UPS Stores replacing UPS counter jobs?



The captan again displays his extensive imagination. Aesop has nothing on him.


>>Why pisloyal I would imagine its something you've heard about your whole life.<<

now, lieguy, no need to be profane. Yes, I have heard about that my whole life and usually directed to someone of your caliber.


HEy capin kangaroo

You said it. The word probably. You used it, tht means you have no idea what ups will pay you for these services.

So just like your other posts, you dont have a clue, but you are running your mouth. Hard to listen and learn with the hole wide open and running at full spead.

And as far as it replacing UPS employees, what business is that of yours anyway?


(Message edited by dannyboy on October 16, 2003)


It certainly might be of interest to someone here if UPS jobs are being lost.


It's your business. Why would ups pay you to hold a package? I would think the 'customer' would pay you to accept and hold their package. And they would be expected to pick it up in a reasonable amount of time...If they didn't, I would send it back.


The union contract specifically addresses job protection in the future, so these people trying to stir up discussion should go away. You will see these people lying about what is purely a bunch of crap. Take anything these OUTSIDERS come up with as weaklink complainers.


>>The union contract specifically addresses job protection in the future, so these people trying to stir up discussion should go away. You will see these people lying about what is purely a bunch of crap. Take anything these OUTSIDERS come up with as weaklink complainers.<<

Your post, in my opinion is inappropriate.

No one is attacking you here, yet you feel it necessary to lumping some of us into a "group of people" and then say mean, hurtful and untrue things about us.

Do you not even respect your own board monitor.


Your not a real upser.
You have no loyalty towards ups.
Your opinion will clearly have one purpose here to badmouth UPS.


Hint hint hint

Cant take a hint can ya? We love people to challenge our ideas and give us ways to better ourselves. But you posted lies and untruths all the way, trying to drum up support for your cause by trying to place yourself as a working mans hero and savior. Dosnt wash here.

So unless you want to make your business a success, and want to contribute something possitive to the board, be a good (you fill in the blank) and crawl off.



After reading the yahoo board I can certainly understand why everyone is so ticked off. Rather than carry that level of mudslinging over to this board let's raise the level of conversation from an irrational argument to a more well thought out debate.

Never argue with a fool - people might not know the difference.



Cheryl, the fact is these mbe guys have ran it in to the ground. It reminds me of having fleas in your house. Even throwing the dog out won't rid the premises of those little pests. Wish you luck raising the level. I still feel that ignoring the efforts of these few is the best solution.


Yes it is a real shame that these people feel it is a right to publish what amounts to trash, unproven, unfounded trash. Because they are facing serious pressures in competition, something that UPS has faced for 70+ years, they don't have anything to fight it except false statements.


brown39 says

>>Yes it is a real shame that these people feel it is a right to publish what amounts to trash, unproven, unfounded trash.<<

Your same old tired rhetoric, whether posting here as brown39 or on yahoo as bfts holds no water. You are the one that has been making unfounded statements, baseless accusations and profane insults over there for years. Before the contract was ratified, you attacked the teamsters, now you attack the mbe'e who chose to stay mail boxes etc. The lack of civility and the refusal to engage in meaningful debate has been your style for years. Right now, the focus of your hate seems to be us. What next, time will tell.

I agree with Cheryl, we don't need to let it get out of hand here. How about you post to the other threads here and leave the UPS vs MBE discussions to cooler heads.

Just a suggestion!


Like I stated before, the Yahoo board's structure also contributes to it being a mess. If there is a flame thread started, it fills up the screen quickly and buries other posts that are on a different topic. That problem doesnt exist here, since if you read the message topic and are not interested, the replys within that message do not spam up topics you may be interested in. I havent seen any MBE type posts trying to disrupt other threads in this forum, so if you do not want to read about our problems with UPS, dont open this topic. Go have a laugh in that thread with the jokes or something. The first thing you have to do is cut out the insults and profanity and this topic can remain spirited without going into the gutter. Disagree, fine. But disagree in an adult fashion.


Back on topic.

Between the, ground and three day air one time labels, RS, and ARS they are picking off our former shipping customers at will. And now we are helping them or soon will be by having a data entry station in our storefronts so the customer can have us pack it and weigh it and apply his own label printed from our own computer. This plan gives UPS ALL the revenue for the package, no messy discounts, just full revenue for shipping. You get a pittance and will accept this provided they double the pittance. I say you, but I don't mean you personally TypeO, I mean us the owners.

The ADL program opens a new can of worms, why pay a premium for a mailbox when you can get one at the USPS for $40 a year? Packages can be picked up at the UPSS for a buck each or so, what a deal! Thanks brown, you are saving the customer some money. Also saved them standing in line at the USPS for packages.

Some additional space will be available soon for storage of ADL packages because once people stop coming in for mail we won't need to sell it anymore and the conversion will be complete. We will be a one stop shop for UPS and nothing more.

When UPS drops off a package at an address and acquires a signature they are done with the transaction for the most part. When somebody walks into your store to pick something up how do you verify who they are? What if they send their wife and her last name is different? What if a brother or sister claims to have been sent to pick up the package? Who "owns" the liability on that package and when does it transfer?

There is a reason that UPSS's are considered independent contractors and not part of UPS, and it is not wages and benefits, it is liability.

In the meantime ADL will save fuel and drivers for UPS, they will need less and fewer respectfully.


See that is where you are just looking at things from one side only.

I have two other independant counter stores within blocks of the UPS store on my route. All these "new" problems that you are dreaming up they have been doing without a problem and making money at without the help of UPS.

Many people use a box at a counter store to have a business address, not a rezzy addy, nor do they want a P. O. Box addy. THey want one that is in a shopping center, or otherwise on the main business loop. THere are many benifits to having a set up like that. I deliver 15-40 packages a week to just one. Never have had a problem. Customer that gets the package is happy, the customer counter owner is happy. And UPS and I have made our money also. It is a win win situation.

So where is the problem? Unless it is just in your head?

Anyone that works for or with UPS EARNS their money. If you want money just rolling in for no effort, you picked the wrong business. If you want to succeed and work hard to make it. then just do it.


(Message edited by dannyboy on October 18, 2003)


For a moment let me touch on a different topic on what you posted. You have 2 independant mail stores on your route, correct? Do you feel any sense of duty to UPS to try to get their customers to go to the UPS Store? Would you give the UPS Store owner information on who is renting boxes at their competitors (the ones you deliver to) and try to help them take those customers away? Would you take the information on who is dropping off packages at their stores and see if you could get them to drop them at the UPS Store? How about if a person asked you outside one of those stores where they can go to drop off a package or to ship a UPS package? Would you direct them to the independant or would you have them drive miles out of the way to go to the UPS Store?

The reason I ask is that I have a good relationship with some of my neighboring stores and belong to a trade organization of mail stores who already have lost faith in UPS. Do you feel obligated to take thier customers from them simply because of the common UPS name or will you simply do your job and not get involved? Do you think it would be right if upper management required you to do so? Another reason I ask is why stop at poaching other store's customers? Why not have drivers become spot checkers at UPS Stores? Ive read elsewhere of drivers who feel obligated to share UPS price information right at the counter even though the pricing comes from UPS itself. I dont feel drivers should become involved at all beyond picking up packages at any store. What is your take on this Danny?


Several things....

Firstly, all three stores are within a 1 1/2 blocks of each other, on the same street, with a drop box in the middle.

Secondly as a driver I am trusted with much confidential information. Both UPS's and customer's. This information is NOBODY's business. I keep all that to myself, and share it with no one, for no reason, EVER. And I am sure you would NOT like me sharing your private info with the others either.

When someone asks where they can ship packages, I tell them all three stores, and include the drop box. Actually, one of them is now routing most of the packages to FDX, so sometimes I "forget" to mention them.

Things that I have shared with the owner of the UPS store, That the Post office right down the road sends out over 120 overnight letters each week. The cost to the customer is the same, but our delivery times and quality are much better(not to mention guaranteed.) I also have steered other regular pickup acounts that were not doing a regular business to the UPS store. REgular accounts that shipped maybe one or two a week. So while I have lost 5 pickup accounts since they opened, the volume is still ours. And the cost to the customer is lower, IMHO a win win for both. I have also shared with the owner that from 5PM till 8PM there is an average of 22 customers that drive all the way to the FDX terminal to ship packages late, many of them driving right by his store, and many of them driving company cars with the company logos on them.

AS a bonus, I see to it that the UPS store has the latest P/U on my route. Other companies know that and if they have critical shipments that need to go out late, they know they can drop it there vs driving 35-45 miles to the center one way. Many days we have to wait 1/2 hour or more not to pick it up earlier, but we do it any way.

As far as some of your other questions, I feel that you are baiting, so I dont think I will answer them.

Remember something that I have allways told all of my customers. UPS has NEVER made a dime on a business that has gone out of business. Therefor it is in my/UPS's best intrests that you stay in business. Anything I can do to further that goal I will do.



With all that special treatment given toward the UPS Store, where is the incentive for the other store to ship with UPS at all? Or would you rather they do? Actually I expected such an answer from an honest driver. At least you arrent sharing information from the non-UPS Store with the UPS Store.