What kind of gloves to you package car drivers wear?


double tap o da horn dooshbag
Rubber coated gloves work just fine with the DIAD. Both the touch screen and small buttons.

I use ones like these during winter (in black).


Blah, I still can't use the powerpad with them on... cut off the tips, and half-glove it

I only use those for bulk stops or during the preload, though. They stink up too soon because it's not really breathable


These eBay ones are super cheap, have silicone nubs at the palms for grip powaaaa

Keeps my snowflake hands ssssssooooooft n sssssuppppple for cuddle time


gloves and diad just don't mix

Ironclad BoxHandler gloves are perfect for DIAD use AND package handling.

And all these tough guys saying they never had to wear gloves,
I wear gloves because my wife doesn't like scratchy rough hands touching her boobies. And I like to touch her boobies.

I’ll second that. Ironclad box handlers are great and easy to use with the diad. Swap them out every couple of months.