What now, no bluetooth?


That is an odd thing. I went to one hub where the guy answering had a severe stutter. Being a relaxed feeder driver, I was very patient and he finally got it all out.

Glad someone is cleaning those phones!


Raw Member
What about non-bluetooth with the "wired" version of "hands-free". Are they saying it's a technical issue with electronic communication, a safety issue, or an image issue?

Which brings me to this rant:

UPS literally uses the drivers cell phones as a company asset (and I think this has been beaten to death, back to life, and then killed again). When a driver is broke down I call them on their cell, I use my cell. People who use their cells for company business obviously don't mind donating their personal luxuries for the benefit of UPS (myself included).

Just another example of the hypocrisy of they won't hesitate to use YOUR cell phone for THEIR needs, but then on paper handicap you by saying "THIS NOT ALLOWED".

I'm pretty simple minded, like a dog that's trained, your confusing me with SAYING 1 thing, but WANTING something else!

BTW - isn't it a MUST in states such as California to have a "hands-free device" while driving and using a cell phone?
Talking on a cell phone in any capacity while driving is a safety issue, very obvious. I don`t like it when UPS calls me on my cell phone but if you ban them from calling you on your cell phone you had better not use it while on the clock for personal use!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I personally cannot stand to have anything covering or clipped to my ears, and I also think that it is very unprofessional for a driver to walk around wearing a Bluetooth on his ear while delivering packages and dealing with customers. Many people are oblivious to how loud their voices become when they are having a cellphone conversation in a public place, and its downright rude in most cases for a service employee to be having a conversation on the phone at the same time he is dealing with a customer.

Cell phones are wonderful tools to have, when used appropriately. I will often use mine to call the center when clear and timely communication is essential. But I do not give the number out to customers, and I do not ever even try to talk on the phone while driving or dealing with a customer. At some point we need to hang the damn things up, put them away, and give our undivided attention to what is happening in our immediate enviornment.