Bin Laden


Well-Known Member
All I can say what is going to happen next. they already made threats

Yes they have.
I understand they have made comments to the effect of, "...we will destroy you from within".
Some posters are this forum apparently think our shores will be attacked by hordes of screaming :censored2:s with swords drawn.
Not gonna happen.
Other posters apparently think that if we love our enemy our enemy will love us. How's that working for ya America?
It won't be next week, next month or even next year but they will be in control at some point.
Get your mat ready.
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Yup, you're right....I kinda like war mongers.
People like Patton, McArthur, Lt. William Calley, The Leavenworth 10, SEAL Team Six, of course these names probably don't mean anything to you.
My Father blew hell out of things in the WWII. What did your father do?
If it wasn't for people like my father and the rest of the WWII Vets, we'd all be speaking German or Japanese now but that probably hasn't occured to you has it?
Talk to someone who was alive and aware prior to WWII. The Japanese diplomats were in the US talking about detente, peace, love and all that other crap all the while they were planning Pearl Harbor.

Seriously? german? japanese?

You buy into that? You under estimate the power of the free world. Patton? McArthur? Two additional idiots of war like West? Both of these men were relieved of duty as well, so I guess your consistent with your thoughts.

My father wasnt old enough for wwii, and I am sure there are plenty of good soldiers who gave their lives for us all. You just happen to pick the crappy ones.

I saw that you didnt pick a hero out of korea or vietnam, so I will assume you dont know of any.

The topic you spoke of was Alan West, I am sorry if I shot you down in one shot. kinda like an Iraqi fighter jet.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Yes they have.
I understand they have made comments to the effect of, "...we will destroy you from within".
Some posters are this forum apparently think our shores will be attacked by hordes of screaming :censored2:s with swords drawn.
Not gonna happen.
Other posters apparently think that if we love our enemy our enemy will love us. How's that working for ya America?
It won't be next week, next month or even next year but they will be in control at some point.
Get your mat ready.

Dont forget trick, that while you had the most military minded president in american history in office, our country was successfully attacked while the president was reading "my pet goat".

When that happens to our "love guru", then I think you may have a point. 911 is something the repubicans will NEVER live down.



Well-Known Member
Seriously? german? japanese?

You buy into that? You under estimate the power of the free world.
Patton? McArthur? Two additional idiots of war like West? Both of these men were relieved of duty as well, so I guess your consistent with your thoughts.

My father wasnt old enough for wwii, and I am sure there are plenty of good soldiers who gave their lives for us all. You just happen to pick the crappy ones.

I saw that you didnt pick a hero out of korea or vietnam, so I will assume you dont know of any.

The topic you spoke of was Alan West, I am sorry if I shot you down in one shot. kinda like an Iraqi fighter jet.


Thank you TOS. I don't accept Trick's premise either. War is not fought for freedom and goodness but for money and power. As Smedley Butler said, "War is a Racket!"
Dont forget trick, that while you had the most military minded president in american history in office, our country was successfully attacked while the president was reading "my pet goat".

When that happens to our "love guru", then I think you may have a point. 911 is something the repubicans will NEVER live down.

He didn't know what day or time an attack might happen, assuming he even knew an attack was eminent. Did he know? just what was he told and by whom?
I have to ask you, what would have Bush do?
Seriously? german? japanese?

You buy into that? You under estimate the power of the free world. Patton? McArthur? Two additional idiots of war like West? Both of these men were relieved of duty as well, so I guess your consistent with your thoughts.

My father wasnt old enough for wwii, and I am sure there are plenty of good soldiers who gave their lives for us all. You just happen to pick the crappy ones.

I saw that you didnt pick a hero out of korea or vietnam, so I will assume you dont know of any.

The topic you spoke of was Alan West, I am sorry if I shot you down in one shot. kinda like an Iraqi fighter jet.

Patton and McArthur both were very good military minds, they were both also very bad political minds. They knew how to win the battles and that is what they were there for, to get the job done. Maybe they did it too well.


Well-Known Member
I think TOS is playing everyone on this forum like a second hand fiddle and enjoys it.
Irrespective of why war is fought, there are winners and losers and alive people and dead people.
Which would you prefer to be?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Patton and McArthur both were very good military minds, they were both also very bad political minds. They knew how to win the battles and that is what they were there for, to get the job done. Maybe they did it too well.


Patton and McArthur were terrible leaders. They used their own self interests to achieve military goals, even if that meant wasting mens lives. That doesnt make them good leaders. A narcissitic approach to war when soldiers lives are wasted isnt what character is all about.

They were both removed because in each case, smarter people prevailed.



Well-Known Member
I think TOS is playing everyone on this forum like a second hand fiddle and enjoys it.
Irrespective of why war is fought, there are winners and losers and alive people and dead people.
Which would you prefer to be?

It's a false choice as you assume there is no other option but to fight war itself. "Irrespective of why the war is fought" IMO justifies the reasons of Hitler because the principle premise is to fight war and then to decide if one wants to be dead or alive is the only thing left to do. It's really a "You're either with me or a'gin me" angle. Questioning the entire process to begin with is not nor never allowed. What are the reasons, what is the rational for war are forbidden questions.

Guess what, more and more people are doing just that, questioning the reasons and rational! If our soldiers are fighting for our freedoms, how come we keep loosing them as we defeat our supposed enemies? Something sure seems amiss with that logic!

Patton and McArthur were terrible leaders. They used their own self interests to achieve military goals, even if that meant wasting mens lives. That doesnt make them good leaders. A narcissitic approach to war when soldiers lives are wasted isnt what character is all about.

They were both removed because in each case, smarter people prevailed.



Staff member
You don't know how many attacks may have been broken & I are not privy to that don't talk like you're in the deep dark secret service when all you are is a purple people eater!
I'm not sure if you are insulting me or not. When you say, "...don't talk like you're in the deep dark secret service..." are you referring to the vast number of intelligence professionals on record as saying that EIT is counter-productive and that there has never been a Jack Bauer like situation that EIT has prevented? If there were such an attack, I'm certain that blabbering idiot Steve King would be crowing about it on O'Reilly.


Staff member
Lately I've been hanging out at the Church of Reality.

LOL. Is that for Real? Interesting. Says they believe in a "one true Reality". Note particularly the use of "R" rather than "r". Now juxtapose that with the Jewish "Yaweh" meaning "I am" as in a "one true I am". In essence in Judeo-Christian belief we are called to set aside the personal "I am" in deference to the "one true I am" which I would be interested to see in context of the "one true Reality". I think in many situations the two must come to considerable because how coud a "one true Reality" be of such a singular, personal, outlook as to deny the rest of...well, reality.


Well-Known Member
LOL. Is that for Real? Interesting. Says they believe in a "one true Reality". Note particularly the use of "R" rather than "r". Now juxtapose that with the Jewish "Yaweh" meaning "I am" as in a "one true I am". In essence in Judeo-Christian belief we are called to set aside the personal "I am" in deference to the "one true I am" which I would be interested to see in context of the "one true Reality". I think in many situations the two must come to considerable because how coud a "one true Reality" be of such a singular, personal, outlook as to deny the rest of...well, reality.

I agree; I think. You should ask MrFedEx for his opinion.


Well-Known Member
If our soldiers are fighting for our freedoms, how come we keep loosing them as we defeat our supposed enemies? Something sure seems amiss with that logic!

Perhaps you don't understand the nature of war.
It's not like playing a game of chess.


golden ticket member
I see pictures of the streets of Pak. this morning and hear the yelling of anti-American words.....yet, I'll bet our gov't is getting all ready to mail this month's check to them...STOP IT !!