Kinda funny you should mention body parts.
We had Keter in building last week and were doing very well. The morning they were to leave they were watching the preload. Just so happens there was a leaker on the belt. Blood coming out of a box. Everybody did what they were supose to do. Stoped the belt, and didnt touch, notified managment.
Management called the des. reponder who showed up without any of his gear. Takes the bloody box to the rewrap area and works on it there. 45 pounds of turkey heads. He has blood all the way to the elbows, no gloves, no protective clothing, no face protection, nothing.
As the inspector said, it was obvious that this was the manor that he was used to responding to spills, as when he was asked about his actions he stated "hell it was only turkey blood".
But that was enough to knock us back down to a 96.9. STill above the national average, but it could have been a high of 99.2.
Shame, all that hard work all for nothing in just one thoughtless second.