McCain and Palin


Nine Lives
Ive made my "choice" on when life begins so it is simple in my case. But let me ask you something. If life does not begin at conception, then that means that there is some split second that it does become life. If there is not a clear answer, doesnt it make sense to err on the side of life? If you allow abortions after the point life begins, isn't that murder?

Why limit it to point of conception?
When you think about having sex and then change your mind (more than likely it's the other person), isn't that the same. Remember Jimmy Carter's interview, lusting after a woman is already just like doing it?

Wish I had thought of this argument 25 years ago! :happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Ive made my "choice" on when life begins so it is simple in my case. But let me ask you something. If life does not begin at conception, then that means that there is some split second that it does become life. If there is not a clear answer, doesnt it make sense to err on the side of life? If you allow abortions after the point life begins, isn't that murder?
I respect your thoughts on this issue, and also you will hopefully instil them in your sons and daughters as well. That way we can greatly reduce unwanted pregnancies and the only choice to make is a cheap pack of condoms or the word NO


point taken,,,, guess we got off topic

but Im ready to go with religion when you give the word

I see the Hagee in you bursting at the seams, so I'll pass on that one.

Via PM, Browndevil and I have agreed to let this return to the original topic. So..............I REALLY like this Palin lady.

And back we go. I think this November will be quite interesting for all those who vote.


Well-Known Member
Ya Tour me too. I just got done reading about him on Wikipedia:happy2:
well instead of rehashing off topic stuff again all I can say is come into BC chat later on and we can pick this up. There is a reason I put this quote with my posts. Will be on around 9 or 930 here on the east coast. Now back to our regular scheduled postings


Well-Known Member
well instead of rehashing off topic stuff again all I can say is come into BC chat later on and we can pick this up. There is a reason I put this quote with my posts. Will be on around 9 or 930 here on the east coast. Now back to our regular scheduled postings
Thanks for the invite I will see how my evening goes. I am watching Cal Mich st. game and later ASU


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Start with Al Sharpton and anywhere Jesse Jackson makes a "preaching" appearance. As to your last line, that is beyond ridiculous, and deserves no response.

Gray area LIB, Does AIPAC ring a bell?....When Jess and Al appear are they representatives of their parish or community civic leaders.

After reading several of your replies on this post, I think this is more of miscommunications problem that true disagreement. You are using the term "Morality" in a way that most other people misconstrue. If you used "personal moral standards" instead of morality, more people may understand that part of your point better.
Morality is the basis of most of our laws and a government without morals just does not work. Even the Soviet Union and China figured that out. North Korea probably comes the closest to a governement without morals in the world today and it is dysfunctional at best.

Miscommunication on who's part?......Quotes "thrusts your morality onto others" and "leave out moral and religious judgement". Appreciate you breaking it down with your own spin and referencing people how to use and/or describe the definition of morals or morality unto others. How bout using ethics in place of morality, would that work for you?

It has always interested me that the libs think they get to define what is moral and what isn't. Then, if you disagree with them you are immoral. For instance, fighting a war for our country - immoral. Killing an unborn child - moral. Disagree with them on these issues and you are immoral. Countless other examples.........

So the secular "libs" decide whats any good books lately by Ann Coulter.

there you go trying to force your beliefs on us again

Sorry, I'm not the one with the religious quotes under my posts, those are between my family and my place of worship. And I certainly wouldn't advertise a spokesman who badmouths other religions. But that's your right, only mentioned it because of the false claim of me pushing moral or religious beliefs on people.

Funny how it all started political. Then we went to abortion. Is the next stop religion???

Funny how some encourage others to vote our political leaders in power over one issue without wieghing all the other issues at hand.

drives you nuts dont it? that's why it's there

Doesn't drive anybody nuts, just set backs the credibility scale down a notch. Why not have a post 9/11 Fallwell quote to go along with Hagee:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Morality is the basis of most of our laws and a government without morals just does not work.

Very true but I take it one step further. A people devoid of basic moral values as a culture as IMO historical fact has proven time and time again will empower a gov't among them that reflects the void of said morals. A moral people and culture will in a sense "self-regulate" which in itself never allows the conditions upon which gov't manipulates for it's own power and to accomplish those goals that lead to tyranny in the first place.

OK, back to the original subject of McCain and Palin. After Thursday night, what should have been the news story of the day on Friday and over the weekend with all the News Shows? I would think Obama's speech and the historic fact of a African American at the top of the ticket for a major party. Instead, all I've heard since Friday morning is about Sarah Palin. This morning I flipped on local PBS at 8:30 am and on Mclauglin Group it was mostly about Sarah. At 9 am on Fox, there's Chris Wallace and John McCain talking about Palin. I've not watched MTP on NBC, the CBS morning news show or CNN's Sunday deal but my guess is it won't be that much difference.

Was this part of the package Sarah Palin would bring as if you weren't careful, you'd think Obama and Biden had done a Richard Dreyfuss and run off with ET! I know they are still in the news but has Palin especially on Friday taken Obama/Biden out of the news cycle and IMO she did just that. If Thursday night was a coronation as some have called it and those type events are followed by a couple days of celebration and focus on the new bride, then the train jumped the tracks bigtime on Friday morning.

Some say McCain can't talk about lack of experience now and there may be a point or 2 with that but IMO the bigger part is "CHANGE" just flew out the window for Obama or at best someone shut the curtains and locked up the shutters!

At this point I'm just waiting to see what PT Barnum does next in this national lunacy we call presidential elections!



golden ticket member
I checked the 'guest' schedule for the Sunday morning news shows and it was all Republican guests......I think it's just because of the start of the Republican Nt'l Convention tomorrow that it's so one-sided today.


Well-Known Member
Well now it really becomes a bit interesting. Thanks to Lew Rockwell blogs for pointing out this Bill Kristol moment posted on YouTube back on June 29, 2008. Being connected like he is, did he know something the rest of us did not?

Kristol: Republicans More Open to Strong Women


Well-Known Member
Very true but I take it one step further. A people devoid of basic moral values as a culture as IMO historical fact has proven time and time again will empower a gov't among them that reflects the void of said morals. A moral people and culture will in a sense "self-regulate" which in itself never allows the conditions upon which gov't manipulates for it's own power and to accomplish those goals that lead to tyranny in the first place.

OK, back to the original subject of McCain and Palin. After Thursday night, what should have been the news story of the day on Friday and over the weekend with all the News Shows? I would think Obama's speech and the historic fact of a African American at the top of the ticket for a major party. Instead, all I've heard since Friday morning is about Sarah Palin. This morning I flipped on local PBS at 8:30 am and on Mclauglin Group it was mostly about Sarah. At 9 am on Fox, there's Chris Wallace and John McCain talking about Palin. I've not watched MTP on NBC, the CBS morning news show or CNN's Sunday deal but my guess is it won't be that much difference.

Was this part of the package Sarah Palin would bring as if you weren't careful, you'd think Obama and Biden had done a Richard Dreyfuss and run off with ET! I know they are still in the news but has Palin especially on Friday taken Obama/Biden out of the news cycle and IMO she did just that. If Thursday night was a coronation as some have called it and those type events are followed by a couple days of celebration and focus on the new bride, then the train jumped the tracks bigtime on Friday morning.

Some say McCain can't talk about lack of experience now and there may be a point or 2 with that but IMO the bigger part is "CHANGE" just flew out the window for Obama or at best someone shut the curtains and locked up the shutters!

At this point I'm just waiting to see what PT Barnum does next in this national lunacy we call presidential elections!


That first paragraph is great and should be taught in every school in this nation! Well said.
If the intent was to derail the "Obama Moment", the idea was (is) pure genius. I am not so sure that was the intent, as much as, with the convention at hand, McCain needed to make his decision. I would not have believed the simple mention of a name could energize a movement as this has done. Many, myself included, planned to vote McCain purely to keep Obama out. Now, we have something to enthusiastically get behind. The tide has definatly turned.


Well-Known Member
Palin is running for the wrong position. She should be a Conservation Officer at best. I could see her writing tickets for pouchers not runnning for VP!

Let's all remember here who wears the pants! :princess:

What is McCain Thinking, she should be on the Democratic slate considering her back ground!

Republicans do not stand for UNIONS and will not fight for UNION JOBS!

Think about it before you vote!

She sounds like a wonderful women but not for VICE President of the United States!