What happens when a Ground contractor loses his contracts?


Well-Known Member
The problem is FXG is not equipped for shifts in business or volume due in part to their lack of communication and negotiation with partnering contractors and their thirst to control the contract as well as the last mile system. No contractor should fail if FXG trusted and respected the contractors enough to make unified decisions about operations


Well-Known Member
The problem is FXG is not equipped for shifts in business or volume due in part to their lack of communication and negotiation with partnering contractors and their thirst to control the contract as well as the last mile system. No contractor should fail if FXG trusted and respected the contractors enough to make unified decisions about operations
100% correct. You the contractor have no seat at the table when it comes to developing new plans, processes and operational changes. You're called into a room whereby new developments in terms of operations settlements, and requirements are simply slapped down in front you along with a "here it is pal" attitude and a feces eating grin on their face because your fate is in their hands and they make every effort to make certain that you don't forget it.

And being that your fate is in their hands it simply does not matter if you've got 1000 routes or 1 route, you all are absolutely powerless.


Well-Known Member
Is this a joke?

I'll defend every nickel those guys make.

You on the other hand probably wouldn't make it past 30 days probation.
Excellent response which put the entire matter in clear prospective. UPS drivers pay a heavy price health wise but fortunately for them there is a mechanism in place to provide support for them when the effects are felt later in life.


Well-Known Member
Ground guy told me he worked 16 days straight 150-180 stops a day. He's a young dude..he says he can't get out from under the endless volume.


Well-Known Member
Ground guys run heavier or as heavy routes as UPS in my area....at a fraction of the pay - and no Bennie's?

I’m a Ground driver, and I am nowhere near as heavy as the UPS guys on my route. Their trucks are stuffed every day. Mine can get pretty full on some days depending on oversize stuff but for the most part I can walk all the way through my truck when I leave the building most days.