Per usual, dBoy is passing on misinformation. Not that there aren't procedures to follow, there are, not that comp may not pay, that's true; but that your regular UPS insurance won't pay, that's totally false. You will have your doctors visits and everything else paid as if it was an off the job injury. That goes for therapy, injections, X-rays, whatever. Where I'm from that's 70/30. They pay 70%.
Be acutely aware that UPS has a policy on injured drivers. If this is your first injury, you will be watched. If this is your second (or more) injury, you will be watched VERY closely, like with a microscope.
Get yourself an attorney now, and get the best comp atty there is in your state. You will need him, and it will be well worth his fee. An injury that happened 6 mos ago and is still bothering you enough to see a doctor, is probably serious. Good Luck.