I've been at UPS part time in PA for 2 1/2 years working the local sort at night. I was hired as a carwasher, but helped unload when needed. Last spring I lost the carwashing to the new combination jobs. The new jobs went to two full time drivers. Next, they trained me to shift trailers, as the guy doing it wanted to come inside. After a month, they gave the job back to him. He has less seniority than me. In January I was trained for high value audits. This past monday they took me off that and are training two international and one revenue auditors to do that job. They just joined the union as a result of the new contract. My shop steward say's nothing can be done. Is this true? I've contacted the union in all three instances and was told they can do nothing. Any suggestions? At 43, I don't want to unload feeders for the rest of my life. Driving package car is not an option.