What light do you use?


Never bought my own handtruck
These are just laying around in unlit front yards in your neck of the woods?

That’s chicken wire and a forklift
I was just marveling at someone putting up chicken wire without any stakes.

I guess the moral of the story is don’t hire a plumber to build a garden.
Don’t hire a plumber that bangs dolls is a good general rule of thumb.

Captain Qwark

"I don't deserve these bulbous buttocks."
Many years ago somebody loaned me their "Streamlight Stinger".

Pros: Blindingly bright
Small, not bulky and heavy like the old Maglites
Holds a charge for months (did for me anyway)
3 settings: blind your customer, "normal" and strobe

Cons: No indication it's fully charged or low charge
Paid around $100, but well worth the money. It's held up for years.
No carrying pouch and for that kind of money, there should be


Big Kahuna Burger
For you I would recommend….

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
My bicycle light had this cheap rubber button that fell off because I kept getting oil on it back when I was working on cars.
Now i turn it on with a pen and am waiting for the rain to zap it.


Well-Known Member
Any headlamp with zoom for spotlighting house numbers. 500 lumes or beter should do it. Rei has ones you can try b4 buy.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Fenix UC35 2.0.

inb4 everyone comes in to beat their chest over stumbling through the dark and tripping over tomato wire and busting their legs on tow motor forks like a tough guy.

The chest beating happens a lot on this forum. Some people are just jerks. If they truly are comfortable with how they do things then they would not feel the need to respond that way.

Carrying a small but sturdy bright flashlight is something I do anyway. Along with a pocket knife/multi tool. I haven’t had to use my flashlight to help find an address in years but the other purposes I carry it for are enough for me. I’ve used it to blind dogs at night just long enough to give me time to escape to the truck.

I’ve been in public places during power outages where I definitely felt comfortable having a flashlight. For seeing and possible self-defense. You can stun somebody pretty good with a strike of the flashlight. A lot of the “tactical” flashlights are actually designed for that now.

A flashlight is also a good option for traveling out of state, or even to a different country, where my gun carry permit isn’t valid.

I don’t see the point in recommending a particular flashlight though. For me as long as it’s small enough to fit in my pocket, it’s super bright, and won’t fall apart if I have to hit someone with it, then it is good enough.


Yes, I know I'm working late.
Delivering in the pitch black, in my very limited experience, is something that one has to address before one has to deliver after 5 or so. The neighborhoods I deliver to have zero street lighting.
I've used head mounted type lights for other jobs in the past and was never happy with them.
I recently purchased a "chest" light and it doesn't impress me. It has the batteries and a flashing red light in the back. This doesn't work well in a passenger vehicle. I ordered a cap light that looks really promising. It's rechargeable and only weighs a few ounces PLUS it pivots so I can clip it to my UPS vest.
I also made my own chest light but I haven't tested it yet.
What do ya'll use?
The better question is, why do we start so late? Your worthless center manager and the on road sups are all in the bed when you get off work. All management should stay until the last driver gets in. Only then will it be a problem. I can promise you my worthless center manager has never missed a ball game or recital.


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
As a PVD, I get started late. Average start time is after 10:00 AM and that's when I get my load. It takes at least 45 minutes for me to sort out, and pack, my vehicle. I have to reload once which takes another 15-30 minutes. I'm not complaining as I have no right to complain for the short time I'll be doing this BUT i have always wondered why UPS drivers start at 9? My guess is that it's simply not possible to get the thousands of packages sorted at the center earlier?