I need advice on 401K


Well-Known Member
Down a bit but you shouldn't be worrying about short term gains and losses in a 401K. Its all about the long term.
Oh trust me I won't be retiring in the next 15 years I have nothing to worry about there. Was just curious how many people check periodically or if there is a big swing in the market.


Well-Known Member
Did you guys ever put money into your 401k when you were doing jobs like preloading/loading?
What percentage should I put in my 401k if/when I become a driver? How much do you guys put in and do you wish you put in more ?


Well-Known Member
Put in as much as you can. The money you put in now will have the greatest impact when you retire.

Looking back at all the crap I have bought, I wish I had put that money in my 401k instead. I also wish I started contributing when I first started, but it took me maybe 5 years to start. The sooner, the better.