One In 5 Young Adults Doing Absolutely Nothing


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
We get more resources and better tech evrey year. Everyone life should be improving. There is no reason that anyone should not be able to afford a studio apartment on a full time job in one of the richest nations in history.
A person with minimal skills, minimal education, and minimal ability will have minimal motivation to improve their lives = a minimal wage. I don’t care what opportunities come along, they aren’t looking.Yes, there are exceptions.
A studio apartment? Well, I hear Disneyworld is nice this time of year.
The person described above has two ex wives and seven kids scattered all over the country.
“How many ketchups you want wit dat?”
The nation got rich when it recognized personal responsibility. We’re losing the treasure to losers and politicians who don’t.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Cry me a river.


PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
funny all the name calling in this thread. I believe in hard work and having pride in whatever you do. It just a different time, also I’m not advocating for laziness.


Well-Known Member
160k average year…850k for a house
100k for a driver, numbers like that, his kids probably qualify for free school lunches
Nah, SNAP and free lunches require about the same low income. Also, the numbers I gave are the means, not the medians. Drivers here make the median household income. Median home price is still $600k, though.