Obama? Really?


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Mittens pension is places like the Cayman Island, Luxembourg and Switzerland...places where his money doesn't pay taxes.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
That's not interesting, that's ridiculous. What does a guy with Mitt's wealth need a pension for?

Who are you to decide what he needs? Lucky for him you aren't his financial advisor.

Mittens pension is places like the Cayman Island, Luxembourg and Switzerland...places where his money doesn't pay taxes.

Maybe but he paid $1.9 mil in taxes here in the states. I guess thats not enough for you though. What did you pay?


Well-Known Member
Religion over individual rights...abortion is only one piece of the puzzle. Gay marriage is another. Why should I care, or what business is it of the government's who can and can't get married? Basically, when religion comes anywhere near the law. That is what it means.

Corporations are people. Yes. You just made my point. Because of a 1819 Supreme Court decision, corporations not only have the same rights as a person, they also have more rights than an individual. Great news! Unless you're getting rolled by a corporation, or they can use legal bribery in the name of being a 'person'.

State over rights? How about how privacy always gets the shaft with our conservative courts, What about eminent domain abuse? You cool with all that?

Tax cuts don't help the economy anymore than Clinton 'helped' the economy roar in the 90's. The fact is, a war makes the economy roar more than any political philosophy. I would put tax cuts on the same plane as a stimulus. They are only band-aids. The engine of the economy can hiccup from the political touch, but those pistons will drive the way they want to, politics be damned.

Right up until the time borrowing and spending cause the dollar to lose its status in the world market. Then you won't be able to buy a loaf of bread with a wheelbarrel full of money--and your job and contract will vaporize right along with it. Will Romney cut spending as much as we really need? Probably not, but he sure as hell won't be the spend-o-crat Obama is.
People like you are the problem with this country. You sail your country down the river without a paddle to protect your "livelyhood" and your union job. Like I said before....selfish. The irony here is that it's all about protecting your high paying union job and has nothing to do with economics, national security, let alone whether or not your candidate was ever even qualified to do the job and their first term performance is reflecting that. Meaning....it's all about money. Isn't that why you commies hate republicans so much? Hmmmm......
I bet you would be a scab if you had the chance. It's people like you who pull down these ups wages negotiated by the teamsters that make me sick. You shouldn't even have this job with a statement like this. You should make 13$ bucks an hour like all the other wanna be republicans that mitt romney laughs at when you support him. I bet you are in a right to work state.

Richard Harrow

A Democrat congressman will be giving a speech tomorrow morning at work. I wonder how he's going to face 180 UPS Drivers after having voted for an unconstitutional bill that will eventually come to negatively affect the healthcare benefits we work so hard for?


Well-Known Member
For your monthly dues you have some of the best healthcare in the industry. You also have a very good stable pension from your dues. Mitt Romney wants to make this a right to work country what does that tell you??? I'm all for my country what's best for my country but I'm also all for my family. Mitt Romney would like to cut my throat so my family can't have what I have now. He cannot relate to me nor can I relate to him.
---- Wow!-- You only have a pension and healthcare because of the union?? What about UPS? If UPS wasn't here you wouldn't have JACK ****!! So would you rather the union be here or UPS? Romney will get business going again, Obama has lost it completely...If the economy sucks, which it does then jobs go bye, bye and so do ours...How's that for relatin???


Well-Known Member
The guy is so out of touch. A businessman who got rich squeezing pennies out of businesses,laying people off and bankrupting companies. The only people he relates to, make millions a year.
How do you run a business??? INTO THE GROUND---That's what I thought...
Ok Obama screwed everything up? Oh yea bush left it all gift warped so nicely and in good shape. Clinton left bush an economy in ruins right?? Nope. Everybody always blames the other as you probably do also. How did the first bush do? Do you remember. Probably not because he sucked also but maybe you could blame it on Reagan. Probably not because you will have to go back and blame carter. Whatever know it all.


My Senior Picture
---- Wow!-- You only have a pension and healthcare because of the union?? What about UPS? If UPS wasn't here you wouldn't have JACK ****!! So would you rather the union be here or UPS? Romney will get business going again, Obama has lost it completely...If the economy sucks, which it does then jobs go bye, bye and so do ours...How's that for relatin???

How is it that "the economy sucks", yet the S&P is over 1400 and companies like UPS are enjoying record profits?
The union benefits that you listed were won by Teamsters of long ago and are being pissed away by Teamsters with your apathetic views.
If you rely on companies to look out for your interests, then your future goes bye bye.
How's that for relatin???


Well-Known Member
How is it that "the economy sucks", yet the S&P is over 1400 and companies like UPS are enjoying record profits? The union benefits that you listed were won by Teamsters of long ago and are being pissed away by Teamsters with your apathetic views. If you rely on companies to look out for your interests, then your future goes bye bye. How's that for relatin???
---Let me see if I can splain this so a bubblehead can understand...---UPS is staying profitable by cutting back, loading your ass up with stops and waiting till the economy does better to hire again. The stock market is not an economic indicator so much with the fed on QE 3, using borrowed $$ to put money into the system to help it limp along...What we need are more jobs, jobs JOBS!!--- Not an artificial stimulation that will come back to bite us later...Oh and tell me how your union benies would be workin for ya if there was no UPS?? I'm not sayin no union, I'm sayin....NO OBAMA!!!!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I have a 89 yr old woman who says she adopted me, she used to live on my area, and she moved to AZ. She went and switched her vote, voted early and told me " I have been a democrat for 70 yrs, at least raised as one, I cant be one no more, I voted for Romney. I went down and voted early in Cave creek.
I say good for her, almost 90 and she can think for herself. First time I chatted with her in months. No matter what you want to say, this election is hitting nerves in people as never before. I believe it is the election of a lifetime.


My Senior Picture
---Let me see if I can splain this so a bubblehead can understand...---UPS is staying profitable by cutting back, loading your ass up with stops and waiting till the economy does better to hire again. The stock market is not an economic indicator so much with the fed on QE 3, using borrowed $$ to put money into the system to help it limp along...What we need are more jobs, jobs JOBS!!--- Not an artificial stimulation that will come back to bite us later...Oh and tell me how your union benies would be workin for ya if there was no UPS?? I'm not sayin no union, I'm sayin....NO OBAMA!!!!

What kind of jobs???
Good money after bad, Bush money? Probably.
You don't stop a big ship on a dime.
Obama deserves the opportunity to finish undoing two terms of Republican George W. Bush.


Well-Known Member
What kind of jobs??? Good money after bad, Bush money? Probably. You don't stop a big ship on a dime. Obama deserves the opportunity to finish undoing two terms of Republican George W. Bush.
Dude, It's about stopping the money train now, the debt is out of control. Bush spent and now Obama has doubled down with crap for results..You're right youcan't turn it on a dime but you gotta start some where. Tell us why Obama deserves more than one term when ZERO progress has been made, in fact we're going backwards....


Well-Known Member
Who are you to decide what he needs? Lucky for him you aren't his financial advisor.

Maybe but he paid $1.9 mil in taxes here in the states. I guess thats not enough for you though. What did you pay?

I paid more than 14% and if anyone wants to see my tax returns for the last 10yrs they are welcome to them.


Well-Known Member

It's not an "Obama Phone" but of course sounds much better when we get some girl from the 'hood, and we can knock the President.

It's part of the Lifeline Program.

Since 1985, the Lifeline program has provided a discount on phone service for qualifying low-income consumers to ensure that all Americans have the opportunities and security that phone service brings, including being able to connect to jobs, family and emergency services. In 2005, Lifeline discounts were made available to qualifying low-income consumers on pre-paid wireless service plans in addition to traditional landline service. Lifeline is part of the Universal Service Fund

Note the Lifeline program started in 1985 during the Reagan administration, and in 2005 the wireless plan was initated, during the Bush administration. This plan is funded by the Universal Service charge on your phone bill.

Signature Only

Blue in Brown
In order for civilization to survive the human race must remain civilized. Romney hasn't provided any indication that he would work for the republic and its citizens...All Of Them. As a country we can't move forward unless we all start walking.

Compromise and civility, not anger and exclusion, is needed.

Romney lost me with that 47% speech.