UPS Employee DHS Employment Verification

iowa boy

Well-Known Member
I think you guys worry too much!

I'll tell you what's going to happen: The company will say, "OK, just bring your SS number to HR, and we'll take care of it there".
Then, as soon as you leave, they will enter it for you on the secure web-site.
AND THEN, they will throw the lil piece of paper they wrote your SS# on INTO THE WASTE BASKET. Where the custodian will find it and steal your identity.

I truly believe it's safer on the secured web-site than in an HR persons hands.

Over, I understand that you may not worry too much about your identity as 90% of people don't. But my wife is a bill collector and she sees and tells me what goes on when someones identity gets compromised and all the hurdles that are thrown up when dealing with this on her end and on the victims end.
That is where my paranoia comes from with regards to the internet. I don't want to deal with the BS that comes along with getting your identity stolen. I think there is like a 3 or 4% chance of your ID getting stolen, but if you know what I know about that, you would understand my trepidation with regards to putting too much personal info onto the 'net.


Well-Known Member
Yeah they are doing this here too...

Since I was hired after...1/1/08...then I don't have to do it? Or should I go ahead & do it anyways just to be safe?


Well-Known Member
Yeah they are doing this here too...

Since I was hired after...1/1/08...then I don't have to do it? Or should I go ahead & do it anyways just to be safe?

If you were hired after 1/1/08 you are all set and do not have to do it. They will have enough paperwork to fill out for those who do have to do it so you don't need to add to the pile.:wink2:


Staff member
OK, I have completed the ENTIRE I-9 procedure, and have come up with the:


First Grievance: The Internet Registering Stage

It took me maybe two minutes to complete this online. I would suggest you grieve 4 MINUTES, as you can claim to be a slow typer, not internet savvy etc.

Second Grievance: The HR Interview Stage

This I actually timed for my friends on Brown Cafe. It took almost 4 MINUTES, mostly because HR had a slow internet connection yesterday. I would recommend grieving the whole 4 minutes even if their connection is fast when you're there. Nobody will ever remember when it was slow or fast.

Oh yes, make sure you're grieving the 8 minutes as OVERTIME. Cha ching!, HELLO! 8 minutes OT, that's what I'M talkin about!!!!


Staff member
Also, if you have a passport, just bring that. In addition to its being ALL you'll need (no license or SS card), HR told me it is easier for them to do the I-9 with.


Staff member
ALSO, again... (I keep forgetting things...old age)....

HR here will be going into the hub frequently. If you've done the online part, they just have to see your documents. Only takes a minute, you don't even have to go to HR.

(If this happens to you, you have to reduce your second grievance to 1 minute....)


Pees in the brown Koolaid
If I file it wont be over the small amount of time needed to complete the process, it will be over the requirement that we transmit personal info such as social security #'s online.

I have all the necessary documents and I will happily show them to an HR person, and I will even donate the 2 or 3 minutes I spend doing this to the company. But I'm not giving my SS# out over the Internet.


Big Time Feeder Driver
As with bluehdmc, I have airport I.D. so I am wondering if I have to bother with any of this. If I can walk onto the tarmac, I damn well better already have this security clearance.

Then again, they are letting people onboard plans with bombs in their underpants so who knows whats going on with Homeland Security these days.

Old International

Now driving a Sterling
If it's needed for work, then UPS can hand me the paperwork to fill out. I have to fill out everything else on paper, Like the MVR report, the roster for convyer securing, certifacaitication for yard employees ytada yada yada.......


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, It says that after we do the online form, we have to meet with a HR person to show our IDs to. Is the HR person getting paid to do this? Did the HR person do their own I-9 info on their own time? I betcha every management person at UPS did this during their normal work hours.

Just sayin.....Devils Advocate and all that....

Devilish one, when are you going to understand that UPS management people don not have normal work hours?

Saying "oooh, I bet you did that during your normal work hours" is like saying "oooh, I bet you did that during the unicorn convention", in that both of these things are fantasies, dreams, unreal, don't exist in any state or being of reality so discussing how they relate to things in the real world or using them comparatives for some injustice in the real world is just plane silly.


Well-Known Member
Its simple call me into the office during my shift,have me fill it out, let me go on my way and there will be no grievance

or, call you to come in on your own time, have you refuse, and then terminate you at the requirement of the federal government. Also pretty simple.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
or, call you to come in on your own time, have you refuse, and then terminate you at the requirement of the federal government. Also pretty simple.

Compliance is a federal issue, paid for time is a contractual issue.

While it may be a federal requirement to comply, it is not a federal requirement for the compliance to take place "off of the clock".

I agree that it seems childish to argue over the 2 or 3 minutes it will take to show your paperwork to an HR person. Its almost as childish as being given a warning letter when Telematics shows you driving 2 blocks off trace or taking a 61 minute lunch when you record 60.

If you are going to ride my ass over the petty stuff, dont bitch when you get the same treatment in return.


Well-Known Member
Our center made photocopies of everyone's documentation (license & ss card) to send to HR.

Was this common? Kind of makes you nervous in this day and age when someone makes a copy of your ss card.
Re: Feeder Driver DHS Employment Verification

File a grievance over what?

This is exactly why I do not get involved in the Union.

Fill the damn form out, show the ID, and go do your damn job. Is that too much to ask?

Yes. Yes it is. I work two jobs, hit the gym 5 days a week, donate blood, donate to the United Way, pay my bills on time.....I do everything right. This is not about doing your job--this is about obtaining third party evidence that confirms such actions being taken by UPS are required by state and federal law. And if they are in fact required, if they are also required to compensate employees for time spent filling out the forms.

Last I checked, I filled out my previous I-9 during orientation.....on the clock. So why should I complete re-verification off the clock for an employer that is required by Federal Law to still have my information on file?

Drop the attitude, friend.
BTW, I'm thinking about requiring the presence of a Spanish language translator as I'm filling out my I-9 Form. It's a federal law, and I took some classes once. De hecho, es posible que no recuerdo hablar Ingles....como lo he olvidado o algo :)