Unsafe trucks


Lunch is the best part of the day
Depends how many mechanics you have. I am at a hub and the feeder mechanics are awesome. They fix everything. Radio, speakers, seat, anything.


Well-Known Member
When you’re out on road the mechanic supervisors will try that non sense from time to time and the mechanics are over worked have a lot on their to do list. Management also tries to not allow mechanics any overtime here. They do not want to send a mechanic out on road, it’s part of the reason they are thankful you throw a hissy fit in the building and the driver gets the overtime for an in center break down instead of mechanics getting screwed with on road breakdowns.

If my truck falls out of DOT compliance while on road I’ll keep moving as long as it is safe to do so, but if I lose turn signals, break lights, truck is failing to start consistently so they want you to keep it running or anything unsafe they are gonna have to bring me out a new truck or I’ll stop working.
Your scenario that you’re describing is exactly why I brought this up. I had a supervisor that would force me to harass or intimidate drivers into continuing their route with a package car that had DOT problems, such as light issues, faulty horn, faulty seatbelt, or engine problems such as coolant leaks, Oil leaks, power steering leaks, Starting issues, etc.
If a driver pushed back, my supervisor would make me bring them out the worst truck we had in the fleet. One day I had had enough and refused to comply with policy of harassing drivers through me.
Of course you can guess what happened after that. I became the black sheep of the shop, but favored by the drivers. Since the drivers out numbered the shop mechanics by 40 to 1, I was OK with that. But my career in the shop was not without Great controversy to which even after my retirement, it is still playing out.


Well-Known Member
capitalism prioritizes profits.

but 1 of the signs we live in teh matrix is the capitalists will say their #1 priority is safety.

when we let a few people have all the power for 40 hours of our weeks, this power corrupts.
Dude, are you promoting Socialism? Because if you are, I do not believe UPS would exist in a socialist society. There would only be state funded shipping companies, such as the post office. And we know what a joke they are.


Dude, are you promoting Socialism? Because if you are, I do not believe UPS would exist in a socialist society. There would only be state funded shipping companies, such as the post office. And we know what a joke they are.
have you ever heard of worker owned and run jobs? this is another kind of socialism


Your scenario that you’re describing is exactly why I brought this up. I had a supervisor that would force me to harass or intimidate drivers into continuing their route with a package car that had DOT problems, such as light issues, faulty horn, faulty seatbelt, or engine problems such as coolant leaks, Oil leaks, power steering leaks, Starting issues, etc.
If a driver pushed back, my supervisor would make me bring them out the worst truck we had in the fleet. One day I had had enough and refused to comply with policy of harassing drivers through me.
Of course you can guess what happened after that. I became the black sheep of the shop, but favored by the drivers. Since the drivers out numbered the shop mechanics by 40 to 1, I was OK with that. But my career in the shop was not without Great controversy to which even after my retirement, it is still playing out.
power corrupts

capitalism is a power system

the cure is to decentralize power. the cure is democracy


Well-Known Member
power corrupts

capitalism is a power system

the cure is to decentralize power. the cure is democracy
I understand what you’re saying, but I took advantage of a need and created a company called PRFect Shelving Solutions, PRFshelving.com. Because of capitalism, I was able to act on an idea and profit from it. I think that you have allowed anti-capitalist, or socialist blind you too a stigma that is not real. Capitalism is a good thing, not bad. There are bad people who take advantage of other people and all political and social groups. Bad people will use any power structure to take advantage of the power that they have acquired.


I understand what you’re saying, but I took advantage of a need and created a company called PRFect Shelving Solutions, PRFshelving.com. Because of capitalism, I was able to act on an idea and profit from it. I think that you have allowed anti-capitalist, or socialist blind you too a stigma that is not real. Capitalism is a good thing, not bad. There are bad people who take advantage of other people and all political and social groups. Bad people will use any power structure to take advantage of the power that they have acquired.
power corrupts over time.

capitalism is debatably not even sustainable.

thats great you started a company i hope its something the world actually needs.

i hope you are not exploiting employees. im not in favor of any system with employees; it must be workers as co partners only.

i dont view companies without employees as capitalist. if its 2 co-owners, its socialist as far as im concerned.


Well-Known Member
While I agree with what you said, with everything going on with this site right now, do you think it’s a good idea to have it in the middle of a lawsuit over criminal negligence? Last thing Cheryl and Tony’s daughter needs at this point.
Who is Cheryl and Tony and what’s up with their daughter?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I understand what you’re saying, but I took advantage of a need and created a company called PRFect Shelving Solutions, PRFshelving.com. Because of capitalism, I was able to act on an idea and profit from it. I think that you have allowed anti-capitalist, or socialist blind you too a stigma that is not real. Capitalism is a good thing, not bad. There are bad people who take advantage of other people and all political and social groups. Bad people will use any power structure to take advantage of the power that they have acquired.
Don’t waste your time with him. He’s a wanna be Canadian Communist.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Who is Cheryl and Tony and what’s up with their daughter?
Cheryl is the person who created this site. She was the daughter of a UPSer and her husband, Tony (also a UPSer) was her husband. They both passed away last month and their daughter is trying to decide what to do with this site.