Democratic National Convention


Engorged Member
Funny thing is that Paul Ryan is still trying to suck up to Clinton Democrats. Wonder what Bill has to do to make Ryan understand he supports Obama?

I think Ryan is after the Reagan Democrats, the uneducated white males who used to be Democrats until Ronnie came along and convinced them that minorities were getting a free handout, and that the Republicans could stop it. These are working folks too dumb to realize that when they vote GOP, they're voting against themselves. As long as Ryan and Romney keep race-baiting, they'll probably be able to keep this demographic.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
I think Ryan is after the Reagan Democrats, the uneducated white males who used to be Democrats until Ronnie came along and convinced them that minorities were getting a free handout, and that the Republicans could stop it. These are working folks too dumb to realize that when they vote GOP, they're voting against themselves. As long as Ryan and Romney keep race-baiting, they'll probably be able to keep this demographic. have just been awarded...

Race Card Championship.jpg
Race Card Championship.jpg


Staff member
I think Ryan is after the Reagan Democrats, the uneducated white males who used to be Democrats until Ronnie came along and convinced them that minorities were getting a free handout, and that the Republicans could stop it. These are working folks too dumb to realize that when they vote GOP, they're voting against themselves. As long as Ryan and Romney keep race-baiting, they'll probably be able to keep this demographic.
that's not nice. You just described vantexan.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I think Ryan is after the Reagan Democrats, the uneducated white males who used to be Democrats until Ronnie came along and convinced them that minorities were getting a free handout, and that the Republicans could stop it. These are working folks too dumb to realize that when they vote GOP, they're voting against themselves. As long as Ryan and Romney keep race-baiting, they'll probably be able to keep this demographic.

Well put.




Strength through joy
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Strength through joy
Second runner up:
“I avoid reality by looking at the world through rose colored asses.”
First runner up:
There are none so blind as those who cannot see.
—Gerry in BG
The winner:
“Do these asses make my brain look small?”
–Judith M.
Congratulations, Judith M.; you have earned a free shirt from the ever-expanding selection at Party Crasher.


Well-Known Member
“You’re the one who sent Kennedy to Washington. You’re the one who put the present democratic administration in Washington, D.C.. The whites were evenly divided. It was the fact that you threw 80% of your votes behind the democrats that put the democrats in the white house…what do you get out of it? …They’ve been down there four years. And all other legislation they’ve wanted to bring up they’ve brought it up and got it out of the way and now they bring up you. Now they bring up you. You put them first and they put you last. ‘Cause you’re a chump. A political chump. Any time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government and that party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you’re dumb enough to walk around continuing to identifying yourself with that party…aw, I say, you been misled. You been had. You been took.”

-Malcolm X, 1964

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I congratulate BHO for standing up with some backbone and taking a position on the Chicago Teachers Strike. Oh rriigghht, that did not happen!

The Great Democratic President has no opinion on the Chicago Teacher/Union Thugs Strike.

This is the so called home of BHO but once again, instead of having courage and showing leadership, he bows to the campaign for President. He throws his former chief of staff under the bus so he will not piss the union thugs off. After all, he is too afraid to upset his supporters. More examples of the lack of leadership from the weakest White House occupant in history.


Well-Known Member
I congratulate BHO for standing up with some backbone and taking a position on the Chicago Teachers Strike. Oh rriigghht, that did not happen!

The Great Democratic President has no opinion on the Chicago Teacher/Union Thugs Strike.

This is the so called home of BHO but once again, instead of having courage and showing leadership, he bows to the campaign for President. He throws his former chief of staff under the bus so he will not piss the union thugs off. After all, he is too afraid to upset his supporters. More examples of the lack of leadership from the weakest White House occupant in history.

Just curious, what exactly would you like/expect him to say?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Just curious, what exactly would you like/expect him to say?

Get back to the job of teaching and continue to negotiate in good faith. He could point out as Reagan did, that the government has a responsibility to protect and serve the citizens and are held to a higher standard.

A big deal was made at DNC about how the Republicans would basically throw the kids under the bus by cutting back on programs which is a complete fabrication but this is exactly what is happening in Chicago right now and backed by the unions who backed the White House. BO does not want to step on toes because it is all about the campaign instead of governing. This has been the case for 4 years. The first question to BHO is always "What decision will affect my chances of getting re-elected?" Just like voting "present" in the senate.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
I think this is a local issue which does not require the POTUS to get involved. when he did not make a comment about the professor at Cambridge and the cop...or when did not say anything about the teenager that was capped by the neighborhood watch dude. Obama only sticks his nose in when he can get some votes or throw out the race card like a good Liberal.