

Well-Known Member
Okay, let's say tomorrow, abortion is now illegal. What do we as a society do with all the unwanted children given up for adoption....or woman who are "raising" a child/children they neither wanted, nor can afford?


Come on --you are on a roll --Abort the babies --we cannot afford them --kill the elderly --we cannot afford them---Kill the sick we cannot afford them ----Where would YOU stop ???:sad-little:


That’s Craptacular

Come on --you are on a roll --Abort the babies --we cannot afford them --kill the elderly --we cannot afford them---Kill the sick we cannot afford them ----Where would YOU stop ???:sad-little:
Well considering my opinion on
euthanasia....do you really want to tug at that thread?? Euthanasia and physician assisted suicide should be legal (and it is in washington and oregon). I believe in the death penalty. And ya know what, chief? You're never going to change my mind, and I ain't trying to change yours...


Inordinately Right

You bring Jesus and Christianity into the death penalty ----ABORTION --What would Jesus say ???
That it is wrong. I'm betting he'd say sex out of wedlock is wrong too. I would agree.
But after the sex is done, abortion has a lot of gray areas that can be debated. In terms of conception, fertilization can take days, so can implantation. Could be up to 14 days for a fertilized egg to be implanted in the uterus. I have no problem with birth control, or the morning after pill. I think they prevent abortions.
I think extremist Christians that fight against birth control and the morning after pill to be really misguided.


Well-Known Member
That it is wrong. I'm betting he'd say sex out of wedlock is wrong too. I would agree.
But after the sex is done, abortion has a lot of gray areas that can be debated. In terms of conception, fertilization can take days, so can implantation. Could be up to 14 days for a fertilized egg to be implanted in the uterus. I have no problem with birth control, or the morning after pill. I think they prevent abortions.
I think extremist Christians that fight against birth control and the morning after pill to be really misguided.


Where is the world heading ---we actually agree on this --a very thoughtful response--when the "Heartbeat" starts --it should be hands off !!


Well-Known Member
Well considering my opinion on
euthanasia....do you really want to tug at that thread?? Euthanasia and physician assisted suicide should be legal (and it is in washington and oregon). I believe in the death penalty. And ya know what, chief? You're never going to change my mind, and I ain't trying to change yours...


I could care less about anyone's mind. I also believe in the death penalty.

I do not believe in Partial birth abortion or abortion after the babies heartbeat has begun.

People have a tendency to lump both of these topics together --death penalty and Abortion as if they were the same .

Also ---who is chief ???:happy-very:

I object strongly to that view and see them as very different subjects.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself


Well-Known Member
Ahh the age old debate of abortion rages on. It's funny, every single forum that I belong to, no matter what the forum is about, has a thread about abortion.

I personally understand the whole picture of a hanger and what that poster was trying to say. Sometimes people need to be hit with a really large mallet and shock them, in order to understand another's POV. If we take away the legal way to terminate a pregnancy, then it's back to the dark alley rusty hanger method.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Ahh the age old debate of abortion rages on. It's funny, every single forum that I belong to, no matter what the forum is about, has a thread about abortion.

I personally understand the whole picture of a hanger and what that poster was trying to say. Sometimes people need to be hit with a really large mallet and shock them, in order to understand another's POV. If we take away the legal way to terminate a pregnancy, then it's back to the dark alley rusty hanger method.

In the past, I have looked at social issues with a more Libertarian outlook, but I am always reminded that there are is more than one side to any issue.

In the case of abortion, what about the unborn child's rights to life. If you want to say that that impregnated egg is anything but a human being I would take issue with that. If you are going to have unprotected sex than take responsibility for your actions....that includes both sexes.

Good common sense should always prevail when establishing laws, rules and regulations. Outlawing abortion is not good common sense for a number of reasons but an unwanted pregnancy in my opinion is not a reason to terminate the life of the unborn.

Nobody can convince me otherwise.


Well-Known Member
In the past, I have looked at social issues with a more Libertarian outlook, but I am always reminded that there are is more than one side to any issue.

In the case of abortion, what about the unborn child's rights to life. If you want to say that that impregnated egg is anything but a human being I would take issue with that. If you are going to have unprotected sex than take responsibility for your actions....that includes both sexes.

Good common sense should always prevail when establishing laws, rules and regulations. Outlawing abortion is not good common sense for a number of reasons but an unwanted pregnancy in my opinion is not a reason to terminate the life of the unborn.

Nobody can convince me otherwise.
I really don't like to debate abortion, because I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion and beliefs. It's neither right or wrong, and I would never try to convince someone otherwise. The moment you take a stance on something like this, it puts a target on your back.

But... my feeling is, if you choose to terminate a pregnancy it is your right and your business. I try not to judge anyone, because I don't walk in their shoes. I know people that have followed through with pregnancy, given the baby up for adoption and think about it every single day. I also know people that have terminated and felt great relief and then a few others bothered by it.

So, I'm glad there still is a choice out there. Going back to dark alleys and doing dangerous things is not the way, IMO.



Well-Known Member
Ahh the age old debate of abortion rages on. It's funny, every single forum that I belong to, no matter what the forum is about, has a thread about abortion.

I personally understand the whole picture of a hanger and what that poster was trying to say. Sometimes people need to be hit with a really large mallet and shock them, in order to understand another's POV. If we take away the legal way to terminate a pregnancy, then it's back to the dark alley rusty hanger method.


If gingerkat was in her mothers womb --whether dodging a hanger or Abortion tool ---would not make much difference.

Want to hit someone in the head with a hammer ---watch a sonar assisted abortion --in which a little BABY ---a fetus--a human being --tries to defend itself with its little feet and hands--the will to live and survive--life-- is very evident---as the Abortion doctor --stabs, crushes and sucks the dead baby --from what should be the safest place in the world.

In a civilized world --you would think that we would have things like birth-control--pregnancy preventers--morning after pills ----rather than saying a "woman" has free choice to Kill.

No one has the right to STOP a HEARTBEAT !!! POV clear enough :sick:

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

I think that we are more on the same page than not on the same page. Each individual person has to follow their moral compass. They will be judged either in this life or the next (if you believe).

I just wonder how many pick abortion because it is the easiest solution. In and out, back to normal the next day. Except for one thing, one less human being in this world.

I am close to 2 women from extremely religious families, who had children out of wedlock. This was during a time when you suffered terribly from a society that judged you harshly. Their kids are grown up now and WONDERFUL human beings who have contributions to society.

I admire what these women went through, their courage, and who they are today.

We need to support women of all socio-economic backgrounds so that they make informed decisions not the easy one. We need to have the support mechanisms in place so they can feel they are not alone and will be able to cope if they decide to bring a valued and sacred life into this world.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Have been going through the ups and downs with my daughter of her fertility problems. The things she has to go through to become pregnant not to mention having someone growing inside you and to loose them after some weeks last year.We have been waiting by the phone after each blood test ,or ultra sound to share in the joy or lend a shoulder to cry on based on the result. It was in the middle of one on these times Friday morning (we are cautiously optimistic) that I received an e-mail in the name of Obama by one of his faithful one Kaili Lambe that the women in New Mexico needed my help because that state was outlawing abortions after 30 weeks.I wanted to throw my computer screens through the wall of my office. I could only reply the words "you disgust me" which I am sure went nowhere because the killers only were prepared to receive blood money.


Well-Known Member
Wow.....where to begin? First of all, I agree with you that abortion should not be thought of as just another birth control device; however, that being said, I do support the woman's right to choose an abortion in the case of incest, rape, fetal distress, birth defects or when the birth could cause irreparable medical harm to the mother. I also support the right of a woman to choose to abort the fetus at any time or for whatever reason during the first trimester. I absolutely do not support those who seek to relegate abortions to back alleys using coat hangers and am shocked that you, of all people, believe this way. What if society sought to segregate those with MS, much like lepers, to the back alleys of our society?

Abortion is a deeply personal decision, one that I would hope is not taken lightly nor one which should be regulated by any governmental body.


Age quod agis
Abortion is personal but I grow tired of having hangers used as the reason to keep late term abortions legal.
I grow tired of the other side marching in front of clinics - why not make it easier for these troubled women to give birth.

There should be no reason for back alley abortions with the availability of birth control.
This should be a discussion between MD and patient.
This should never have become political and a legal question.

And as for segregation of people with MS from society...it tends to happen without society assistance.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member

I think that we are more on the same page than not on the same page. Each individual person has to follow their moral compass. They will be judged either in this life or the next (if you believe).

I just wonder how many pick abortion because it is the easiest solution. In and out, back to normal the next day. Except for one thing, one less human being in this world.

I am close to 2 women from extremely religious families, who had children out of wedlock. This was during a time when you suffered terribly from a society that judged you harshly. Their kids are grown up now and WONDERFUL human beings who have contributions to society.

I admire what these women went through, their courage, and who they are today.

We need to support women of all socio-economic backgrounds so that they make informed decisions not the easy one. We need to have the support mechanisms in place so they can feel they are not alone and will be able to cope if they decide to bring a valued and sacred life into this world.
Great post.