well this is it for trump


Well-Known Member
I guess white jesus didnt save the Proud Boys cheerleader after all.... what a shame... tsk tsk

"we'll get though this together!!??"

umm, trump, no one wants to be in a room-together- with you- umm- dying.

just like you dont want to be in the room with anyone who voted for you when they are broke and dying.

damn covid bitch.

but, shes a bad bitch!

oh, but yes im sending "thoughts and prayers"

that outta do it!


latino's for Trump is apparently also a white supremicist group based on association



Well-Known Member
I know. It's a mystery, just like how Santa can deliver toys worldwide in a single night, going down chimneys even where none exists.

Santa has a lot of helpers. Did you not have a nice christmas as a kid and enjoy the make believe? Is that why you're such a miserable prick?


Well-Known Member
trump getting coronavirus shows how his reckless behavior is indeed reckless and can cause anyone to catch this disease.

And of course they tried to cover it all up and only admitted to it after the news media started reporting, the man knew he had been exposed to the virus on Wednesday and still went out to meet people on Thursday how irresponsible, like this is basic human decency. Why would you want to give people a virus that could have serious health consequences and has killed over 200,000 Americans? trump is truly a terrible human being.

He's the president of the US he still has a job to do. He cant call a lid every day like Biden.

if you see the video of him with hope hicks in the presidents coptor hope hicks was wearing a mask the whole time which begs the question how did she spread the disease to him


Well-Known Member
He's the president of the US he still has a job to do. He cant call a lid every day like Biden.

if you see the video of him with hope hicks in the presidents coptor hope hicks was wearing a mask the whole time which begs the question how did she spread the disease to him
Wtf does any of that mean? Why is he quarantining now then? If he can't call a lid every day, why stop now? This is the kind of strange logic people twist themselves in to explain trump's irresponsible behavior. trump is truly a horrible person for knowingly risking infecting others.


Well-Known Member
Despite claims to the contrary from qualified medical professionals Dear Leader used a WWII era malaria drug then ran around claiming that it is effective and protected him from COVID....How did that work out for him?


Inordinately Right
Despite claims to the contrary from qualified medical professionals Dear Leader used a WWII era malaria drug then ran around claiming that it is effective and protected him from COVID....How did that work out for him?
So using your logic anyone who uses a cloth mask and gets the Chinese virus is an idiot. Ok then.


nowhere special
He's the president of the US he still has a job to do. He cant call a lid every day like Biden.

if you see the video of him with hope hicks in the presidents coptor hope hicks was wearing a mask the whole time which begs the question how did she spread the disease to him
Funny how NYT says Trump looked "lethargic" when Biden called yet another lid on his campaign.


Well-Known Member
So using your logic anyone who uses a cloth mask and gets the Chinese virus is an idiot. Ok then.
Another one of your sad attempts at deflection. Then again if a pair of his other so called treatments had been tried. a Clorox IV and a UV light up his can chances are he would be just fine.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Browsing the comments on Facebook. You gotta love the Trump supporters saying "May God protect the President and his wife. I don't care what your politics are, have some decency and respect." That is RICH coming from them. I wonder if they would be calling out to their "god" for protection if they didn't agree with Donald's policies.
I agree with this ... Trump deserves the same dignity he displayed towards others.


Inordinately Right
Another one of your sad attempts at deflection. Then again if a pair of his other so called treatments had been tried. a Clorox IV and a UV light up his can chances are he would be just fine.
Yes how dare I deflect from your nonsense with your own faulty logic. Carry on.


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
What the left doesn't get is we aren't shocked that the President caught the virus. We assume many will, and get over it, short of having a vaccine. Life has to move on.

Until we reach herd immunity or a vaccine the same number of people will contract the virus.
The LibTurds definitely do not understand this.
They are such pusillanimous people ... I think they all have double 'X' chromosomes.