Union Politics - Teamsters Local President runs opponent over with his car 9/22/15



He's still being treated for his injuries at Christiana. The police and every news agency is there
waiting to speak to Tim. That's why no formal charges can be filed against Joe S until Tim
is done being treated. It'll be on the news tonight for you to see.

Not if Joe drives over there first it won't.
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no one considers UPS people."real" Teamsters.-BUG
This morning at 8:30am at the UPS on Ruthart Drive,
The President of Teamsters local 326, Joe S, used
his vehicle to run over his opponent, Tim D who was
standing at the UPS entrance handing out fliers to be elected
as the new president of the union. Tim D is currently
at Christiana hospital in the emergency room getting treated
for his injuries sustained after being run over by Joe S
intentionally with his vehicle. Do you want Joe S running
your Union from his soon to be prison cell. Tim D is out
there for you guys to keep Joe S from adding more supplements
and riders in your contracts and Joe S got so scared, he used
his car this morning to run him over. Time to elect your next President,
which should be Tim D, the man just ran over and hopefully
making a full recovery from his injuries.