You All Screwed Yourselves!!

times a passing

New Member
:biggrin: To Brown Shark I would love to shake your hand. I say every day, this country is run by B, B, & B. (Bush, Bush, & Bin Laden.) and were going down. I have grandchildren, and I worry for what is in store for then. They will never know THE FREEDOM. And I hate to say it but all your gold won't save you, Char, and neither will WalMart....


Who the *$#@ cares.
:biggrin: To Brown Shark I would love to shake your hand. I say every day, this country is run by B, B, & B. (Bush, Bush, & Bin Laden.) and were going down. I have grandchildren, and I worry for what is in store for then. They will never know THE FREEDOM. And I hate to say it but all your gold won't save you, Char, and neither will WalMart....

Wow, another new member, welcome to the board! :biggrin:


:biggrin: To Brown Shark I would love to shake your hand. I say every day, this country is run by B, B, & B. (Bush, Bush, & Bin Laden.) and were going down. I have grandchildren, and I worry for what is in store for then. They will never know THE FREEDOM. .

pretty bleak outlook on life.


Well-Known Member
:biggrin: To Brown Shark I would love to shake your hand. I say every day, this country is run by B, B, & B. (Bush, Bush, & Bin Laden.) and were going down. I have grandchildren, and I worry for what is in store for then. They will never know THE FREEDOM. And I hate to say it but all your gold won't save you, Char, and neither will WalMart....

The first part of this statement is so ridiculous it does not deserve a response. The second part of your statement I agree with however, I doubt for the same reasons you believe it. As for the third statement, time will only tell. But I will take my chances with my personal freedom and decisions with gold, Wal-Mart, Halliburton, and Google over a government welfare check, or company welfare check managed by mob and union bosses, and greedy executives.

You keep bringing up Rush Limbaugh and how I repeat his false information. I have only said one thing that he has touched on, and I happen to agree with it. Neither party is going to pull the plug on Iraq. They simply use the issue to score political points with their voters. The fact of the matter is you have no idea of what my position on Iraq is because I haven't stated one. Why should I state one when it has nothing to do with this thread. It was meant only to illustrate how the how the two sides play us. Very similar to how the Teamsters and UPS play us. Yet you continue to prove my point by focusing on beating what you percieve to be the other side and not focusing on how your own uses the same methods to decieve you the ones that supposedly support you and and the rest. Your anti-war arguments are as weak or weaker than the popular pro-war arguments are.

Whether it is UPS, Teamsters, Democrats, or Republicans it doesn't really matter, they are only interested in one thing, taking your freedom, and they need your support to do it.




You posted:

You keep bringing up Rush Limbaugh and how I repeat his false information. I have only said one thing that he has touched on, and I happen to agree with it. Neither party is going to pull the plug on Iraq. They simply use the issue to score political points with their voters. The fact of the matter is you have no idea of what my position on Iraq is because I haven't stated one. Why should I state one when it has nothing to do with this thread. It was meant only to illustrate how the how the two sides play us. Very similar to how the Teamsters and UPS play us. Yet you continue to prove my point by focusing on beating what you percieve to be the other side and not focusing on how your own uses the same methods to decieve you the ones that supposedly support you and and the rest. Your anti-war arguments are as weak or weaker than the popular pro-war arguments are. " (end quote)

One of the problems with Rush Limbaugh listeners is that they dont even know when they have been brainwashed. His exclusive use of simple brainwashing techniques is classic. He merely repeats himself over and over and over each and everyday, month after month, year after year, and then the listener get captivated by his passion and staunch defense of the good Americans.

He uses "cliche" identifiers over and over that he invents (ie: drive by media, libs, liberal media) until his listening audience starts to use the terms themselves.

Once his listeners lock into the dialog and montra, they parade around with the wealth of knowledge garnered from a thriced (3) divorced convicted drug addict who also frequents high dollar prostitutes in the Bahamas.

Loaded with this knowledge, they engage those with with a disenting opinion other than Rushes unitl they are shut down like a brothel in a vietnamese massage parlor.

It was you that brought up the Iraq war, not I. I only challenged you to expound upon it with some facts that you could back up. I am prepared to do the same.

If it was an analogy you were looking for, then you chose incorrectly.

While i do have an anti-war position, and this based solely upon RESEARCH and not upon some narcisistic blowhard who calls himself an "entertainer" and NOT a Journalist when caught in a lie.

I am ready to match wits with anyone who would like to step up and debate this war.

A little advice for you Char. Research NAZI propaganda during WWII, look at the tactics used by the Germans. I'd like you to understand one thing about Rush, he uses the same tactics as the NAZI's.

Here is a quote from Hermann Goering during his trial at nuremburg for war crimes against humanity:
"“Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.

You see, Char, this is happening today, the "alarmists" (The Bush administration, Bill Orielly, Sean Hannity & Rush Limbaugh and even that psyco b*tch Ann Coulture) constantly attack the patriotism of Americans they consider pacifists.

By attacking these Americans, they convince others to follow the lead and let them do whatever they want in defense of the country.

The Germans did the same in WWII. They had their own versions of Rush and Hannity on the air everyday until they convinced a country, a nation to hate the jews.

It took repetition and years to do it, but they were successful.

Indeed, they convinced a nation to fight a global war, a global war where everyone was the enemy except the NAZI's.

By using "alarmists" on the radio, they kept the message in the face of the german people day in and day out until they themselves repeated the same ideology.

No different today. Patriotism is constantly under attack here, they use cute sayings like: "freedon isnt free", or "better to fight them there than fight them here", etc etc..

Unfortunately for those who attack citizens who are anti-war, Andrew Jackson said it best: "Dissent is the purest form of democracy"

Teddy Roosevelt also said: "any citizen who blindly follows the president and never questions his decisions is morally treasonable to his country"

I prefer to be an independent thinker who uses the knowledge of research rather than repeating some mis-information from a "paid" propagandist hired to convince a nation that they are in jeopardy of being harmed.

Rush speaks to his listening audience as if he is one of the guys, one who takes a sack lunch to work and hits a timeclock. He calls democrats "elitetists" who love the extravagance of money, yet he earns a salary of $149.000.000 yearly for his radio show and belongs to the most exclusive clubs in the world, including the Bohemian Grove where he confirms he is always a guest.

The Bohemian Grove is a secret club for exclusively rich republicans and has ties to the occult.

Although Rush claims to be the average Conservative American, his three divorces hardly makes him a conservative.

In addition, his racist tendancies show themselves in his skits and parodies. This caters to his redneck audiences who love this humour despite its bad taste.

So Char, give your brain a break, Rush comes through in almost every sentence your write, thats why I picked up on it so quickly.

You want to make war references, then I will respond in kind.

Dont make yourself sound foolish on this war. Theres plenty of people doing that already.



Well-Known Member

You posted:

You keep bringing up Rush Limbaugh and how I repeat his false information. I have only said one thing that he has touched on, and I happen to agree with it. Neither party is going to pull the plug on Iraq. They simply use the issue to score political points with their voters. The fact of the matter is you have no idea of what my position on Iraq is because I haven't stated one. Why should I state one when it has nothing to do with this thread. It was meant only to illustrate how the how the two sides play us. Very similar to how the Teamsters and UPS play us. Yet you continue to prove my point by focusing on beating what you percieve to be the other side and not focusing on how your own uses the same methods to decieve you the ones that supposedly support you and and the rest. Your anti-war arguments are as weak or weaker than the popular pro-war arguments are. " (end quote)

One of the problems with Rush Limbaugh listeners is that they dont even know when they have been brainwashed. His exclusive use of simple brainwashing techniques is classic. He merely repeats himself over and over and over each and everyday, month after month, year after year, and then the listener get captivated by his passion and staunch defense of the good Americans.

He uses "cliche" identifiers over and over that he invents (ie: drive by media, libs, liberal media) until his listening audience starts to use the terms themselves.

Once his listeners lock into the dialog and montra, they parade around with the wealth of knowledge garnered from a thriced (3) divorced convicted drug addict who also frequents high dollar prostitutes in the Bahamas.

Loaded with this knowledge, they engage those with with a disenting opinion other than Rushes unitl they are shut down like a brothel in a vietnamese massage parlor.

It was you that brought up the Iraq war, not I. I only challenged you to expound upon it with some facts that you could back up. I am prepared to do the same.

If it was an analogy you were looking for, then you chose incorrectly.

While i do have an anti-war position, and this based solely upon RESEARCH and not upon some narcisistic blowhard who calls himself an "entertainer" and NOT a Journalist when caught in a lie.

I am ready to match wits with anyone who would like to step up and debate this war.

A little advice for you Char. Research NAZI propaganda during WWII, look at the tactics used by the Germans. I'd like you to understand one thing about Rush, he uses the same tactics as the NAZI's.

Here is a quote from Hermann Goering during his trial at nuremburg for war crimes against humanity:
"“Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.

You see, Char, this is happening today, the "alarmists" (The Bush administration, Bill Orielly, Sean Hannity & Rush Limbaugh and even that psyco b*tch Ann Coulture) constantly attack the patriotism of Americans they consider pacifists.

By attacking these Americans, they convince others to follow the lead and let them do whatever they want in defense of the country.

The Germans did the same in WWII. They had their own versions of Rush and Hannity on the air everyday until they convinced a country, a nation to hate the jews.

It took repetition and years to do it, but they were successful.

Indeed, they convinced a nation to fight a global war, a global war where everyone was the enemy except the NAZI's.

By using "alarmists" on the radio, they kept the message in the face of the german people day in and day out until they themselves repeated the same ideology.

No different today. Patriotism is constantly under attack here, they use cute sayings like: "freedon isnt free", or "better to fight them there than fight them here", etc etc..

Unfortunately for those who attack citizens who are anti-war, Andrew Jackson said it best: "Dissent is the purest form of democracy"

Teddy Roosevelt also said: "any citizen who blindly follows the president and never questions his decisions is morally treasonable to his country"

I prefer to be an independent thinker who uses the knowledge of research rather than repeating some mis-information from a "paid" propagandist hired to convince a nation that they are in jeopardy of being harmed.

Rush speaks to his listening audience as if he is one of the guys, one who takes a sack lunch to work and hits a timeclock. He calls democrats "elitetists" who love the extravagance of money, yet he earns a salary of $149.000.000 yearly for his radio show and belongs to the most exclusive clubs in the world, including the Bohemian Grove where he confirms he is always a guest.

The Bohemian Grove is a secret club for exclusively rich republicans and has ties to the occult.

Although Rush claims to be the average Conservative American, his three divorces hardly makes him a conservative.

In addition, his racist tendancies show themselves in his skits and parodies. This caters to his redneck audiences who love this humour despite its bad taste.

So Char, give your brain a break, Rush comes through in almost every sentence your write, thats why I picked up on it so quickly.

You want to make war references, then I will respond in kind.

Dont make yourself sound foolish on this war. Theres plenty of people doing that already.


Did you read the first sentence of my last post and go right into your reply? I still haven't stated my position on this war. Do you know what the title of this thread is and its main topic? It has nothing to do with the war. Only how the politicians play both sides with it. I wrote one or two sentences about Rush and the war. I think the Democrats are lying their asses off when they say they think the war is immoral, illegal, and they were tricked and they will end it yesterday. I also think Republicans are lying their asses off when they say its going well. The reasons given for going to war were partially true at best and totally incomplete.

Please do me a favor and focus on the main idea of this thread. Please also note that I have not challenged you on the Iraq War, I have not taken a position on the Iraq War, I have not attacked your position on the Iraq War, I haven't even asked you what your position is on the Iraq War, and I certainly don't need a lecture from Rush limbaugh or you for that matter on the facts regarding the Iraq War or the use of NAZI propaganda. If you think Rush Limbaugh, George Bush, and Republicans are the only ones using NAZI propaganda techniques you are as blind as you are ignorant as to the main idea of this thread. And your last reply to me proves that. Nor do I care to engage in an Iraq War debate with anybody on this forum, especially with someone who so blindly follow the Democrat lies about this war and/or the Republican lies about this war.

Please comment on what is written below. I do not care to hear anything else you have to say that is not related to what is written below. This is not the Current Events section of the forum, it is the UPS Labor Relations section.

Teamsters and UPS join forces to get what they want from us. (Power & Freedom) Most of the adversarial envrionment is staged.
Democrats and Republicans join forces to get what they want from us. (Power & Freedom) Most of the adversarial environment is staged.

I am not the one on this thread that looks foolish. You are, and it has nothing to do with your position on the war. If you wish to discuss/debate political topics then start an appropriate thread.

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originaly posted by CHAR:Teamsters and UPS join forces to get what they want from us. (Power & Freedom) Most of the adversarial envrionment is staged.
Democrats and Republicans join forces to get what they want from us. (Power & Freedom) Most of the adversarial environment is staged.

I am not the one on this thread that looks foolish. You are, and it has nothing to do with your position on the war. If you wish to discuss/debate political topics then start an appropriate thread.


Now this is what you should have started with in the first place. I agree with you on this level. With respect to this contract, it appears that both sides have combined to convince us to vote a certain way even though both sides know full well that it is not in OUR best interests.

We have peace on this issue.

As for your assertions that you have not made a position clear on the war....???

Well, this is what you have written: " I think the Democrats are lying their asses off when they say they think the war is immoral, illegal, and they were tricked and they will end it yesterday. I also think Republicans are lying their asses off when they say its going well. The reasons given for going to war were partially true at best and totally incomplete. " (end quote)

I think this is a position. I know it appears that you are riding the fence, but its clear where you stand and how you got there.

I will agree that I have said all that was necessary to get you to understand that your war viewpoint may be askew and somewhat tainted by propaganda.

There are lots of lies on both sides with respect to this war.

Its just too bad 4735 Americans have paid the price for those lies and another 1000 average a year will continue to pay until we get the hell out of there.




You posted:


One of the problems with Rush Limbaugh listeners is that they dont even know when they have been brainwashed. His exclusive use of simple brainwashing techniques is classic. He merely repeats himself over and over and over each and everyday, month after month, year after year, and then the listener get captivated by his passion and staunch defense of the good Americans.

He uses "cliche" identifiers over and over that he invents (ie: drive by media, libs, liberal media) until his listening audience starts to use the terms themselves.

Once his listeners lock into the dialog and montra, they parade around with the wealth of knowledge garnered from a thriced (3) divorced convicted drug addict who also frequents high dollar prostitutes in the Bahamas.

In addition, his racist tendancies show themselves in his skits and parodies. This caters to his redneck audiences who love this humour despite its bad taste.


One thing I always find funny is that liberals tend to try to discount rush limbaugh so vehemently. It appears you have done a lot of reading up on rush in order to have so many derogatory things to say about him. It shows that despite your fine effort to discredit the man in every way that he remains a force to be reckoned with. If he was really everything you say then there would be no need for you to discredit him, would there?

I'm personally not a rush limbaugh listener but am amazed at the level you went to in order to find material to discredit the man. Its like a rabid obsession. I don't like liberals but jeez I don't turn it into a witch hunt where I study up on derogatory things to say about them.


One thing I always find funny is that liberals tend to try to discount rush limbaugh so vehemently. It appears you have done a lot of reading up on rush in order to have so many derogatory things to say about him. It shows that despite your fine effort to discredit the man in every way that he remains a force to be reckoned with. If he was really everything you say then there would be no need for you to discredit him, would there?


being informed is a talent, remaining ignorant is humourous. Sometimes the facts hurt, but they are still facts.

While Liberals may discredit Rush everyday for the things he sez, even Key Republicans discount him as well.

Our very own Governor, Arnold Swarzenegger has stated that Rush Limbaugh is no longer a voice for the Republicans and no longer a factor in Gop politics. The reason, Rushes rational has turned from information to his own Narcisistic need for self indulgence.

Being informed. You should try it Tie.

Maybe you'll spend less time at the keyboard.



Well-Known Member
Republicans SUCK
Democrats SUCK
Politicians SUCK
Governement SUCKS
It is blatantly obvious that this contract is an attempt to appeases UPS and for the union to get their $$$. Look at the contract. Pay increase not bad, but weak language through out.........shaft job to future hires and Part-timers. union is happy as they will still get their dues. UPS is happy as the contract is in their favor. NEITHER side gives a rat's butt about us.
Notice how the contract wasn't finished and ready to be voted on until Nov. 14th??????? Gives us the feel of urgency that this is our only shot to save the CS pension.......being told that they will not go back to negotiations until mid 08'. If they "union" was so concerned about little old me, they would of had a tentative contract drawn up and presented to us far before now. I feel like I...let me say that again "I", would be a fool to vote yes on this contract.


Well-Known Member
Republicans SUCK
Democrats SUCK
Politicians SUCK
Governement SUCKS
It is blatantly obvious that this contract is an attempt to appeases UPS and for the union to get their $$$. Look at the contract. Pay increase not bad, but weak language through out.........shaft job to future hires and Part-timers. union is happy as they will still get their dues. UPS is happy as the contract is in their favor. NEITHER side gives a rat's butt about us.
Notice how the contract wasn't finished and ready to be voted on until Nov. 14th??????? Gives us the feel of urgency that this is our only shot to save the CS pension.......being told that they will not go back to negotiations until mid 08'. If they "union" was so concerned about little old me, they would of had a tentative contract drawn up and presented to us far before now. I feel like I...let me say that again "I", would be a fool to vote yes on this contract.

Finally someone actually understands what I am saying. Thank you for making my day :wink2:

Char :peaceful:



Well-Known Member

being informed is a talent, remaining ignorant is humourous. Sometimes the facts hurt, but they are still facts.

While Liberals may discredit Rush everyday for the things he sez, even Key Republicans discount him as well.

Our very own Governor, Arnold Swarzenegger has stated that Rush Limbaugh is no longer a voice for the Republicans and no longer a factor in Gop politics. The reason, Rushes rational has turned from information to his own Narcisistic need for self indulgence.

Being informed. You should try it Tie.

Maybe you'll spend less time at the keyboard.


I would hardly call Arnold a "key" Republican. He is a sideshow at best. Everyone was so excited about Arnold, including Limbaugh, I knew he would be nothing but a joke from the get go. I'd take my Democrat Governor Janet Napalitano over the so-called Republican Governator.



Well-Known Member
Finally someone actually understands what I am saying. Thank you for making my day :wink2:

Char :peaceful:

It was clear to me. I do listen to rush on occasion. Listen to hanity a little more frequently. Do they spew talking point all the time....heck yea......can you learn from them, yes again.
When voting for politicians it is just picking the less of two evils.
As far as then next Presidential election....depending on who wins.....scratch matter who wins, it will be jumping out of the pot into the fire. My prediction anyway.
As far as government health care and social services.......NO WAY. Bigger government is not the answer. 2 points.

1) Do you want a bigger union? Is our problem is that the union isn’t bi enough? If it was bigger, would we have a better contract? Same goes for the government.

2) I am a divorced dad of two struggling to make ends meet......or at least trying to get the ends to meet. I work a minimum of 75 hours a week. came to UPS for the benefits (thinking of driving now) but I came here for the benefits for me and my children. I am self employed outside of UPS. I PAID for my own health care. Could I of gotten my kids on better believe it. Did I? No. Why, because this is America and I have the ability to go out and do what I need to do. I do not expect tax payers to pay for my situation. If I had no other choice, sure I would use government assistance....but that would be a last ditch effort.

I am all for the older driver getting their pension. However, I would like to control by savings. This way I know what I will have.
I will end this rant with:
Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country .


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with dissent, but of course well all know what happened to those that tried to dissent from The Buthcher of Bagdad's Regime, and his sweet li'l sons. Maybe they were all misunderstood. Yeah right!

I think ridding the Iraqi's, or the world from them is fine, but we have to have some type of exit strategy, because peace if ever obtained, would only be brief there, because imo that is the nature of the Islamic Beast. To have a false peace until they gain an upper hand, then if their foes will not become Muslims, and remain Kafir's (unbelievers), kill them. As Mohummad said, "If someone leaves their Islamic faith, kill them".


Active Member
Question: Who is Ron Paul?

Answer: The most honest politician in congress.

He is for: The Constitution, limited government, Personal rights, States rights, Zero income taxes, Secure borders, and sound money.

He is against: The war, policing the world, lobbyists in Washington, government interference in the private lives of the citizens of the united states.
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Active Member
Maybe it is. However, I don't think he is a dishonest man. Look him up...and dig deeper than those whom are trying to discredit him.:peaceful: