Divorce vs legal separation


Well-Known Member
I bust my ass 5 days a week I leave for work between 7:00 and 7:30 in the morning and I sometimes don't get home till after 9:00 at night. I need some free time to do things with the my guy friends else I would go friend-ing nuts. She leave the house at 8:15 drops the kids off at school and them pick them up at three and goes home goes to her girl friends houses goes shopping to the club in the summer etc. All while I'm busting my ass then when I want to do things on the weekend I'm the a hole. I don't think so...

I find it quite revealing that you didn't mention spending time with your kids.


Well-Known Member

I had to take tomorrow off I have to go to court she got a retraining order on me so I can't have contact with my kids or her Monday and I was the one who had to call the cops on her Sat morning. I never got served my lawyer got a copy of it today said it was bogus. My lawyer also got a copy of the 911 call and is going file one against her tomorrow when we get to court...

Nothing says "I Love You" more than matching restraining orders.


Well-Known Member
My Sup text me this morning asking me if there was anyway of me being able to cancel the court this morning about the restraining order preventing me from seeing my kids... What a friend-ing a-hole... My center manager I talked to yesterday said don't worry about it if you get done early and want to come in late call and let him know other wise I'll see you on Wednesday.

I got a solution hire more people....


Well-Known Member
Nothing says "I Love You" more than matching restraining orders.

I think when I told my lawyer that my wife said We will see what your lawyer with 12 years of experience can do. Made it game on....

Also the dual restraining order could get her to drop hers in turn if I'd drop mine as mine doesn't paint a pretty picture of things that have been happening with the kids and her....

There is no price to put on not being able to see your kids. I'll spend every penny I have in order to spend quality time with them.....

I'll just have to work a little slower and make more money.....


Well-Known Member
I think when I told my lawyer that my wife said We will see what your lawyer with 12 years of experience can do. Made it game on....

Also the dual restraining order could get her to drop hers in turn if I'd drop mine as mine doesn't paint a pretty picture of things that have been happening with the kids and her....

There is no price to put on not being able to see your kids. I'll spend every penny I have in order to spend quality time with them.....

I'll just have to work a little slower and make more money.....

...yet you would rather spend your free time on the weekends with your buddies...


Well-Known Member
...yet you would rather spend your free time on the weekends with your buddies...

Yes a couple of hours on the weekend or an afternoon with the guys I didn't say all weekend Dave you really take things to extreme.... Everyone needs there own time to do things..... Well not according to you.


Well-Known Member
Well her restraining order wasn't continued and after filling mine and given her and her attorney a copy she wanted to work out an temporary agreement till the Divorce is finalized so I withdrew my complaint.

Went back to the house to get a couple of things and she talkative for the first time and months but was pretty pissed off probably do to the fact she the temporary agreement wasn't to her liking and I got more of what I wanted then she did. I didn't get everything I wanted but I got the most important things overnight visitation....