YEAR later 22.3 jobs


New Member
man , our union does not seem to care about 22.3 people . the new teamsters mag I just got does not say a word about us 22.3 why not !!!!!!!


New Member
i know that our local has been fighting long and hard to get the 22.3 jobs to be reposted after someone retires or whatever, we had filled several grievances sometime back and the way it was explained to us was that every grievance on the same issue doesn't have to be heard, when a settlement is decided that decision applies to all of the grievances on that were filled for the same problem. my grievance never showed on the log of cases or in the teamsters mag, but according to the stewards that heard the conference call form the international that is why the bids have gone back up in our building.

Red Dawn

Well-Known Member
Heard about the conference call, But still no posting at our hub and have not heard from anyone in our local about any bids. At our hub they still have part timers doing our full time job. And they are letting part timers transfer to noonday along with the new hires on noonday. And still 19 months late not one full time combo can work on noonday as becuase we would have back to back shifts. We still have full time pension, insurance, and senority, but NOT pay. We are paid at part time scale. We still have no word on ANY of our grievances. Other than "i got a meeting next week" (this is what we hear every week). Not one of our grievances have made it to panel.

glad to see some locals have made some progress


Heard about the conference call, But still no posting at our hub and have not heard from anyone in our local about any bids. At our hub they still have part timers doing our full time job. And they are letting part timers transfer to noonday along with the new hires on noonday. And still 19 months late not one full time combo can work on noonday as becuase we would have back to back shifts. We still have full time pension, insurance, and senority, but NOT pay. We are paid at part time scale. We still have no word on ANY of our grievances. Other than "i got a meeting next week" (this is what we hear every week). Not one of our grievances have made it to panel.

glad to see some locals have made some progress

Despite the rumour (from the union, mind you BA and steward) still no new 22.3 jobs posted.

Our region has maybe the strongest language regarding 22.3 jobs, yet the language is still pretty weak, so we'll see what happens. One main point is that our supplement says FT jobs must be consecutive shifts, which I am assuming yours does not have; and UPS is exploiting this loophole.

Anothers is that our language says that any FT job that is moved to another region or local, the employee can follow that job and be paid moving expenses (2 months worth I believe). I think this is where UPS dropped the ball, and why jobs are/will be reposted.

Red Dawn

Well-Known Member
think we might be in same region.
When this all came down on us we our group of combo filed on every issue in seprate grievances. We all filed and had a huge stack! What I think is missed is both of our jobs are still there. EAM/Noonday hub. We are kicked off and forced to work sunrise/preload & Twl. Hub/ramp. NO noonday hub or ramp. They filled our jobs with part timers that have only been with the company a few years. I think the youngest combo out of our group had been with the company 11yrs, at that time.
We did file to see where our job went. We have got no response.

NOT ONE (1) OF our local 22.3 issue has made it to pannel!!!!!!!

Nor have we got ANY response on our grievances other that.. "where working on it." and "I got a meeting next week" Which is said every week.