

Case after case, guns in the home kill more family than intruders in this country.

As I have said before, this is a toxic country. A land of mental malcontents armed to the teeth just waiting for an opportunity to kill someone.

Alcoholics, drug addicts, prescription abusers and people with mental disorders can get guns and nobody seems to care.

The reason? Well, like Rainman said, who makes that determination? Gun owners dont want mental evaluations before you can get a gun.

If they did, thousands of gun owners wouldnt be allowed to have guns. And those thousands would save lives.

in this case, another home owner with guns falls victim to his own guns because guns solve all problems.

Death after death in the home and yet gun owners refuse to accept there is a problem with guns.

The glorification of the gun and the ego boost for gun owners is the high that blinds them from reality.

Guns will always kill people, thats what its designed to do.

No sir
Guns do not do anything. People do. And bad people will kill people, with a gun or knife or car or bat or pipe or stick or hands or screw driver or hammer.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Did you read the article?
Yes, I read the article.

It said he was "waving the gun around" and yet for whatever reason the police chose not to arrest him. That is the problem, not open carry. In my state, "waving a gun around" in public is considered reckless endangerment and it is against the law. Open carry is legal. Waving a gun at people is not. The two actions are completely different.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Comparing alcohol use, driving, cell phone use, or any other non related thing to firearms, is definitely a strawman argument.
No it is not.

Alcohol, cars, guns and cell phone use ( while driving) are all personal choices that carry an element of risk both to the person using/doing them and the people around them. They are all choices that the government attempts to regulate to varying degrees. I would say the only real difference between them is that the right to keep and bear arms is a Constitutional one, whereas the right to own and drive a car, own and use a cellphone, or own and consume alcohol is not.


Inordinately Right
Come on guys, give TOS a break.... after all he has single handedly solved America's crime problem with his brilliant idea. Everyone just needs to move out of bad neighborhoods, and then there will be no more crime.


cap'n crunch
Spend the money moving to a nicer area then buying a gun. If you choose to live in an area where your neighbors are shot dead in their homes, guess what?
I haven't been on this board very long, however I would hope that the quality of the conversations would be higher than this. Maybe that is how you elicit responses from people, coming up with something as off the wall as your comments were. I guess it worked, huh? First of all, I live in a city north of houston, not in Houston proper. When I moved here 30 years ago, things were different to be sure. But things change and evolve. There isn't a place you can go that you are completely safe. Being as close to Mexico as we are, Texas has experienced tremendous population growth the last few years. The police do as well as they can under the circumstances. This is Texas! most everybody has an oil well and a herd of cows in the back 40! We take the 2nd amendment serious down here. Most everyone carries a gun, hell, sometimes 2! If you anti-gun folks feel the way you do, well, more power to you. Sit around in a circle, holding hands and singing kumbaya while you dream of unicorns and rainbows all you want. Me, I'll be carrying my 9mm and protecting my family and property, because I can.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Yes, I read the article.

It said he was "waving the gun around" and yet for whatever reason the police chose not to arrest him. That is the problem, not open carry. In my state, "waving a gun around" in public is considered reckless endangerment and it is against the law. Open carry is legal. Waving a gun at people is not. The two actions are completely different.
Not in Georgia.

I believe you are a reasonable man, but have a hard time seeing both sides of the gun 'argument' (note the parenthesis).

Sometimes peoples perceived 'Freedoms' impinge on others 'Freedoms'. Your right to bear arms should not impinge on my free speech, the right to assemble, or my "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness".

Unfortunately, some courts, and individuals, consider themselves above the rights of others.

I don't care if you have a gun, just keep it out of my face, if I pose mo threat to your well being.

The sad thing is, we allow anyone to have a gun, and not everyone is sane. There is no reason that the Second Amendment should be the only one without limits.

Any reasonable person should agree on that.

Any reasonable person should also agree that a gun has one purpose, to kill. A bottle of beer doesn't share that purpose, nor does a car, or cell phone.

Hence the apt 'strawman' descriptor.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
YA, move.


So where would you suggest we move to?

Someplace nice and safe, with the strictest gun laws in the nation? Like Chicago, or Washington DC maybe?

Hmm, maybe not such a good idea. Maybe we should move someplace with the lowest crime rate in the nation. Someplace like, say, Vermont. Nice and safe. I bet they have strict gun laws there, too.

Whats that you say?

Vermont actually allows ANY law-abiding citizen to carry a concealed handgun? Without a permit? How can that possibly be safe? How can Vermont possibly have the lowest crime rates in the nation?

Im confused....


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I haven't been on this board very long, however I would hope that the quality of the conversations would be higher than this. Maybe that is how you elicit responses from people, coming up with something as off the wall as your comments were. I guess it worked, huh? First of all, I live in a city north of houston, not in Houston proper. When I moved here 30 years ago, things were different to be sure. But things change and evolve. There isn't a place you can go that you are completely safe. Being as close to Mexico as we are, Texas has experienced tremendous population growth the last few years. The police do as well as they can under the circumstances. This is Texas! most everybody has an oil well and a herd of cows in the back 40! We take the 2nd amendment serious down here. Most everyone carries a gun, hell, sometimes 2! If you anti-gun folks feel the way you do, well, more power to you. Sit around in a circle, holding hands and singing kumbaya while you dream of unicorns and rainbows all you want. Me, I'll be carrying my 9mm and protecting my family and property, because I can.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Did you read the article?
My mistake, I read the "fair use excerpt" you posted and assumed it was a direct quote of the article and apparently it was not. The excerpt said he "waved the gun around" while the article did not, which is an important distinction.

FWIW I support the right to open carry in the same way I support the right to parade around in front of a school wearing nothing but a fuzzy pink jock strap; in the interests of liberty I will defend your right to make either choice even though I personally find both choices to be socially unacceptable and rather obnoxious.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
My mistake, I read the "fair use excerpt" you posted and assumed it was a direct quote of the article and apparently it was not. The excerpt said he "waved the gun around" while the article did not, which is an important distinction.

FWIW I support the right to open carry in the same way I support the right to parade around in front of a school wearing nothing but a fuzzy pink jock strap; in the interests of liberty I will defend your right to make either choice even though I personally find both choices to be socially unacceptable and rather obnoxious.
It's tough being in the queue, but the man was 'flaunting' his weapon.

If you had followed the link, you would have seen this description of the incident:

A Georgia man panicked parents and children at a local park and baseball field by randomly walking around and displaying his gun to anyone he encountered in the parking lot.

According to witnesses who spoke with WSB-TV, the man wandered around the Forsythe County park last Tuesday night showing his gun to strangers, telling them “there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“Anyone who was just walking by – you had parents and children coming in for the game – and he’s just standing here, walking around [saying] ‘You want to see my gun? Look, I got a gun and there’s nothing you can do about it.’ He knew he was frightening people. He knew exactly what he was doing,” said parent Karen Rabb.

Rabb said that the man’s intimidating behavior panicked parents causing them to hustle children who were there to play baseball to safety after the man refused to leave.

“It got to the point where we took the kids and brought them into the dugout and the parents lined up in front of the dugout,” Rabb said.

Police report they received 22 calls to 911 reporting the man.

Tell me that's not infringing on the rights of others.


Exactly. Dont move to metro LA. ITS A TOILET.

The Suburbs however, nice play to live, in peace and safety.

I live in a nice place. Safe as I can make it. I intend on making every effort to take care of myself and my family. When seconds count the police are only minutes away. Not in my case though trooper lives next door.
Seriously, I am ok with you not having a gun.


cap'n crunch
Bring a rifle to a park full of people is sure to elicit a response from the public. In Texas, you are allowed to carry a long gun (rifle or shotgun) out in the open as long as you don't carry it in a menacing manner or brandish it. Apparently, this description is open to interpretation of the local LEO. There is a load of people on youtube who get detained or arrested for open carrying long guns in Texas. More times than not, there are no charges pressed, and in some cases, people detained have won monetary awards in lawsuits. Education is the key here, to the public as well as some law enforcement. People tend to freak out when they see someone walking down the street with a gun. Calls are made. Police have to come and make out a report. Anyone who would carry a gun into a bunch of people is looking for trouble and/or attention. In Texas anyone can own guns for use to protect their property and you don't need any kind of school or paperwork. Recently the Castle doctrine was passed, making your vehicle an extension of your home. We have conceal carry here, but your gun must be concealed. If you "print", you can be arrested. Also, if anyone tresspasses on your property at night, you can use deadly force. I guess that goes back to the time when people rode horses to get around.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Any reasonable person should also agree that a gun has one purpose, to kill. A bottle of beer doesn't share that purpose, nor does a car, or cell phone.

The purpose of a gun is to discharge a projectile.

The intent of that discharge lies with the person pulling the trigger, not the gun itself.

Of the 300 million guns currently owned in this country, less than 1/1000th of one percent of them will ever be used to kill someone.