Ups iam national contract


Prblm found,part on order
I'm a little confused???? I voted on our master and local 2 Saturdays ago and we all voted yes in local 447, North New England district! I didn't get to go to the proposal meeting but made sure to be there and vote and didn't do so until all My questions were answered, given our BA is great We got all questions answered that were asked. You should not vote based on how all the information was presented but whats in the contract. The only problem I ran into is we only got a copy of language that changed in the master and in our local, not the whole contract. I know allot can change from local to local but What was so wrong with the Master? I voted yes! thought given the times we got a great deal, the raises were good and OUR health and welfare package was great, the money going to those 2 things won't effect our actual pay. I have a copy of what has changed in our Master and my local.

So what is so bad about the master? and why is it getting a NO vote?


Active Member
That is the first post i have seen about contract passing in a local. Will someone from other locals please post how your vote went.


Active Member
Copy of letter from UPS GRAYS
In the proposed contract we were offered $0.75, $0.75,$0.85, $0.95, and same as the NMUPSA for the fifth year. what our union has added in the contract is that they can take away from our raises each year up to $0.35 to shore up the pension program. the same pension that is going to pay not only UPS retired employees but also the other company's retired employees that are in the IAM. that will make our raises .40, .40, .50, .60 and possibly .00 for the fifth year if it works out the same as we got the final year of the last contract.
Then they want to take away all personal days to new hires for one full year along with the no holiday pay for a full year, no medical for new hires for one full year personally and they have to wait 18 months for health care coverage for their family. the no overtime until you hit 40 hrs for the week. and for all these concessions our great union got us absolutely nothing of any value in return.


Copy of letter from UPS GRAYS
In the proposed contract we were offered $0.75, $0.75,$0.85, $0.95, and same as the NMUPSA for the fifth year. what our union has added in the contract is that they can take away from our raises each year up to $0.35 to shore up the pension program. the same pension that is going to pay not only UPS retired employees but also the other company's retired employees that are in the IAM. that will make our raises .40, .40, .50, .60 and possibly .00 for the fifth year if it works out the same as we got the final year of the last contract.
Then they want to take away all personal days to new hires for one full year along with the no holiday pay for a full year, no medical for new hires for one full year personally and they have to wait 18 months for health care coverage for their family. the no overtime until you hit 40 hrs for the week. and for all these concessions our great union got us absolutely nothing of any value in return.

Interesting, the "taking away raise" language has always been in the UPS Teamster NMA. I think maybe once in 30 years has it happened, someone can correct me if I'm wrong.


Nine Lives
Copy of letter from UPS GRAYS
In the proposed contract we were offered $0.75, $0.75,$0.85, $0.95, and same as the NMUPSA for the fifth year. what our union has added in the contract is that they can take away from our raises each year up to $0.35 to shore up the pension program. the same pension that is going to pay not only UPS retired employees but also the other company's retired employees that are in the IAM. that will make our raises .40, .40, .50, .60 and possibly .00 for the fifth year if it works out the same as we got the final year of the last contract.
Then they want to take away all personal days to new hires for one full year along with the no holiday pay for a full year, no medical for new hires for one full year personally and they have to wait 18 months for health care coverage for their family. the no overtime until you hit 40 hrs for the week. and for all these concessions our great union got us absolutely nothing of any value in return.

It is what it is.

Nice bike - what do you ride?


Prblm found,part on order
Copy of letter from UPS GRAYS
In the proposed contract we were offered $0.75, $0.75,$0.85, $0.95, and same as the NMUPSA for the fifth year. what our union has added in the contract is that they can take away from our raises each year up to $0.35 to shore up the pension program. the same pension that is going to pay not only UPS retired employees but also the other company's retired employees that are in the IAM. that will make our raises .40, .40, .50, .60 and possibly .00 for the fifth year if it works out the same as we got the final year of the last contract.
Then they want to take away all personal days to new hires for one full year along with the no holiday pay for a full year, no medical for new hires for one full year personally and they have to wait 18 months for health care coverage for their family. the no overtime until you hit 40 hrs for the week. and for all these concessions our great union got us absolutely nothing of any value in return.

We were told when we went to vote 3 weeks ago that UPS gave us $.90 a year minus $.35 for health care in each year of the contract. That left us $.55 a year to put into pension/annuity as we see fit.

In other words, we get $.35 each year for health and welfare and this doesn't come off the actual raise, so are raises are........

Year one: $.75
Tear Two: $.75
Year Three: $.85
Year Four: $.90
and Year five being what the teamsters get on their first year of their new contract.
Also worth noting, we do not get any split raises through the contract accept in year Five, If the teamsters get a split then we will as well! this is the information I have strait from My BA.:peaceful:


Active Member
We vote on sunday the 19th.I think we will be the last in the country to vote.Probably will be decided before we even vote.

My bike is a 2001 honda sabre 1100. The bike is the only way i can get the wife out of the house-lol


New Member
We were told when we went to vote 3 weeks ago that UPS gave us $.90 a year minus $.35 for health care in each year of the contract. That left us $.55 a year to put into pension/annuity as we see fit.

In other words, we get $.35 each year for health and welfare and this doesn't come off the actual raise, so are raises are........

Year one: $.75
Tear Two: $.75
Year Three: $.85
Year Four: $.90
and Year five being what the teamsters get on their first year of their new contract.
Also worth noting, we do not get any split raises through the contract accept in year Five, If the teamsters get a split then we will as well! this is the information I have strait from My BA.:peaceful:


New Member
come jan 1st the union can take 35cents from your raise so they could shore up the pension fundso you are only gone get 45 cent raise and you dont think there not going to this every year of this contract and by the way we are paying 90cents an hour already into health & welfare


Active Member
I would like to thank everyone who has posted on this thread. It is nice to hear from other union members across the country.Not sure about everone else but in Ohio we never seem to get any information and feel left in the dark by our union most of the time. I think that if we are better informed that we can make better decisions.

Fireman Bill

New Member
I was talking with our IAM mechanics which are in local 701 and they have not been told of anything yet. They have a meeting on Saturday (tomorrow) to go over the proposal and then vote on it.

They are planning on going to vote no, because its impossible to discuss and digest all the changes that quickly. Good for them!
I'm in chicago and we voted the contract down last sat. Too many loop holes, no time to review the contract, here is the contract - vote on it.. Just some highlights why we rejected it. No holiday pay for new hires for first yr. overtime after 40 hours. We receive .10 cents less an hour for our health,welfare and pension -than the teamsters. Last year raise is hooked up to teamsters first year raise of next contract. WE ARE NOT TEAMSTERS and should not be linked to their contract. PLs dont take it personally. THe reason we were put in a national contract 9 yrs ago was to prevent a strike happening by ups. If we stick together on this and turn it down and vote to strike, doesnt mean we will be strikking right away. It forces UPS to come back to the negotiating table with a better offer. UPS is trying to force this contract on us with out us seeing it and discussing for 30 days, and the union is helping them. So lets stick together and turn this contract down and show UPS that we are a force to be reckoned with.


Active Member
It looks like if this contract fails alot of the blame goes to the national IAM for the way they presented or tried to hide the contract from us !!!!!!!


whats the score ? how many locals turned it down ? how many accepted it ?(the contract) what are other local issues ,shouldnt we all know since we vote on each otheres local issues?
Correct me if I'm wrong,but the last time a contract was turned down by the UPS rank and file,didnt the IAM put the local in recievership,and fire the BA,and the DBR of the local?Should I get the red carpet ready to roll out for the IAM?


New Member
That is what happened at the cach plant last contract,our ba tried to tell us the truth about the national contract and because the union just wanted the big pension money(my opinion) the iam national took over our local got rid of the ba and the president and rigged the vote--how you say(my opinion again) they set up the next vote in a farther location this time and reamed to us that your ba didnt tell you the truth,that he lied and was not correct...ect. ect..another mechanic this year told me he talked to boysen andersen(iam negotiator) after the vote on the phone and boysen said to him,somewhere in the conversation,well you had the opportunity to vote the national down last contract and didnt???(yea real opportunity huh)this guy is a total maroon,they are looking out for themselves and dont give a rats *ss about us.i've been trying to get a list of all 33 locals so we can not only see how we voted on this contract by contacting them,but it would be nice to exchange contracts with each other---i know how to use a copy machine--we keep selling out future members and we besides getting health care and little money are not getting enough for it in my not only ups but our own union is going to get us going(union dues raise) and coming(take our pay raise plus regular pension raise for the pension fund) again they will take what they need.are all union members going to pony up to raise the pension fund or just ups mechanics?i've asked several union officials for a list of locals and they just ignore me--they don't want us to know anything more than they tell us.....more to come...some of the guys i work with will reconize whom this is please jump in and speak up.......