Marjorie Taylor Greene Call for National Divorce


Well-Known Member
Remains to be seen. Until then conservatives on tv, radio, Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere are still expressing their views openly. And Christians still congregate. We've got problems but the idea we should kill others to get our way is foreign to Christianity.
Vote out politicians who refuse to reform those bureaucracies.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
They want to put people like me in concentration camps so I’d much prefer fighting than being a slave.
The left won't be pleased that you've already found out about their Grand Plan. You don't know where they'll be built do you?
I would start with the prisons that were emptied out during the scamdemic because health emergency!!

I'd bet those communists slapped a piece of tape with your name on it on a cell door right after it was emptied out a couple years ago. Been vacant and waiting for your arrival ever since.


Well-Known Member
I'd bet those communists slapped a piece of tape with your name on it on a cell door right after it was emptied out a couple years ago. Been vacant and waiting for your arrival ever since.
You don’t need to tell me what I already know this stuff has played out many times throughout history. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking it could never happen here. We’re not special. In fact we have the blood of some 60 million babies on our hands and probably we deserve harsh judgment


Well-Known Member
You know nobody wanted to believe me or others when we tried to warn they’d do everything to try and mandate experimental vaccines and attempt to ruin the lives of those who didn’t comply and lo and behold that’s exactly what happened and is still happening

We’re not out of prison. We’re on parole for good behavior


Well-Known Member
Your attitude is basically to bend over and take it from them. It’s not mine. Or many others I know.
As Jesus told Peter if you live by the sword you die by it. Don't claim Christianity and then not follow it. Your soul's salvation for eternity is more important than getting your way in this life. There are other remedies like boycotting businesses that push extremism. But the idea of killing others to get your way is not a part of Christianity. It's a major reason non-Christians hate Christianity.


Well-Known Member
As Jesus told Peter if you live by the sword you die by it. Don't claim Christianity and then not follow it. Your soul's salvation for eternity is more important than getting your way in this life. There are other remedies like boycotting businesses that push extremism. But the idea of killing others to get your way is not a part of Christianity. It's a major reason non-Christians hate Christianity.
So we should continue to live in a perverse nation and not say or do anything about it? Other than vote which has been rendered meaningless. You should change your name to Tory Texan


Well-Known Member
So we should continue to live in a perverse nation and not say or do anything about it? Other than vote which has been rendered meaningless. You should change your name to Tory Texan
Who says we shouldn't say anything about it? You're free to point out what they're doing all day. You're free to not participate in what they're doing all day. You're free to protest. To support law enforcement and put criminals in jail. To support politicians who codify laws like not not allowing strip joints near schools. That punish paedophiles. Do I like what has happened with abortion? Of course not. I am glad that through the political process we got rid of Roe. But Christians aren't justified in killing others to get their way. Defending your life and the lives from others physically trying to harm you? Sure. Going after others to kill them because they disagree with you? No.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Who says we shouldn't say anything about it? You're free to point out what they're doing all day. You're free to not participate in what they're doing all day. You're free to protest. To support law enforcement and put criminals in jail. To support politicians who codify laws like not not allowing strip joints near schools. That punish paedophiles. Do I like what has happened with abortion? Of course not. I am glad that through the political process we got rid of Roe. But Christians aren't justified in killing others to get their way. Defending your life and the lives from others physically trying to harm you? Sure. Going after others to kill them because they disagree with you? No.
That would all be fine if we had institutions that were upstanding and honest but we don’t. It’s already gone to :censored2:. The left has infected absolutely everything. I hesitate to call myself conservative anymore because there really isn’t anything left to conserve


Well-Known Member
I think as the fed gets more and more abusive and elections matter less and less you will see states like Florida Texas and the rest of the south get serious about secession. But it could also be within states. For example there’s a part of rural Oregon that wants to join Idaho because they’re fed up with left wing Portland dictating the entire state. I’ve always felt my area of NJ should be a part of PA
Oregon can keep those cheap 13 counties. Not wanted in Idaho


Well-Known Member
You cuckservatives are forgetting who the government would back in a civil war. You might want to check your history on that one. Blue wins and it would be a very bloody loss for you cuckservatives.
Um, it's a civil war. Which means the military would break up to support each side. And since most military members vote Republican....