Global warming


Well-Known Member
I'd say the climate "fanatics" are the ones denying it's happening. When the effing Pope is on-board, it's a pretty hard sell to say that all of the scientists are wrong.
It's truly amazing that you cling to the shreds of tainted "science" that deny global warming. The Pope isn't a scientific authority, but you can bet he's advised by credible scientists. If God had created a self-regulating Earth, don't you think the Pope would be down with it? The arguments against global warming are so weak as to be laughable.

Is it a valid argument to say that the pope is advised by scientientists if he were to say that life begins at conception?

It appears to me that the radical left is putting themselves in an odd position defending religion.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
It's truly amazing that you cling to the shreds of tainted "science" that deny global warming. The Pope isn't a scientific authority, but you can bet he's advised by credible scientists. If God had created a self-regulating Earth, don't you think the Pope would be down with it? The arguments against global warming are so weak as to be laughable.
Global warming is a scam.

There are e-mails from so-called top climate scientists proving this.

The fact that you and the main stream media keep running that it's real despite that fact is truly amazing.


Well-Known Member
A reply to the Pope's views on conception, or his scientific background, or your misspelling?

First, unlike you I am not pretending to be smarter than I actually am.

Second, if it didn't put you in a difficult position to defend scoentific views of Popes you wouldn't be evasive.

Third, yes it is entertaining to mock you.


Engorged Member
Still don't know if you should defend a pope or not? So easy :)

The whole point isn't that the Pope is some global warming expert, it's that the leader of a conservative religion would come forth and state the obvious, even though there are plenty of conservative Catholics that would like to shut him up.


Well-Known Member
The whole point isn't that the Pope is some global warming expert, it's that the leader of a conservative religion would come forth and state the obvious, even though there are plenty of conservative Catholics that would like to shut him up.


The point that I replied to was that the Pope knew more about science because he had credible scientists advising him. We can ignore that the Vatican uninvited scientists to the summit that had different views if you want but since it was your point you have to agree that his stand on abortion cannot be debated since he has "credible" scientists advising him right? After all it was your point. Given the basis of his global warming stance is that all human life is special and you are touting it that would have to mean that you defend his other positions as well correct? Or is it simply that you do as you accuse others and cherry pick?


Engorged Member

The point that I replied to was that the Pope knew more about science because he had credible scientists advising him. We can ignore that the Vatican uninvited scientists to the summit that had different views if you want but since it was your point you have to agree that his stand on abortion cannot be debated since he has "credible" scientists advising him right? After all it was your point. Given the basis of his global warming stance is that all human life is special and you are touting it that would have to mean that you defend his other positions as well correct? Or is it simply that you do as you accuse others and cherry pick?

NO. You're accusing me of cherry-picking what the Pope says. My point is that it's significant that someone as conservative as the Pope would agree that climate change exists. Personally, I have no use for the Pope or the Catholic church either. Their stance on abortion, gays, etc. are all idiotic. Given that it's a Stone Age religion in terms of being progressive, having a Pope agree with climate change is rather astounding. I don't consider him an authority on anything other than being Catholic and protecting gay priests and bishops who molest young boys.