Which packages do you hate the most?


Well-Known Member
Remember the giant Dell computers? lol, those were a nice treat.

For me, it’s the stuff that no matter how you situate it it is constantly falling over, sliding into the aisle, and crushing other pkgs

dookie stain

Cornfed whiteboy
I hate the mattresses...and even though they aren’t heavy I hate delivering paper towels and toilet paper...you live 19 feet away from the grocery store..put the iPad down and leave your house...and I also hate wine because nobody is ever home.


Well-Known Member
Wine is annoying cause you lug it to the door 3 days in a row. Freakin furniture, can't stand furniture. Any sort of large exercise equipment, (you should have to help if you order it, exercise you know) Those damn rolled up mattresses, pretty much anything that causes me to have to expel excessive effort.


Well-Known Member
Any heavy package. Anything on the 3rd floor of apartments. Hate riding in elevators of hospitals taking packages to different departments and no one knows where they go. Also empty dish network boxs... What a waste of time and knowing your coming back 3 more times to collect