Thanks. I have just under 3 years to go until hitting 65 and I will talk to union when I get closer to that date. I'm not absolutely sure I will even use it and will evaluate that later. I don't want to bother them this early in the process and was hoping somebody in a similar position would give me an idea of the costs. I would guess somebody who retires and has a spouse that is continuing to work that has family medical insurance to take advantage of this deferred opportunity. My lucky break with VA coverage allowed me to retire at least 3 years early and am grateful for my military service. Any UPS veteran who served in a combat zone is eligible for free VA medical. The combat zone service takes away the requirement for the VA to look at your income to determine eligibility without service related disability.
I’ll give it a shot..
When you turn 65 you still have to apply for Medicare A, simply go down to your local Social Security office.. easy as pie.
I am under the Central so when you retire and turn 65 you have to get on Medicare A and B for minimum health coverage, you lose your Team Care coverage period. There is no supplemental insurance for our retirees, we have to buy Gap Insurance that covers that 20 percent difference under Medicare B. Medicare B in my area runs about 170 a month, the Gap costs me about 114 a month.
We purchased a Medicare D supplement for prescriptions and a Dental supplement those run 200 a month.
Right now Team Care would run 400 a month for both of us, every area is different. I believe those under the West have the best deals and definitely better pension benefits.
Also a Vet, 1972 - 1976…just retired recently so I haven’t checked into VA coverage yet. When you decide your preferred medical provider that will be your primary, you can carry over secondary coverage if you decide to keep your current Union sponsored healthcare after age 65 under the Western. Unfortunately we retirees under the Central and Southern do not have that option.
Sounds like you are in a very good place right now..