United Way rep came for PCM

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
Anyone can start a charity.
BUT, are ALL the charities that UW give $$ to, in fact 503c charities?
Would be interesting for a news organization to investigate and let the public know.
I couldn't believe the lady when she asked people who make 45 bucks a day to give 20 bucks a week. It was the most awkward silence I've been in at work. I honestly think the rep thought someone would excitedly take the bait. Crickets.


IE boogeyman
i donate to charity every time the government taxes me to hand out cash to drug addicts and illegal immigrants


Star B

White Lightening
I can't pull up the website to reference that but on the internet somewhere I read that you had to spend a fair amount of cash to even get the ability to get united way cash.


IE boogeyman
Welfare is a disease just as much as corporate tax cuts and corporate loopholes are a disease. I'm not saying that the programs are bad by Nature, it's just human nature causes them to be bad programs.
corporate welfare is the worst kind of welfare

i'd trade all the money that billy bob heroin-junkie could possibly need in exchange for even half the bull:censored2: bailouts and subsidies to stop

john chesney

Well-Known Member
For 20 a month (about as much as a loader makes on a 400 count every day), we can help 8,080 people get dental care and food. I got a shirt.

We had a center wide PCM and it seemed like robotic or disassociated. Pretty much everyone had a "we don't even make enough for ourselves" look on their face.

United Way is no longer a charity it is a scam. I'll keep volunteering at my food shelters and pantries and seeing real help and change.

Not one person from united way stopped by when we were on strike in 97 to even ask how we are doing. It wasn't fun having a young family and worried about our future.Thats a damn shame I'll never forget


Well-Known Member
corporate welfare is the worst kind of welfare

i'd trade all the money that billy bob heroin-junkie could possibly need in exchange for even half the bull:censored2: bailouts and subsidies to stop

It goes beyond corporate welfare. Like how all the US steel mills are dieing and closing. Or how Americans can no longer get good factory jobs. It's because the suits at the top of these US corporations chase the bottom line and kiss the ass of shareholders. They buy cheap Chinese steel, they outsource their factories to Mexico, tech companies like Apple have everything made in China. But Mexicans are the boogey man stealing all our jobs lol. Nope. Corporate America has been raping and pillaging this country for decades.