What would you have done?

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
So when you go to the doc next week when it's the size of your thigh and he finds damage that requires surgery, do you really think UPS will believe it happened as you say? W/C benefits you far better than disability and if you claim it as off the job you're committing insurance fraud. Grow a set and report all injuries/incidents immediately.
Of course, in the above case, everything you did on vacation comes into question, and, they will question why you did not report it immediately.
And, knowing how Management is, they might try and say you are being dishonest for attempting to report an injury as W/C when it wasn't reported at the "supposed" time it happened.
Hopefully the above does not happen, as it could open up a big can of worms!
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If I wasn't on vaca I woulda reported it . But because I can stay off it for a week .... I'm good .

Maybe mid week I'll go to a dr to take a look at it