, but they would be articles of clothing not available in the uniform allowance; sweaters, sweat shirts, etc.

In fact, UPS used to sell sweaters and the like, but for some reason they stopped. I thought the military sweater was cool looking.

i thi nk this is a good idea. instills pride in the company which would instill more pride in your work. it is also a moral builder.

but this makes too much sense. aliens have taken over upper management. that;s my theory and i'm sticking with it.


Well-Known Member
I was told it was a 911 thing that the accessories stopped being sold. I liked them too. I still have a zip up sweater with the wind stopper. It has the old logo. I'm waiting for them to tell me not to wear it then I'm going to ask for the $75. it costs.

We have a guy that sells a real nice jacket. I have one.Too bad since it looks very professional and have had many compliments from customers.


Retired 23 years
We get dinged if our shorts are too short. Had a female driver that practically wore daisy dukes they were so short. I would just like to mine an inch or two shorter so they don't hit my knees. Do they make shorts in lengths like pants? And I would pay for some properly fitting women's clothing. With some style for a change.

I'm not saying us guys were a bunch of hunks but to be honest we never had any female drivers that would look good in Daisy Dukes.:wink2:



Well-Known Member
a funny side story about the UPS uniform. i was taking a break at a service station with another driver when this old man about 80 years old pulled up to the gas pumps.

as he walked by us he said to me "Please wash my windows, son."

So I went ahead and washed his windshield and his back window as the other driver was LHAO.

The old guy thanked me and I said "your welcome."

Man that is hilarious. I would have been rolling on the ground if I saw something like that.


Well-Known Member
I can't stand the BK character in these commercials. Looks like a child molestor to me.

Hey Tie, someone told me that this person is a girl! He told me to notice the way she dances and moves and to look at her hands. I think he is right.


I was told it was a 911 thing that the accessories stopped being sold. I liked them too. I still have a zip up sweater with the wind stopper. It has the old logo. I'm waiting for them to tell me not to wear it then I'm going to ask for the $75. it costs.

We have a guy that sells a real nice jacket. I have one.Too bad since it looks very professional and have had many compliments from customers.

yep. Homeland security got thier hands into uniforms and how we control them.


Well-Known Member
And what's up with the bashful extraterrestrial on the left? :happy-very:

Watch who you're calling what... That's his dad...



Holy Toledo
So did any of you buy your first pair of shorts?? I did because that was the only way we could get them at first. I started as a driver in March with snow on the ground and wind chills in the teens. They could only send me short sleve shirts and a vest. They were out of jackets and long sleve shirts. :)


Pees in the brown Koolaid
So did any of you buy your first pair of shorts?? I did because that was the only way we could get them at first. I started as a driver in March with snow on the ground and wind chills in the teens. They could only send me short sleve shirts and a vest. They were out of jackets and long sleve shirts. :)

When the shorts first came out they wanted about $35 a pair for them and that was back in '90 or '91. No way in hell I was going to pay that kind of money for brown polyester work shorts when all I had to do was cut off and hem a pair of pants that were free. I was a bachelor then and didnt know how to sew, so instead I "hemmed" my shorts with duct tape.


Man that is hilarious. I would have been rolling on the ground if I saw something like that.

It was pretty funny. he was probably having a flashback to the Old Texaco days when they wore uniforms and washed windshields and checked oil, etc.

I remember that myself but i was just a kid.


Unknown Acrobat
A few drivers were standing around talking waiting for start time the other morning when an on-road sup walked up and told them there were a few of them not in compliance with uniform rules. He said it is not acceptable to wear a short sleve shirt with a vest. Any comments?

Tell him he doesn't need to wear short sleeve shirt with a tie either!:wink2:


Well-Known Member
One of our feeder managers told the steward last friday that we were going to have to wear our street clothes into work and change into our uniform. Most feeder drivers don't have lockers and there dosen't appear to be any room to provide them. What happens to the driver on the spare list. Will he have a locker in every building. We have 7 he can potentially work in. I remember years ago, when this was common practice, the company had a laundry service for the pants. I haven't seen this in years.


Box Monkey
That's when you stand there in the office and change your clothes becausse there isn't enough locker space. they will get the message pretty quick when you are stripped down to your tighty whiteys in front of the dispatcher(s).


Wherever I see Trump, it smells like he's Putin.
i know here in 705 the contract states any combination of shirts and pants i.e. shorts or long pants with short sleeves or long sleeves or non tuck in shirts. also we are allowed to wear our union pin on our left front collor. also want to point out one thing. when the company changed its logo managers were yelling at drivers for wearing socks with the old logo on it but driving a truck with a big honking old logo on it. i guess its not about the logo but more to beat on there chests

I remember when the logo changed our center manager made a huge issue of public humiliation of those with the old uniforms. This was on the heels of the same genious telling us we traded in our stuff too often and how costly it was. I went ahead and ordered new socks, and they still sent the old logo! I will wear them until they fall apart! Another example of focusing company effort on the nonsensical.
On a lighter note, no mention ever of mix n match. We have cold fall/spring am/pm with warm days. Sometimes I change pants to shorts at midday.