

Yanked Out My Purple-Blood I.V. In 2000!
I personally cannot afford to absorb any more cost of our health plan,especially earning less money year over year. My only option may be to quit and "stay home with the children" and get them on Medicaid.My husband and I would just go without coverage. He can't afford coverage thru his work so he's on mine. Anyone else ever feel this desperate. I'd hate to rely own the govt for this but can't continue to go much further into debt before the cars are repoed or the house foreclosed. Thanks FedEx for gouging your employees out of a decent living!

Sorry for your status. However, we are a country where the "down and out" are not to be helped. The government does too much for you, as it is (sarcasm). Don't feel ashamed if you need help. The very ones complaining in D.C. about "big government" WORK, for the "big government". And believe, their insurance is "premium". Good luck.


So, how does a "union" sound now folks? UPS pays nothing, nada, nil, zilch for the health care. With the amount of employees that Fedex has .. negotiating with an insurance company is not a hard thing to do. Do you really think FedEx is not in cahoots with the insurance guys? The cost of living is at least 6% a year. So a 2/3% raise is going backwards, whether your insurance goes up or not. We had a chance to do what "Big Brown" did; STRIKE! But no, too many folks were scared and this is what happens. Don't complain now. Suck it up or as one of our ex-seniors said, "You don't like it, go work somewhere else!" Your best bet is to try to stay healthy as you can, eat right, exercise and don't stress out that you are getting screwed.
They can't blame the ins company, they are self insured. FedEx pays the claims and sets our premiums. Blue Cross only administers the plan.


Well-Known Member
They can't blame the ins company, they are self insured. FedEx pays the claims and sets our premiums. Blue Cross only administers the plan.
It's amazing how in the dark some are about our insurance. I had a mgr tell me once the insurance company just doesn't want to pay for everything you have to fight them sometimes. I tried to explain to him we are self insured. He continued to argue with me and try to convince me "I was the idiot"


Well-Known Member
I personally cannot afford to absorb any more cost of our health plan,especially earning less money year over year. My only option may be to quit and "stay home with the children" and get them on Medicaid.My husband and I would just go without coverage. He can't afford coverage thru his work so he's on mine. Anyone else ever feel this desperate. I'd hate to rely own the govt for this but can't continue to go much further into debt before the cars are repoed or the house foreclosed. Thanks FedEx for gouging your employees out of a decent living!
When you think of this place, oil companies and the health/ pharmaceutical industries who give mass amounts of money to the government, which is really our money, in the form of kickbacks and or campaign contributions you shouldn't feel upset if it come down to you relying on a little help from the government. Think of it as your money anyway because it is.
I think there are more than a few of us if given the chance to do it all over to do again, having children may be a huge reconsider.
The way American businesses are treating the middle class, the best way to survive is to get married, but don't have any children. Sad, the country stands by and lets this happen but they have turned having children from a joy to a burden in less than a generation.


Engorged Member
So, how does a "union" sound now folks? UPS pays nothing, nada, nil, zilch for the health care. With the amount of employees that Fedex has .. negotiating with an insurance company is not a hard thing to do. Do you really think FedEx is not in cahoots with the insurance guys? The cost of living is at least 6% a year. So a 2/3% raise is going backwards, whether your insurance goes up or not. We had a chance to do what "Big Brown" did; STRIKE! But no, too many folks were scared and this is what happens. Don't complain now. Suck it up or as one of our ex-seniors said, "You don't like it, go work somewhere else!" Your best bet is to try to stay healthy as you can, eat right, exercise and don't stress out that you are getting screwed.

Hey Buddy!! You have a BAD ATTITUDE, FedEx is so great and our insurance is WORLD CLASS!! I can't believe the way some people are so unappreciative for what Fred does for us. FedEx is #1!!!
We are getting that raise in Oct. I don't know how much yet. I am far more concerned about the changes to our benefits being that unfortunately, I use/need them far more than I did just 5 years ago and before. I am pushing a friend of mine that has seen the/a memo describing our new choices. He said he will get it to me as soon as he can. From what I understand we will have 2 choices and our contribution will go up. That is not the fault of Fed Ex that falls squarely on Obama, btw.


Engorged Member
We are getting that raise in Oct. I don't know how much yet. I am far more concerned about the changes to our benefits being that unfortunately, I use/need them far more than I did just 5 years ago and before. I am pushing a friend of mine that has seen the/a memo describing our new choices. He said he will get it to me as soon as he can. From what I understand we will have 2 choices and our contribution will go up. That is not the fault of Fed Ex that falls squarely on Obama, btw.

Our crappy, expensive insurance coverage falls squarely on FedEx, and has for many years. Did your tinfoil hat send you a message that it was "Obama's fault"? Get with reality....Fred has screwed us for years with self-insurance.
I would hardly call it jumping the gun. They were told this would be taking place and have spent the last couple years planning and getting things in place.....and then it got pushed back 3 months before it was to go in to effect. You can't plan for these kinds of things overnight when it affects a couple hundred thousand employees. The communication was just starting to come out so it wouldn't be dropped on our laps the day before.

This plan like each year's plan is formulated YOY beginning right after implementation of the previous year's plan. In other words.....they will begin discussions on the 2015 plan sometime after Oct'14. I know because I called benefits to recommend changes(which of course they laughed at)regarding Long Term Care and they said it was already too late for that next year because agreements had already been made for the upcoming fiscal. So, the next year I called them "on time" and they said well that won't work either for the same ole corporate type reasoning and that is "Profit-Simply-Profit".
Our crappy, expensive insurance coverage falls squarely on FedEx, and has for many years. Did your tinfoil hat send you a message that it was "Obama's fault"? Get with reality....Fred has screwed us for years with self-insurance.

Actually, not "many years" if you define many as being less than 8+. Our costs and % of coverage did not begin to take a hit until after approx '06. "Many" years ago it was free.
Our crappy, expensive insurance coverage falls squarely on FedEx, and has for many years. Did your tinfoil hat send you a message that it was "Obama's fault"? Get with reality....Fred has screwed us for years with self-insurance.

You are/were correct, but it's almost ALL on Obama for this upcoming year.


Our crappy, expensive insurance coverage falls squarely on FedEx, and has for many years. Did your tinfoil hat send you a message that it was "Obama's fault"? Get with reality....Fred has screwed us for years with self-insurance.

You are/were correct, but it's almost ALL on Obama for this upcoming year.
How do you figure or are you regurgitating faux news? FedEx is self insured and sets our premiums and coverage, not Blue Cross. They have been increasing premiums and lowering coverage every year, way before Obamacare. Now the employer mandate has been pushed back 1 more year. There is only 2 reasons why they are increasing premiums and lowering coverage. Because they can and to increase their bottom line.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Business owners - Republican's for the most part. They will collude to make the Democratic health plan look like a total failure. Like these same business people haven't been bitching since the 80's over run away health costs. If the same plan came under a Republican administration, these owners would be praising it as "good for business". Such the games.

WOW - and you wonder where the term kool-aid drinker comes from! At least you got one thing right... it is a Democratic health plan - written entirely by the Democrats and rammed down the throats of everybody. As Nancy said - "We have to pass the healthcare plan first so you can find out what is in it."

Well now you are finding out what is in it and companies run by Democrats and Republicans are going to do what is necessary to stay solvent.
Young healthy workers will suffer the most from this legislation.
Ohhh, but your gonna see a far bigger difference YOY between plan years than we have since. As far as previous years you are correct if you proceed forward from approx '06. Before? No.


Ohhh, but your gonna see a far bigger difference YOY between plan years than we have since. As far as previous years you are correct if you proceed forward from approx '06. Before? No.
And that has to do with the correlation of growth at Ground not Obama. If they can make a 17% margin at ground paying lower wages, no benefits and skating around safety regulations and dot regulations then they are sure as hell going to try that at Express. It has nothing to do with Obama and everything to do with greed. They would be doing the same thing with Robme, even worse probably.


Well-Known Member
WOW - and you wonder where the term kool-aid drinker comes from! At least you got one thing right... it is a Democratic health plan - written entirely by the Democrats and rammed down the throats of everybody.

When you say it like that... I could say every law ever devised was SLAMMED DOWN OUR THROATS. You act as if it doesn't work both ways. The point is health care has been an issue since the mid 80's, everyone cried out of control. Then someone actually takes it on, instead of burying heads... most likely due to kickbacks. And what do you get... a total FUD campain. As we have seen now and how the Prez even said, we can change it and refine it if needed. They have done that and will continue to do so. I think Americans rather see action than no action and if it isn't right then you tweak it. All common sense to me.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I think we can agree that there are certain industries that need controls put in place. Healthcare definitely needs to be addressed, now, more so than ever.

The healthcare law is kind of like putting a home up without getting all the right people involved. What if your contractor decided to get someone off the street to install the electrical wiring instead of hiring a skilled technician and not worry about doing quality inspections, you will probably have a major electrical problem or fire in the future. Structural problems might result if you put a 4 x 4 where a 4 x 12 should be. It will cost a lot more to fix it later. Worse case scenario, it might be cheaper to tear it down and start again. This is what I was talking about when I said ramming it down our throats. Only a select few Democrats put 1200 page bill together. Nobody knew what was in this bill and now that it is being implemented, there are ramifications, costs and quality of life issues for all of us.

The only people this law really helps are those who did not have insurance and are able to get it now.

Another way to look at it... think of health insurance like having a car. the government is going to make sure every person that qualifies has to own and drive one. Penalties will ensue if you don't get one. The car companies will be forced to offer their cars at a cheaper price to those less fortunate. Who is going to absorb the cost to build the new cars. What about all the traffic that is on the streets because you have to drive the car! How much will you have to pay to get that special "cadilac" car. What will the manufacturer leave out now that he/she knows you have to buy it. They really don't have to fight for your business. New freeways will have to be built and homes torn down to accommodate the extra streets or lanes. .... and it goes on & on & on. Sound ridiculous does't it? !!! But this is where we are with this law.


Well-Known Member
Another way to look at it... think of health insurance like having a car. the government is going to make sure every person that qualifies has to own and drive one. Penalties will ensue if you don't get one. T

I think a better comparison is if you drive a car YOU HAVE TO HAVE car insurance. Somehow they have forced our hands there and no one is up in arms over it. That happened in the late 80's where it became a must have to legally drive. Where was the uproar on that, sure there was some spatter, but no much and now it is just a "like duh you need car insurance to drive".


Well-Known Member
I think a better comparison is if you drive a car YOU HAVE TO HAVE car insurance. Somehow they have forced our hands there and no one is up in arms over it. That happened in the late 80's where it became a must have to legally drive. Where was the uproar on that, sure there was some spatter, but no much and now it is just a "like duh you need car insurance to drive".

What will happen is everyone will be forced to buy a higher priced plan than they can afford, or at least most can afford. If they can't afford it they'll take the alternative cheaper penalty and do without until they need it. As more and more do this the health insurers will lose premiums while still being required to cover those with pre-existing conditions. At the point it becomes unprofitable to do so they'll get out of offering health insurance. That will leave the government as the single payer insurer which puts them in control of, what is it, 20% of the economy? That's the goal of the communi, er...., socialists in Washington. When your gov't starts regulating your choices maybe some of you will wake up to what has been done. When the gov't starts screwing up your choices maybe you'll get it. But I suspect you diehards will go down with the sinking ship than ever admit Obama et al actually made it worse(which is pretty amazing as it was already pretty screwed up for average people). What'll happen is very nice clinics will open up in the Bahamas or Costa Rica and the rich will go there. The rest of us will have to settle for long waits, denials, subpar care. OK, flame away...


Engorged Member
What will happen is everyone will be forced to buy a higher priced plan than they can afford, or at least most can afford. If they can't afford it they'll take the alternative cheaper penalty and do without until they need it. As more and more do this the health insurers will lose premiums while still being required to cover those with pre-existing conditions. At the point it becomes unprofitable to do so they'll get out of offering health insurance. That will leave the government as the single payer insurer which puts them in control of, what is it, 20% of the economy? That's the goal of the communi, er...., socialists in Washington. When your gov't starts regulating your choices maybe some of you will wake up to what has been done. When the gov't starts screwing up your choices maybe you'll get it. But I suspect you diehards will go down with the sinking ship than ever admit Obama et al actually made it worse(which is pretty amazing as it was already pretty screwed up for average people). What'll happen is very nice clinics will open up in the Bahamas or Costa Rica and the rich will go there. The rest of us will have to settle for long waits, denials, subpar care. OK, flame away...

Are tri-fold, tinfoil hats allowed in the country where you are going to retire? How will you get reception of your crazy FOX News ideas?


Well-Known Member
Are tri-fold, tinfoil hats allowed in the country where you are going to retire? How will you get reception of your crazy FOX News ideas?

He who laughs last...they may have pushed back the employer mandate a year but all the associated taxes are kicking in next year. Scoff all you want, if Dems are going to retool and rework they will be very busy, especially with the elections coming up.