710 Votes No - 3 to 1 margin

Brown Dog

Brown since 81
I have to disagree with you. As of 2/1/2014 I have received $456,000 in pension payments. Thank you Teamsters.
I'm happy for you Rod, truly, I am. But, My comments were about an increase in payments made by UPS to teamsters proposed in new contract but not reflected in increased monthly pension benefits. This would be for future retirees. I wish you many more years of happy retirement.

Brown Dog

Brown since 81
No offense to anyone posting their concerns but our problems are much greater than seasonal rates or progression. I hear you. I do but we have larger problems on the horizon.

1. Currently UPS is paying over $400 a week into the pension fund. If nothing is changed by the end of the proposed contract it will be over $600 a week. Think about it $600 A WEEK!!!! That's a ton of money with no pension increase in sight. We should be allowed to split the difference with 710. They get $100 for the fund and we get $100 for our 401k every week. That's generous in my opinion. We as UPSers contribute more to this fund than any other company and it's time for us to be treated as such.

2. The 9.5 language needs to have language that all time after 9.5 hours worked WILL(not shall) be paid at triple time without filing a grievance. Let's face it they aren't going to add routes so if we are going to miss family time then we should be compensated appropriately.

3. Elimination of classification seniority and strictly use full time seniority to rebid EVERY full time position every year. After this contract we will be forced to work extra years. Those members 52+ should be allowed to select inside/combo or feeder positions if their seniority spplies. Seniority is king folks. We love it if it benefits us and dislike it when it doesn't but fair is fair.

4. Insurance is changing everywhere. From what I saw what is being proposed to us is good. I personally did not agree with the ER portion of it but most of us don't use the ER even once a year.

Follow the long term money folks. Their are thousands and thousands if unexplained dollars out there. Where is it all being used and why doesn't it benefit us more than it is??
Very Astute observations and comments. These are real concerns for many!! That we don't hear these concerns being addressed is very problematic. UPS is paying a hefty amount into our retirement, 710 needs to address this concern for future retirees on this contract NOW.

Brown Dog

Brown since 81
9.5 is strictly a package car issue. Feeder has its own issues. Most package drivers look forward to becoming feeder drivers. In feeder almost every shift is over 9.5 hours. It's a waste of time trying to get more triple time, it won't happen.
I also strongly disagree with you that new hire wage isn't a top 3 issue. There are a ton of drivers affected by this. I already have ten years in the pension but that doesn't pay for my groceries now. It's sad that non union seasonal make so much more than full time teamsters. Many of them don't want to go full time.

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I disagree that most package drivers want to be feeder. And there is language now paying more for over 9.5 but there are many hoops to be jumped thru. Even though "pension" doesn't pay for your groceries now, you will still need groceries when you retire, and NOW is the time to negotiate for that.


Well-Known Member
We had 710 members at our place a week and a half ago. Just told us to go online and fill out survey to address our issues or fill out a paper form and give it to stewards. They also emphasized the importance of everyone voting. I think we had less than half our members vote. No timetable was given to us at all, but they alluded to trying to get feedback and not rushing the process.

Being a fairly new member to 710 don't we usually get a slightly better package than the national? More vacation and some improved language? Hope we get our issues addressed quickly and efficiently and that they don't just try to drag it out and ram a sub par agreement down our throats. I think the vote totals should be a fairly good mandate on where we stand.


Well-Known Member
We had 710 members at our place a week and a half ago. Just told us to go online and fill out survey to address our issues or fill out a paper form and give it to stewards. They also emphasized the importance of everyone voting. I think we had less than half our members vote. No timetable was given to us at all, but they alluded to trying to get feedback and not rushing the process.

Being a fairly new member to 710 don't we usually get a slightly better package than the national? More vacation and some improved language? Hope we get our issues addressed quickly and efficiently and that they don't just try to drag it out and ram a sub par agreement down our throats. I think the vote totals should be a fairly good mandate on where we stand.

710 steward

Well-Known Member

Thank you. I appreciate your kind words. There are a few here that consider me yo be anti union and a traitor. I am anything but anti union. The fact is we are not being represented by the current leadership. In fact the private conversations that I have had with them has been "no, not going to happen." I have walked away from those conversations disappointed and angry. 710 is in no way listening to our majority which is 3 to 1. They are only interested in figuring out a way to pass this horrible contract they currently have on the table that was voted down in droves. I am sincere when I say this. I continually tell my building that this is the most important contract of our career.


Well-Known Member
I think members thought that they might be able to stay in their current UPS insurance plan if they voted no. Talking to Pat he was very clear that wasn't going to happen. We are getting Teamcare no matter what.

I asked him right in front of the other drivers in our building why our pension benefits hadn't gone up in response to the contribution increases. He said that government rules led to us having to be fully funded but that the directors revisit the issue every year. Which means probably no increase in the near future.

I think they will try to throw us a bone for the next vote by trying to get an increase in UPS contributions for retiree insurance or shortening the driver progression a little. Other than that I don't see anything else changing.

710 steward

Well-Known Member
I think members thought that they might be ab

I asked him right in front of the other drivers in our building why our pension benefits hadn't gone up in response to the contribution increases. He said that government rules led to us having to be fully funded but that the directors revisit the issue every year. Which means probably no increase in the near future.

In my opinion is the reason why the $40 increase that 710 is.getting between health and welfare/pension should.be reduced by $10 that would be allocated into our 401k's. I understand that there will not be an increase in monthly pension checks but 710 can still allow a retirement increase for the members funding our pension. That in my option is fair. It is a win win for all. By the end of our contract the pension would grow and $50 a week would be allotted towards 401k's. That is fair. I'd like to see all UPS buildings pass around a petition for all full time employees sign challenging our current leadership to add this provision to our new contract.


My Senior Picture
I think members thought that they might be able to stay in their current UPS insurance plan if they voted no. Talking to Pat he was very clear that wasn't going to happen. We are getting Teamcare no matter what.

Are they presently still in the UPS insurance plan?

710 steward

Well-Known Member

I suspect your feelings are correct. Flynn is only interested in dressing up this contract as cheaply as he can as he promised UPS and Hoffa the world but failed to deliver.

Full time progression is a difficult topic for me. While I do agree the starting wage needs to be increased these people do get full benefits and start their pension. That in my opinion shouldn't be taken lightly.

Retirees insurance should be a hot topic. The monthly charge at the end of this contract will be $400 a month with no pension increase. That means people retiring today will not only have smaller pensions due to inflation, they will also have a smaller pension check than the person that retired 15 effing years ago!!!!!!! Thanks Pat, great job on a zero return fund for the last 20 years. Flynn likes to brag that he has been in the union for 30+ years. I'd love to send him on his way from 40 grand a month position to $3500.
How many...savvy people can make this kind of dough? without spending 4 years In college (not making any money) and not having any student loans?...jmho

I realize we make good money, but so do we get complacent because we make more than a college grad.?Do kids coming out of college get questioned for going to the bathroom, delivering a package a minute late, talking to a customer for 5 minutes, running too many miles, not being quick enough? We are highly scrutinized and accountable for every minute of our day and I don't think everybody would want this job I don't need to make anymore money per hour, but I'll take it if UPS is offering it. And they are. They are handing a huge financial package over. Maybe if guys saw the pension amounts being deducted from our checks weekly(401.00 currently), it would bring about some awareness. It seems that alot of guys don't realize that is money we are working for. There are guys in our facility that actually think their union dues are paying for their pension. If we are going to continue to hand over substantial amounts of money toward our pension and not see raises, then we should demand more per hour, so we can personally invest in our retirements, or have our current health care fully paid or whatever the rank and file wants!

710 steward

Well-Known Member

I hope so for you and your family too. The last thing any of us want is our children to walk in our shoes. I stress education to mine what feels like all of the time.


Well-Known Member
The last thing any of us want is our children to walk in our shoes.

I think what you are trying to say here is that all parents want their children to live more prosperous lives than they did, with prosperity being more than just financial. All four of us have our college degrees yet my son and his mother will be the only two actually using theirs. Do I wish that things had worked out differently for me? Of course but the two things that I wouldn't change are my son and daughter and the two fine young adults that they have become.