New Hire Doing Driver Training class


Lmao....thanks. I worked as a package handler in the early 90's. I kick myself in the ass for not staying then. Hopefully everything goes ok and I get a a chance to stay after season. Love the advice !!!! Don't mind working overtime or helping someone out. Glad to be home. Been an otr driver and only home 3 days a month. Missing wife and kids being gone that long.


So I know this will be a seasonal temp position but would love to stay with company after its over. Any suggestions or advise. Package handler, feeder, air position or should I apply for any open position just to keep my foot in door. Thanks for any suggestions


Lunch is the best part of the day
Go on and look for a feeder job. It will take years to go full time working inside. Relocate if you have to


Great. Thanks for the advise. I'll look into that position and hopefully easier to get in full time than working inside. I thought they were otr drivers that had a dedicated route


Thanks. I checked. No opportunities yet but set up alerts. Keeping fingers crossed I won't have to go back over road and leave family again for 3 weeks at a time