Liberal / Conservative


Well-Known Member
What RW hack disagreed? I never quoted anyone else. And if he did disagree you still totally fail to counter the arguments. I never claimed to prove anything. All I did was point out the total lack of any proof in that study you seem to love so much. I see you can't provide any facts to support your claims.
Dude, really?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.

The TROLL PATROL'S favorite scientist Stephanie Pappas.

Who, in addition to writing several Yoga books is also a "science" writer for livescience. (notice the quotes around science)

Some of her excellent science articles include:

Why gay parents may be the best parents. Jan 15, 2012

Depression soars in obese seniors. Mar 24, 2011

Negative portrayals of Muslims get more media attention. Nov 29, 2012

Bumpier flights ahead on warming planet, study suggests. Apr 8, 2013

Space Buddha statue may be fake. Oct 24, 2012

In self control, dogs are only human. Apr 3, 2012

Is April a month prone to mass violence? Apr 16, 2013

Booty call, how to spot a fertile woman. Oct 17, 2010

Oh yes, this is the TROLL PATROL hero of the hour.

I hear she is specially liked by waiting troll and sporty troll.

Face it waitingfortheday. You lost.


Well-Known Member
Like I said earlier.

After you post that REAL STUDY, not a liberal term paper, I'll post mine.

But you still can't find a real study about your claim.

So sad.
So a college professor, from a real university, publishes a peer reviewed paper, and you dismiss it because what an editorial columnist opines? What constitutes a REAL STUDY for you? Not a published paper from a university professor who specializes in the subject, but an opinion from a political operative that shares your view?



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
So a college professor, from a real university, publishes a peer reviewed paper, and you dismiss it because what an editorial columnist opines? What constitutes a REAL STUDY for you? Not a published paper from a university professor who specializes in the subject, but an opinion from a political operative that shares your view?

She's not impartial or unbiased.

End of story.


Well-Known Member
She's not impartial or unbiased.

End of story.
What in the world are you talking about? The link to the study had nothing to do with the columnist that compiled the piece. The author of the piece compiles from papers and puts them in an online magazine. Her article links to a scientific paper that I directly linked for you. She is not the author of the study.

Are you being deliberately obtuse, or are you unable to see the difference? It's interesting that you take the word of an editorial with the opposite view, and much more partisan in tenor, as fact, but reject a reasoned explanation of an actual study as bunk.

If you want to carry on a discussion/argument, try to stay on subject. Don't make up an answer to a question that never existed, like above.


Well-Known Member
Most hard scientists are conservative. It is the liberal arts/social science crowd that lean liberal.

That's one of the weirdest statements I've ever read on the BC.

Most 'hard scientists' are conservative? Says who?

What defines a 'hard scientist'?

WTF are you talking about?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.

That's one of the weirdest statements I've ever read on the BC.

Most 'hard scientists' are conservative? Says who?

What defines a 'hard scientist'?

WTF are you talking about?
After reading this thread, that is what you have issues with?

Nothing on Conservatives have low IQ's and are racists?

Doesn't bother you?

Even though absolutely no proof is given?



Well-Known Member

That's one of the weirdest statements I've ever read on the BC.

Most 'hard scientists' are conservative? Says who?

What defines a 'hard scientist'?

WTF are you talking about?
Hard science generally means natural vs social science. Social science is soft. natural is hard. Biology and Chemistry are hard sciences, as is atmospheric science. Anthropology and psychiatry, as well as sociology would be soft.

One is not superior to the other, and a wise person would be aware of all facets of science, and how it affects humankind.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
What in the world are you talking about? The link to the study had nothing to do with the columnist that compiled the piece. The author of the piece compiles from papers and puts them in an online magazine. Her article links to a scientific paper that I directly linked for you. She is not the author of the study.

Are you being deliberately obtuse, or are you unable to see the difference? It's interesting that you take the word of an editorial with the opposite view, and much more partisan in tenor, as fact, but reject a reasoned explanation of an actual study as bunk.

If you want to carry on a discussion/argument, try to stay on subject. Don't make up an answer to a question that never existed, like above.
A few problems with that so called study.

As Forbes points out.

That racism and homophobia are attributed to economic disadvantage. (the poor have less educational opportunities)

Another problem, is half of this study is in England.

Where conservatism and racism don't go hand and hand. (Unless you want to describe racism as just being right wing)

And lastly. Conservative want lower tax rates and lower taxes. That means the government will have less to give to the disadvantaged. The disadvantage are typically people of color. So the study says that by wanting this, conservatives are racist.

So, most of your STUDY, says conservatives are racists because they want lower taxes.

You have got to be kidding me.

This whole time I thought the racists were the liberal Democrats, who imported blacks into the country for slavery.

Kept them in slavery for over a hundred years in this country.

Fought to keep them in slavery in the Civil War.

Fought giving them citizenship.

Fought giving them the right to vote.

Fought giving them equal rights.

Am I missing something here? (TROLLS NEED NOT ANSWER)


Well-Known Member
A few problems with that so called study.

As Forbes points out.

That racism and homophobia are attributed to economic disadvantage. (the poor have less educational opportunities)

Another problem, is half of this study is in England.

Where conservatism and racism don't go hand and hand. (Unless you want to describe racism as just being right wing)

And lastly. Conservative want lower tax rates and lower taxes. That means the government will have less to give to the disadvantaged. The disadvantage are typically people of color. So the study says that by wanting this, conservatives are racist.

So, most of your STUDY, says conservatives are racists because they want lower taxes.

You have got to be kidding me.

Polly want a cracker? You are just parroting and you know it.
This whole time I thought the racists were the liberal Democrats, who imported blacks into the country for slavery.

Kept them in slavery for over a hundred years in this country.

Fought to keep them in slavery in the Civil War.

Fought giving them citizenship.

Fought giving them the right to vote.

Fought giving them equal rights.

Am I missing something here? (TROLLS NEED NOT ANSWER)

Well, they (slave holders) were Democrats at one point, Colonialists before that, even Founding Fathers. They were never 'liberal' in the modern sense. That's where your mistake is.

Work on that GED, get a day job, move to a RTW state, and prosper. Better hope that social services don't get cut, i have a feeling you and your family will need them before it's all over.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
A few problems with that so called study.

As Forbes points out.

That racism and homophobia are attributed to economic disadvantage. (the poor have less educational opportunities)

Another problem, is half of this study is in England.

Where conservatism and racism don't go hand and hand. (Unless you want to describe racism as just being right wing)

And lastly. Conservative want lower tax rates and lower taxes. That means the government will have less to give to the disadvantaged. The disadvantage are typically people of color. So the study says that by wanting this, conservatives are racist.

So, most of your STUDY, says conservatives are racists because they want lower taxes.

You have got to be kidding me.

This whole time I thought the racists were the liberal Democrats, who imported blacks into the country for slavery.

Kept them in slavery for over a hundred years in this country.

Fought to keep them in slavery in the Civil War.

Fought giving them citizenship.

Fought giving them the right to vote.

Fought giving them equal rights.

Am I missing something here? (TROLLS NEED NOT ANSWER)
I don't have to dream up anything witty, WE should just be glad that we have a front-row seat to laugh at all these Republic-TeaCons science-deniers..


Well-Known Member
After reading this thread, that is what you have issues with?

Nothing on Conservatives have low IQ's and are racists?

Doesn't bother you?

Even though absolutely no proof is given?


No, because what you just described is chaff that I dismiss immediately.

It's absolutist.

It's clearly bull for anyone to claim that all 'conservatives' are racist and low-IQ.

You're not innocent in this however; your blanket definition of 'liberals' mirrors what you rail against.

In either case, using your terminology, 'back it up with facts'.

Show me somewhere how 'most hard-scientists are conservative'.

I only commented about your phrase because it's such a non-sequitur.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
No, because what you just described is chaff that I dismiss immediately.

It's absolutist.

It's clearly bull for anyone to claim that all 'conservatives' are racist and low-IQ.

You're not innocent in this however; your blanket definition of 'liberals' mirrors what you rail against.

In either case, using your terminology, 'back it up with facts'.

Show me somewhere how 'most hard-scientists are conservative'.

I only commented about your phrase because it's such a non-sequitur.
You dismissed ImWaitingForTheDay's so called study, but take issue with a statement by oldngray?

You make no sense.

Which doesn't surprise me considering who you hang with.

And liberals are EXACTLY how I describe them.

If you have a problem with that, I wouldn't be surprised one bit.

Your side has problems seeing reality, and just seeing what you want to.