toonertoo: "Good question, kinda like having it right after 9/11/2001. Duh"
They have always given it at this time of year. I always thought they gave it to us now because we (well most of us) get our raises at the beginning of August and this is a good amount of time for us to really start feeling it.
We have about a month to take it and management in our center in past years has usually stretched out having everyone take it. This year, they had everyone take it in about a week, pretty early too.
scratch_king: "As one of the senior drivers in my center, I was one of the first to take the ERI a few weeks ago. After trying to work us to the point of exhaustion this past year, I wonder why in the world did they think anything positive would come from this?"
Why do we even take it at all? A lot of those I have talked to about the ERI survey also have negative feelings about exactly why management has us take it in the first place.
One of the problems I have with the survey is what it focuses on, and more importantly what it doesn't. A lot of the questions on the survey are too broad and can be interpreted a lot of different ways. The survey also doesn't ask the right kind of questions.
We were also told that when the survey asked about
management, we were to base on our answers only on our direct supervisor, and the full time manager we worked for; not any other supervisors we work with, not the sort manager, not the building manager, etc. Now I like the full time supervisor I work for and think he does a good job (not so much the p/t sup I report to). However, I am very disappointed with the managemnet team as a whole.
Now about the comments section....
It stated on the survey that if we did choose to type in a comment, it would not be shared with anyone in management above the district level. What is going on with that?? I want EVERYONE as high up in management as possible to read my comments. We also are not given nearly enough space to say what we want (or at least what I want) as I always run out of space. Even if I try to limit myself to one of the many topics I want to "comment" on, I can only touch on a few highlights.
Anyway, do I hope that management will act on the issues brought up on the ERI survey? Yes I do.
Do I think that any real, long term positive changes will be made? No, unfortunately I do not.