UPS Brown Derby Jackets - Old School- Uniform- Need Info


Big Time Feeder Driver
What do you mean UPS employees use a language of their own--all the ups guys and gals i know seem tu use proper language!!

A derby jacket is not an IKE jacket...the o nly Ike I knew was about a bald headed president i learned about in History, who did nothing and was useless, but better as a general.

A derby jacket is called a Derby Jacket...maybe an Ike jacket is similiar
but UPS wore derby jackets back then until they changed. etc


Well, we call delivery trucks "package cars", we call switchers "shifters", etc. Plus we have all kinds of acroynyms that, combined with our own labels we give to activites and objects, gives UPS a unique "language".

I take offense at your mischaracterization of Ike. Not only did he lead us to victory in WW2, he presided over a period of time in America that is often looked back with fondness (for example, the t.v. show "Happy Days"). For a large part of America, the decade ultimately represents the "American Dream", when what we term as the middle class was at it's most prosperous. Don't fall for all the liberal left slandor about the fifties.

As for these fakakta "derby" jackets, I have never heard that term in all my life until your post. And I have worked for UPS for 22 years. The picture you provided as an example looks to me like a "bomber" jacket. UPS still provides a bomber type jacket, but without a dress shirt type collar.

Seems like you are obsessed with using all of the fancy wordology - and Ike as a Flop as a president, as a general, well it took him a while to defeat the Germans.

IKE was a Flop Flop IKE was a Flop Flop - that is my opinion, and I'm using a fancy



Big Time Feeder Driver

Seems like you are obsessed with using all of the fancy wordology...

Wait til I start using "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" in a sentence! Oops, I just did!

As for opinions, you know what they say about those...they are like :*******:, everyone's got one!

Good luck in your search for the elusive "derby" jacket :rockon:.


Well-Known Member
They were called "Ike" jackets, I believe, because of the short-waisted fit that was popularized by Eisenhower's wearing of the (uniform) style in WWII; had nothing to do with who made them....any more than "Nehru jackets" (remember them?) were made my India's head honcho.

Tiny Panda

Well-Known Member
Re: Picture of a Derby Jacket

I uploaded two pic of the derby jacket--but it is BLACK



Derby made the same jacket but in UPS B

Hard to see in that pic but i'm pretty sure i got 2 of those sat in the back of my wardrobe, brand new and unworn cos i hated them ol

Tiny Panda

Well-Known Member
I dont like jackets with elastic round the bottom of them , i prefer free hanging. I'll have a dig at the weekend and see if they ar the ones i'm thinking about
hey tiny panda, did you ever find those jackets...were they the Derby Jackets?

If so, upload a photo so these guys and gals can actually see a Brown Derby UPS\
old school jacket

Tiny Panda

Well-Known Member
Sorry been really busy this weekend, will have a look tomorrow tho. Will have a look at work also as they were issued en masses up until a few years ago and loads were sat around in the returned uniform area


Wherever I see Trump, it smells like he's Putin.

Seems like you are obsessed with using all of the fancy wordology - and Ike as a Flop as a president, as a general, well it took him a while to defeat the Germans.

IKE was a Flop Flop IKE was a Flop Flop - that is my opinion, and I'm using a fancy


We prefer to reserve the right to criticize our leaders, especially those now passed on, for ourselves since they are our leaders.

BTW, don't you think Churchill put a bit too much jelly on his crumpets, if you know what I mean?

Derby Jacket Label

here is a derby jacket with label, and the jacket looks
like UPS brown.

someone told me the ups ones both had the gold lining like the one
in the pic, and some had more of a uniform lining, a solid brown,
but it was another style derby made for ups.

Some told me that the original derby made in usa was the best tuff guys
jacket ever made -

i guess this would apply to ups as well
hey old man, or old ups driver....when were you issues the derbys'---in california...or east coast etc...

i dont wine i just get what i want
thank you


Well-Known Member
When I started there was a driver who was close to retirement in Manchester, NH. This was 20 years ago so lets say he started sometime in 59' or 60'. He still wore the 1st jacket (so he said) that he was issued and it was similar to a bomber jacket. Snug around the neck, wrists, and waist. The funny thing was is that I remember it being almost a denim material and damn if the color had turned an odd shade of green. No kidding. The brown had faded to a weird shade of brown-olive. I only saw it a few times since he was constantly badgered about wearing it. He always argued that 'Why shouldn't I wear it, you guys issued it to me...'

He had a point..