You know you're a UPS driver if...


Well-Known Member
While driving down the street today, in my personal vehicle, I saw a cardboard box laying in the median. Out of instinct, I looked to see if it was seal up and possibly fell out of the back of a brown truck someone forgot to close the back door on. This happened to me once-way back when I was a rookie!
One time I also found two very expensive boxes of gold jewelry that had fallen out of the back of a post office truck. They were laying in the road right out in front of the shipper's building. Needless to say, they were a little glad when I brought them in, but PO'd at the PO!
your high quality new socks look like this after day 1


Active Member
If you run better than scratch ....and run LESS miles than Orion calls for ....and you still get bitched at for not being 85% or better on Orion.....

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