Woman on mobility scooter killed by UPS truck in Auburn


Retired 23 years
Woman on mobility scooter killed by UPS truck in Auburn - KOMONEWS

A woman riding on a mobility scooter was killed when she collided with a UPS truck in Auburn Wednesday morning.

The woman fell out of her chair at the initial impact and was run over by the truck, police said. She was pronounced dead at the scene.

The driver stayed at the scene and told investigators he didn't see her.

Ouch---that's not good. Must have been in his blind spot.


Retired 23 years
We had a guy locally who would drive his mobility scooter right down the main street of town- day or night . No lights-no flag- no nothing. There was even a pool at one of the saloons on when he was going to get hit. He died of a heart attack so nobody won.


nowhere special
We had a guy locally who would drive his mobility scooter right down the main street of town- day or night . No lights-no flag- no nothing. There was even a pool at one of the saloons on when he was going to get hit. He died of a heart attack so nobody won.

Riding one of those things in the street is not a very good idea.


Retired 23 years
Riding one of those things in the street is not a very good idea.

He was told that many times---even by the cops. The guy was a lawyer who kind of went bonkers when he suffered a stroke. He did this for almost a year.


Amatuer Malthusian
This incident will most likely put that nearly new 24 footer out of action for years and cost the company millions. Good thing we saved so much money last month by not ordering supplies.

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
It is hard to tell what happened in the preliminary report but from what I got It seems the driver was inching forward through the exit and the woman proceeded through simultaniously which led to a very small impact with the front right tire, and she fell out.

Looks very unfortunate. Both appear to have done a slightly stupid thing, One did a "california roll" the other threw caution to the wind and kept going straight. But combine the two and this happens.