UPS mechanic has a large Teamsters For Trump sticker on his tool chest. Discuss.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
My dollar is only worth .87c under ice cream man , my teamster raise in August isn't worth as much as when Orange Man was in charge , I wasn't paying 4.50 for gas , and I could sleep nights knowing the world knew the US wasn't a place to mess with !!
It's more about we the people , than just the union !


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
It's funny to see how some Democrats view Joe as some sort of slick, aviator wearing, sick burns-giving badass.


Well-Known Member
He's a union member supporting a president who is against unions. You didn't need to ask if it made sense, you already know the answer. But who cares who he supports? It's his right to vote for whomever he wishes. Trump is anti-union, but he is pro-american worker. If a union job was shutting down to move overseas he'd be all over the news trying to keep those union jobs, which is better than most of the Republican presidents. He'd certainly never support a strike.

We have way too many posts focused on bashing Trump/Republicans or Biden/Democrats.
Of course it makes sense. We explained it to you. A union member can support a president who is against unions, quite easily. Some things are more important than unions.

Dirk Digler

Bam all done!!
You pretty much summed it up. I think it's funny how people kept adding that I was "triggered" or "upset" by the sticker when I never even said I cared, which I don't. I just think the sticker in itself is moronic.
You are the one that took time to post you seen a scary Trump sticker then wanted to discuss the sticker . That my friend is “ triggered “ . If I notice a sticker my day continues I don’t need to tell anyone about it , you know why ? I don’t care.


Well-Known Member
Of course it makes sense. We explained it to you. A union member can support a president who is against unions, quite easily. Some things are more important than unions.
Then volunteer to take a $10 pay cut and pay for your own insurance that the union fought for you to have for free. Better yet, donate your pension to charity.