Marjorie Taylor Greene Call for National Divorce


Well-Known Member
They may be the same but only one is bringing up divorce. And myself being from a deep blue state would welcome the emigration of many southern Illinois residents to Missouri and Kentucky should they so choose. I doubt many would go when the sheer gravity of the situation came to them.

Without a major party, do you think a civil war could really happen? Blue against Red, Blue probably wins easily. Blue + Red united against MAGAWORLD isn’t a civil war. It’s a slaughterhouse of small groups of angry and delusional individuals.
Blue would easily beat red? Reds are much more likely to have served in the military. The military consists of a lot more Reds. Reds tend to own a lot of guns for both protection and hunting. And country boys tend to be Red. Either you're trolling or haven't thought this through. Personally to avoid bloodshed we need to recognize the two sides don't have much in common and break up the country along political majority lines grouping states together. If the Northeast or the West Coast wants to continue to push liberal ideology let them. If the Southeast or Midwest wants to stay conservative let them. Go as extreme as you want in your majority liberal state. No trying to push what you believe on conservative states. And vice versa. Just observe the basic tenets of the Constitution. No shutting down churches in Blue states. No discrimination against minorities in Red states. But if Blue states don't allow the display of the Ten Commandments in public or Red states don't allow CRT in schools fine. If people feel their state is too extreme in either direction then they can move to a state they're more comfortable with. Let's stop trying to push our values on others and since some can't help themselves and want to control everything and everyone we should voluntarily separate ourselves. Either that or we can continue to push hatred until a civil war really does erupt.


Well-Known Member
Blue would easily beat red? Reds are much more likely to have served in the military. The military consists of a lot more Reds. Reds tend to own a lot of guns for both protection and hunting. And country boys tend to be Red. Either you're trolling or haven't thought this through. Personally to avoid bloodshed we need to recognize the two sides don't have much in common and break up the country along political majority lines grouping states together. If the Northeast or the West Coast wants to continue to push liberal ideology let them. If the Southeast or Midwest wants to stay conservative let them. Go as extreme as you want in your majority liberal state. No trying to push what you believe on conservative states. And vice versa. Just observe the basic tenets of the Constitution. No shutting down churches in Blue states. No discrimination against minorities in Red states. But if Blue states don't allow the display of the Ten Commandments in public or Red states don't allow CRT in schools fine. If people feel their state is too extreme in either direction then they can move to a state they're more comfortable with. Let's stop trying to push our values on others and since some can't help themselves and want to control everything and everyone we should voluntarily separate ourselves. Either that or we can continue to push hatred until a civil war really does erupt.
This would mean freedom for everyone which the left opposes. They want subjugation. The CONvid vaccine is a perfect example. It wasn’t good enough for them to get it. They wanted to force everyone else to bend the knee


Well-Known Member
I get that but have to ask do you want freedom for them too? Or do you want them subjugated?
Well I think everyone should convert to Christianity for their own benefit but I want it to be chosen willingly. The left is just plain evil so if they want to have a country that runs in their version of a utopia id allow it but I wouldn’t give them more than California Oregon and Washington


Well-Known Member
If you're Christian you shouldn't want civil war.
I don’t want it but it’s inevitable. Right now we have an oil and water mixture. They want to put people like me in concentration camps so I’d much prefer fighting than being a slave. How can you compromise with people who support unlimited slaughter of the unborn or grooming children. They’re sick and there’s no reasoning with them


Well-Known Member
I don’t want it but it’s inevitable. Right now we have an oil and water mixture. They want to put people like me in concentration camps so I’d much prefer fighting than being a slave.
You're believing conspiracy theories. Biden had complete control of the government for two years. Where are the concentration camps? The reason I still support the Constitution and vote is I don't see the extremes often claimed. Can talk all day about what they might do but I'd rather focus on what is actually being done.


Well-Known Member
I’d much prefer to have a peaceful and prosperous nation but the left does not want this that’s why they do the things they do. Burn it all down so it can be rebuilt as something else


Well-Known Member
I don’t want it but it’s inevitable. Right now we have an oil and water mixture. They want to put people like me in concentration camps so I’d much prefer fighting than being a slave. How can you compromise with people who support unlimited slaughter of the unborn or grooming children. They’re sick and there’s no reasoning with them
And you might want to check out the Book of Philemon.


Well-Known Member
You're believing conspiracy theories. Biden had complete control of the government for two years. Where are the concentration camps? The reason I still support the Constitution and vote is I don't see the extremes often claimed. Can talk all day about what they might do but I'd rather focus on what is actually being done.
It’s only the early days of one party rule. Hard to believe it’s only been two years of the pedophile but there’s gonna be at least 4 if not 8. And then he’ll be replaced by someone worse once the dementia gets so bad he’s unable to function as their puppet anymore


Well-Known Member
It’s early days of one party rule. Hard to believe it’s only been two years of the pedophile but there’s gonna be at least 4 if not 8 or else he’ll be replaced by someone who’s worse once he’s 100 percent unable to function as a puppet anymore
Remains to be seen. Until then conservatives on tv, radio, Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere are still expressing their views openly. And Christians still congregate. We've got problems but the idea we should kill others to get our way is foreign to Christianity.


Well-Known Member
You gotta remember too that Biden is just one man and a puppet. The entirety of Washington is a filthy sewer and 95 percent of it is run by bureaucracies that the people have no say about whatsoever


Well-Known Member
I don’t want it but it’s inevitable. Right now we have an oil and water mixture. They want to put people like me in concentration camps so I’d much prefer fighting than being a slave. How can you compromise with people who support unlimited slaughter of the unborn or grooming children. They’re sick and there’s no reasoning with them
You fight back through the political process. Or you just kill them all and let God sort it out. Which is exactly what a Christian shouldn't do.


Well-Known Member
You fight back through the political process. Or you just kill them all and let God sort it out. Which is exactly what a Christian shouldn't do.
It’s either us or them. There is no “political process”. Not anymore. Unless that process is just installing different satanic pieces of garbage that continue to run and ruin our lives